Monday, December 31, 2018

I may be clear out of my area, but I have to say this. I have lived in Honduras since 2009, minus one year in Costa Rica. If you come here, you are given a 90 day visa. If you overstay that visit you will have to pay a fine. I don't know what will happen past that. And I'm not planning to find out. You can get a residency card, but that too, has to be updated at the proper time or once again, you pay a fine.  And the fine depends on the amount of time that you are over due. You can pay for extra time while waiting on your residency.  
So why am I talking about this? Because I'm tired of hearing all the stuff about the border of the USA.  Every country has it's borders. If you go from one Central American country to another, you better have your passport, ID card, or whatever you have to prove who you are in order to enter their country.   Every Honduran that I know has an ID card with their picture, number, and whatever else is required by the government. Becky and I decided after leaving Choluteca, Southern HN, that we would go to El Salvador just to be going. Well, we didn't have our passports and we weren't allowed to enter except for turning around to head back from where we came. So why is the US supposed to be different and let anybody come in at any time for whatever reason, and there are basically no consequences to be had?
Most Hondurans that I know believe the migrants are out of their minds. I heard that 36 people left their jobs at one of the big banks in Tegucigalpa to join the caravan.  I thought, well there's 36 jobs for somebody. And do any of these people in the caravan look like their starving or are naked? And the babies and the kids? It is not President Trump's fault that these children have died. IT'S the PARENTS fault!!! Parents are responsible for the care of their children.  Would not a parent be 
charged with endangerment or maybe even manslaughter if they did that in the US? I don't know all the legal terms or laws, but I know that a parent would be charged with something in the US. 
I can only speak about what I have experienced here and observed. And I'm speaking in general terms about some things. Most Hondurans only obey laws when they want to do so. Most don't trust police because they don't obey the laws either.  And they don't listen very well at all! So when President Trump said, Don't come! They didn't listen or pay attention. My personal opinion is that if they don't obey the laws in their own country, why would they obey ours? I learned this past year that most Hondurans don't know their constitution. One of my adult students was shocked when I told her that I had a copy of the US Constitution. 
Another problem that I have seen is that children aren't taught to think! They aren't taught to evaluate, analyze, or to think individually. Most school work is done in groups. We all know that in a group, depending on its size, only one or two people actually work and the rest copy. And most don't want to read. If you find a reader here, it's like finding a real treasure.  The same with a person that tells the truth. Lying is common and a way of life.  So why am I here?  Because the Lord sent me here, and I really do like living here. You learn who to trust for whatever and who not to trust.  Those that speak and do truth become good friends.
So this has been my Vesuvius, and I feel better!

Sunday, December 30, 2018

2 Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear...

So here we are at another, almost, new year.  And what will it bring? Who knows? Only the Lord. And I'm so glad that he has it all.  A reason not to have fear.
Why am I talking about fear? Because about two weeks ago, I was robbed again! That makes five times since being in Central America! Once at Chili's in Tegucigalpa, once at the church in Costa Rica, once at my other house here in Valle, and two times in this house. I decided that I must be a very popular person. How crazy! But how do you know you're not scared unless something happens? 
When my house was robbed here in March, I was at a meeting at church. So I just saw the effects of the robbery. After that happened, my landlord had razor wire installed on the cement block wall that surrounds my house. It feels like a prison, because you can't see outside the wall unless you open the little or big gates used to enter and leave my property.  I do have a doorbell on the outside wall. At most homes here you just holler "Buenos" or "Hola".  There have been times where somebody will ring it as they're walking by. So unless I see somebody through the grate, I don't go to the gate. So on this particular night, it rang and I didn't  see anybody. After a while, it was rang two more times with nobody there. The fourth time, it was nonstop. So I decided to open my door to say something to whomever. Well, I opened by wooden door, and then I unlocked the security door. And when I had opened it a few inches, a man grabbed my hands and shoved me, gently, back into my house. He had a nice long butcher knife pointed at me. I was startled when someone grabbed my hands, and I thought-well, so much for the razor wire. The young man demanded my money. So I gave him what was in my wallet. There was a little more than $150 because I had gone to the ATM earlier that day. He just kept pointing that knife at me. I had no fear. I was very clam, and I kept thinking what kind of pain was I going to have if he used it on me.  And would he use it only one time or more. He told me to sit down on a dining room chair. Ok. But he was really nervous. And then I thought that maybe I would be  going to go see my son that had passed away in September.  No fear there.  He took my cell phone and then picked up my computer. I told him in Spanish to please don't take my computer because I needed it for my job and to communicate with my kids in the states. PTL, he set it back down and went outside. He told me to close the door and don't call the police. I obeyed!! I walked around my yard the next morning and sure enough, he had opened a place in the razor wire in one of the corners in my back yard.  I called my pastor who was in Tegus.The police arrived later with a brother from the church. They couldn't do anything. However, they came by several times in the following days to check on me. My landlord and my pastor both told me that I needed to move. My landlord's wife said it was just an idea but I could move to the house that they just finished building two doors down. When I asked what was the difference, both my pastor and landlord said that there would be neighbors on three sides of me, whereas now there is only one. I know that everybody in Valle knows who I am and where I live. I'm the gringa that teaches English and have lived here for eight years. And with walls around all, who's going to hear or see anything? And of course, there were actually two guys involved in this last robbery. One at the gate ringing the bell, and the other right outside my door.  I don't like the thought of moving again but will wait and see. 
Why didn't I have fear? Because Jesus told me that he would never leave me or forsake me. He is with me by his Holy Spirit all the time! People look a little embarrassed when I say that he is with me when I go to bed, when I go to town, when I go to the bathroom, when I take a shower, etc. He is with me everywhere all the time. A year or so ago, Cristofer, a teacher at the school, asked me what was my favorite verse in the Bible. I said all of them! I asked for his and he gave me Phil.4:13 that says I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. But that night I got to thinking about his question to me. Mine is that he, Jesus, will never leave me nor forsake me, Heb.13:5. That promise is repeated in several places in the scriptures. So what do I have to fear? Nothing can happen to me without God's express permission. And when it's my time to die, I'm going to die and  I won't be alone. He will be with me, Ps.23.   
So why did it happen? I don't have a clue. Maybe to reinforce my faith in him being always with me. I don't know and that's ok because I know that he knows. And as long as I know that, ALL is well.

Grace and peace.

Friday, November 16, 2018

Psalm 118:24 This is the day that the Lord has made...

About two weeks ago, we took the ninth graders to Tegucigalpa for their graduation trip. We left from the school around seven in the morning. There were eight students, three high school teachers, and me and Becky.  These trips are a lot of fun for both the students and the teachers. We wanted to go somewhere where they had not gone before. We went to the Agua la Tigra plant  which is  a water processing plant where most of my bottled water comes from.  They watched the water going through the chlorination, sand, salt, carbon, etc. process. They saw the bottles being washed, filled, and sealed. There were also the little plastic bags that were filled and sealed all by machines. They told the number of five gallon bottles that they process everyday. It was in the thousands not counting the little bottles and plastic bags. Very interesting. I asked how much the workers, daily laborers, made a day. It was 300 Lempiras which is less than fifteen dollars depending on the current exchange.

We also went to the museum at the post office. What an interesting place considering that most people here where I live never receive mail.  The towns do have street names but they're not posted nor do most people know their names.  When they give you directions, it's given using landmarks. And if you don't know the landmarks, you're basically lost.  

We visited the Christian radio station that was started by a young Baptist minister a few decades ago.  Our guide asked the kids if they wanted to talk on the radio with her.  They were all embarrassed.  But finally one of the girls did it. You can be sure that she will never forget that experience.  I was so proud of her!

We stayed at the Holiday Inn Express in Tegus where breakfast is included with the room. It also has a swimming pool that the kids and teachers enjoyed immensely.  And naturally nobody uses keys anymore. We had to use the card for access to the room, swimming area, and the elevators. You can see that I don't like all this techie stuff. A person doesn't have control of anything anymore.  It's all in the computers somewhere. Heaven forbid when they all go down. What will people do? Lose their minds, I expect.

So we went to Chucky Cheese, the mall's food court, and Denny's for our meals other than breakfast. The kids really enjoyed playing all the games at Chucky Cheese.  They were so funny to watch.

Our last visit was to the airport. Very few of our kids have been there. And did they get to see the planes coming in or going out?  Of course not. The windows had been frosted over! What a bummer!
So sad. I would really like the kids to be able to go inside one of the planes, but you have to ask and get  permission several months in advance, which of course, we didn't have. Maybe one day.

So now, it's just teaching my students that come to my house until February or March depending on the school's calendars. So I have a lot of time to study Spanish on the computer.

Yesterday I washed windows and curtains. I almost felt like a housewife again! So today Frankie is coming to do my yard work.  His uncle used to come with him but he has a job working on the highway cleaning out the ditches, etc. That's a good thing. It's definitely more pay.

So now it's time to get busy and may you have the grace and peace of Jesus Christ.

Monday, October 22, 2018

Rain, rain, rain! So much rain here in HN and the US. But today, we have started out with sunshine.  I hope it stays all day.

I returned to HN after a month in Kansas. My oldest son, Gary, died the 15th of September. He was diagnosed with cancer about two years ago.  He used to say that the worse thing that could happen to him was to live. Think about that one! He was ready to go and be with our Lord. He left behind a wife, three daughters, two sons-in-law, three grandsons, two brothers, two sisters, and a mother. He will be missed by all who knew him. His desire was to be cremated. His wife honored his desire. However, it was difficult for this mother when his ashes were scattered.  It was like he had never been here. No marker, no bones in the ground-nothing. Yes, I know that he was here. I birthed him and he has three daughters. And I know that he is with our Lord. But it was difficult. He was ready to go and he welcomed it.  Yes, he was concerned about his wife, etc. but he knew that the Lord would take care of her and the rest of his family. He was an inspiration to all that knew him and a reminder to us that we too, have an appointed time. I appreciated the Honor Guard from Ft. Riley coming to honor him. Gary was stationed there for a while before going to Belgium. He retired from the military after 22 or so years. I told him that he could not die before me and that he should cry at my funeral and not me at his. Well, that didn't happen. So now he will great me in that great beyond instead of the other way around.  Why the Lord took him, I don't know, but I know that the Lord does ALL things well and that he has a plan, a good plan, for my daughter-in-law. And I'm glad that my son is not suffering anymore.  As Job said, "The Lord gave,  and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord."

Friday, August 24, 2018

Wow! It has been a long time since I have written on my blog. I'm really surprised. Oh, well, here I am.  My life has taken on a new course, and it is wonderful. I have learned to slow down, and enjoy this time in my life. Absolutely nothing is as pressing as it was when I was going to the school everyday.  I'm so thankful for what the Lord has done in me in the last two months.

So what has He for me at this time? I still teach the students that come to my house, and of all things, one is only seven years old.  My favorite age are those that are in junior high and high school. However, she is my next door neighbor and an excellent student.  

And a couple of weeks ago, I told my Heavenly Father that I didn't know what His plan for me was, but that I knew He had one, and I would just wait until He revealed it to me.  I knew it wasn't to return to the states at this time, so wait it was.  Well, I found out last week! When I retired in May from the school, the national director asked me if I would help our teachers with their English programs. Of course, I said yes. Not a problem. Hah! I didn't know what he had planned. Well, I found out last week at a seminar with some of our teachers.  Becky and I went to San Pedro Sula early so I could visit three of our schools. I was shocked that our English speaking teachers were speaking Spanish to the students during their English class. When I asked about it, they told me that the kids didn't understand English.  Well, of course not, they weren't being taught to speak everyday English or any English except what they parrot in their classes and learn to recognize from their workbooks. I learned a long time ago that kids could fill in the blanks with the correct word and not understand what was being said. So what does the director have planned for me? That in two to three years I will have developed an English program for our schools! He told that to the teachers  at the seminar. I had not  known that before.  Wow! Now I do. So I'm busy looking for the right curriculum. What a job. I'm not a writer, and I'm not going to re-invent the wheel. So the Lord and I have a lot of work to do. Thank you Holy Spirit.

All the teachers that teach the English classes have good spoken English. But they aren't teaching it to the kids. And the Holy Spirit told me in the middle of the night before I was to speak to the teachers the next day that we couldn't call our schools bilingual if they didn't speak two languages. Duh! What a thought! I had already told those teachers that they needed to be speaking English all day with the kids at the school during lunch, recess, etc. So my work is definitely cut out for me.

My pastor told me that he wants me to preach. It's so easy in English, but in Spanish? That's a different story because I have to write it out first. I don't write out the messages in English that the Lord gives me. I write scriptures and the points and then follow the Holy Spirit. It is He that speaks. And do you know how many times the Lord changes a few things in the message? Sometimes he adds something or doesn't say some things that you thought was to be there.  After I told this to my pastor, he told me that when the Lord gives me the message, then he would have me preach. Ok.

I love what the Lord is doing. Because with Him we can do all things that He gives us. And as Jesus said, without Him we can do nothing. Amen.

Saturday, June 30, 2018

It has been a while since I have written on my blog. So today I want to write about a few things that the Lord has done and is doing in my life.

My term as a career missionary associate with AG will end on July 31 of this year.  So I will retire at that time. Some of you know about it already. So how did this come about?  I had been asking the Lord if it was time to retire again. And an event came about which led me to make this decision.  However, before it happened, I had been experiencing a lot of pain in my upper arms every day.   I knew it wasn't my heart. One night after going to bed, I asked the Lord what was causing it. He told me it was stress. For many days, I woke up with the dread of going to the school. I didn't want to go out there any more.  My plan was to finish teaching there until the last of July.  However, it happened the first part of May. It was much quicker than I had planned. I  still teach the students that come to my house and have even added a couple. When the Lord moves, sometimes it's very quickly. And this was very fast. It even surprised me. But what peace it has brought to me. Do I know everything that He is doing? No. But I have to follow His leading even when I don't understand everything. At this time the plan is to stay here for another year or two in order to finish a couple of personal projects. 

The Lord told me that I needed to rest.  Wow! How do I do that?  I asked him that everyday. If you grow up in the USA and in the church, you have to be busy all the time. You are pushed always to be working. Don't be lazy! Well, it has taken me a long time to calm down and rest: my mind, my body, my soul. I do work, but I'm not on the treadmill, any more. All the pain has gone from my arms-Thank you Lord. I actually have time to think. Lord what do you want me to do today? What do you want me to know about you today? Who do you want me to bless?  (And that blessing is not always in dollars)!

There's a lady that goes to the church that I used to go to here in Valle, and she now comes to my house on Wednesday mornings. We talk about the Lord and share different things about him and what he has done in our lives, etc.  It's so amazing. I hadn't seen her in ages, and one morning going to Tegus, she down next to me on the bus. We instantly started talking. Her English is good, but she wants to learn more. So here we are! She only had a Book of Psalms, and the New Testament that was given to her long ago. I had an extra bilingual Bible and had been praying to whom do I give it. The Lord led me to give it to her. Oh, my! How thrilled she was. Not only a Bible with the Old and New Testaments, but also bilingual! How good God is. He knows when, where, who, how, and why about everything. What a gracious God we serve. And it amazes me how many people there are that think that we don't need to know the OT. How ignorant are those that teach this to new converts. I don't think the Lord is too happy about that. He wants us to know it all. How do we know about Abraham, David, Moses, Samuel, and all the prophets without the OT?  Crazy.

I was supposed to go to San Pedro Sula this week but it was cancelled because  the secretary was sick. I guess now that it will be the second week in July. Mario has asked me to help our teachers with their English programs.  So that will be a different and new job for me. So there will be some traveling to the hot zones :( And they are HOT! But I have many friends in those areas, and there is air conditioning in the schools. So it will be well. And it will keep me involved with everybody.

So that's it for now. I hope you are all blessed and following the Lord.
Grace and peace to all!

Monday, April 30, 2018

1 Thes. 5:18 In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

Wow! What an amazing adventure I have had.  On March 17, my house was broken into while I was at my church board meeting.   The first hint that something was amiss was when I opened my gate and saw my other gate keys laying on the sidewalk. I thought that maybe they had dropped out of my pocket, and then I thought nope, that couldn't be because I don't carry them with me. And when I came to my front door, it was wide open.  Oh, wow!  My TV, DVD player and computer were gone.  My dresser drawers were open with clothes hanging out. Stuff was scattered on my kitchen floor.  They had searched through purses and different bags. The mattresses were not square with the beds because they had looked under them.  So they took money, of course, my alarm clock-like they're ever on time!-camera, winter coat that I wear to go to states at the end of the year, 2 cell phones and other minor stuff. And to kick it all off, they took my KFC from my freezer!!!! They didn't however take my credit/bank cards or my passport. In fact, all my papers were laid out in an orderly fashion on my bed.  So I went to my pastor's house and his wife called the police. Pastor was at the church. So the police came and picked us up.  They came to the house and then we went to the police station where we made out a report.  Then Freddy, the officer, told me that I needed to go to Tegus to the DPI, our FBI, and file a report.  I had 24 hours to do it. So Becky and I went the next day on Sunday.  I made the report and they told me they would be at my house at 2:30.  So we came back and waited for them. So around 3:30, they arrived.  Oh boy, what a mess. The fingerprint dust that they use is black, and it has taken me this long to finally get rid of it all. It's horrible stuff. Anyway, they dusted for fingerprints and took pictures. Whoever the thieves were had used some kind of acrylic to try to write 13 on my dresser mirror. The 3 wasn't as clear as the 1. But they dropped some on my dresser naturally, and it doesn't come off except with the finish too.  I guess it'll serve as a reminder as if I need one. 

On the 17th, as soon as Pastor heard about the situation, he called my landlord who was waiting here at the house when the police brought me home. Carlos and his wife are precious people, and I'm thankful that they are my landlords. The Lord knew exactly what he was doing when he opened this house up for me. He wanted to know if I was scared, and Pastor asked me if I wanted someone to stay with me. I said no to both. It's interesting because that Saturday morning, I was unsettled  on the inside and couldn't figure out what was wrong, and the Lord didn't tell me anything. But when I arrived home and saw what had happened, I had perfect peace. Definitely interesting, huh?  So now, I have razor wire on top of the wall that surrounds my house. My landlord joked with me about being inside a prison. I said, yep, that's what it is.  And again he asked me if I was afraid. No, I'm not. You see, I have the Lion of Judah with me at all times.  And some will say, ya but they stole your stuff, and see that's where they get it wrong. It's not my stuff.  It's the Lord's.  Ps.24:1.  We only have what we have because God gave it to us.  The thieves didn't want me, just my belongings.  I wouldn't want to be in their shoes. 

And then to top everything off, I had no way of calling my youngest son to tell him because my phone is connected to my cable and it doesn't have long distance. So between Becky and Pastor Andy, I was able to communicate with him. He's my lifesaver when it comes to techie stuff. So, ok, I need a computer. My connection to the outside world, and for somebody that doesn't like them, I sure  was thankful when Becky brought my new to me after more than a month.  Oh my, no music, no Skype, no mail, absolutely nothing.  But then I see the Lord's hand in all of this, too. Because He knew that Becky would be in the states during the time that Doug was setting up a new computer for me and that she could bring it back! However, after 4 or 5 days of the theft, she brought me her old TV that is 27 years old! Hey, it works. Not a lot of channels, but it has one that I always watch, so all is well. It has a video player, but all my movies now are DVD's :(  So the Lord does all things well even during times like this. I'm so glad that He not only is my god, but He's also my Father, and He takes good care of me.

So the morning after the robbery, I was sitting on my sofa, and the verse that says give thanks in all things came to mind. And as I thought about it, I gave thanks to the Lord that the thieves didn't destroy the things in my house or the property. They didn't tear up anything or break anything. And they didn't steal my furniture or my movies. They didn't take my jewelry and there was a really nice watch that they laid on top of the pile of earrings instead of taking it.  So I praise the Lord for all. You see I know that nothing can happen to me without his express permission-remember Job? And He always has a purpose for everything even if we don't know what it is.

Hah! But the really good thing that has happened is that all the police know who I am. And to me, that's a good thing. I get big smiles and how are you and is everything ok, etc., when I see them. In fact, a couple of weeks ago I getting ready to walk home from the grocery store when I saw them parked in their truck on the other side of the road. The driver hollered and asked if I wanted a ride.  I said seriously and he said yes. So they brought me and my groceries home. I didn't know any of them! And when they left, they said they were here to serve which is written on the sides of their vehicles. Funny!! And yesterday, I was sitting on my front porch when I saw the top of their truck above my wall, and they had stopped. I went to open the gate to see what was going on. And here stands this policeman with this great big grin. He asked if I was alright and if everything else was ok. I told him yes. So he told me they were after some druggies-marijuana-mostly. he was there for what seemed forever, and I asked him if he wanted to come in and look around, but he said no. And then he informs me that they drive by during the night to check and see if I'm alright since I live alone.  What a surprise and a nice thing to know. I know that my age also has something to do with it, because when Freddy, at the police station, asked me for my age, he was surprised when I told him 73.  And most Hondurans have respect for older people. In fact, if they do some small thing for you at the store or wherever, they will call you Madre-Mother. It's a sign of respect. 

It's interesting how differently people think. Pastor and one of the teachers told me that I needed to move. I said no.  And why? Everybody in Valle knows who I am and where I live. If I moved they would know it before I did!  And the Lord hasn't told me to move.  I like this little house. And by the way, before I forget it, while the fellows were installing the razor wire, Marcio, who goes to our church, introduced me to  a fellow that is now cutting my grass. Man, he not only cuts it, but rakes and bags it! He's an older fellow and quite interesting to talk to, and said that I could teach him English. I said not on Saturday or Sunday, but I think I'll make an exception for him.  He and his family live up on the mountain. 

So with all the stuff, can you see the blessings? My Grandma use to say that it's an ill wind that doesn't do somebody some good.  We must always look for the good in whatever God allows to come into our lives.  

Grace and peace.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Ps. 22:2 Thou hast given him his heart's desire and hast not withholden the request of his lips.

Here we are in the middle of March!  Can you believe it?  Soon nine week exams will be here.  I'm not ready and neither are my students.  So we must get busy.

We take the ninth graders somewhere every year as a graduation present, more or less. The one stipulation is that they have to pass all their classes, not just English.  We try to do it in Nov. and at the latest the beginning of Dec.  We didn't get to do it last year because of all the political violence that was taking place, and Becky was still in the states.  We did, however, get to go the middle of February. We went to Tela and stayed in a hotel on the beach.  The first time that most of them had seen the ocean.  The boys had a blast in it.  One teacher was afraid that if she went in, the tide would carry her out to sea.  When I explained about rip tides, etc., she decided to go in.  And she really enjoyed it.  The girls were just standing on the beach when I went up behind one, grabbed her around the waist and went into the water. It was so funny! She thought that she had been had by I don't know what. So then all the girls went in.  It was fun just to watch them.  

We took them to Punta Sal which is a peninsula and is protected by the government.  The kids saw howler monkeys and the pelicans, etc.  We ate there on the beach.  They ordered fish and you should have seen their eyes when they got theirs.  The fish was a little longer than their dinner plate! Eyes and all!  They drank coconut milk out of the coconut, and then used a little piece of the shell to eat the coconut meat.  The boat ride there and back was wild.  The water was rough. Lots of little white caps everywhere.  It was like 20-30 minutes there and back. I'm thankful that nobody was seasick.  On the way home we went into the caves at Talulabe.  It has quite a history. I would have to look up the info to get the story straight, but evidently a bank robber from the states used the caves to hide in.  Of course, he was eventually caught and returned the the U.S.  But those kids were out of there in a flash leaving me and another teacher behind.  I think they were a little scared.

I have three "preaching" events coming up.  One for the students, one for the teachers, and one for my church.  So I must fet busy writing.  I have to write it all out in Spanish, and that takes some time.

Last week I asked the 8th grade class to conjugate a verb in Spanish, and they couldn't do it. The verb means to have in English. They can do it in English.  The next day, the 7th graders had a spelling test on the days of the week in English and Spanish. Most could not.  I could have cried.  The Spanish here is not so good.  I want them to have some good Spanish Language books.  I talked to one  father that's in the parent Group.  Kind of like PTA.  I told him that I would help pay for them but that I couldn't do it all. Books are expensive here just like in the states.  He said that he would talk to them to see what they could or wanted to do.  I'm just believing the Lord for them.  They also need spelling books in the worst way.  So I'm waiting.

Now I have to share something really funny. A week or so ago, I was sitting on my porch and  I thought, Lord I need an animal to come in here and eat the grass. You know, a horse or cow.  My "grass" is crabgrass and weeds.  A week ago Saturday, I went to open both my gates just to be able to sit and look outside my walls.  When I opened the big gate, there stood a horse!! He took one step and was in my yard.  He immediately started eating.  I was absolutely amazed. How awesome is my heavenly Father!  I just watched in amazement.  And I started laughing.  Our Father has a sense of humor!  The horse was there for quite a while and would have stayed longer except a man on another went by, and my grass cutting horse went after them.  And we think sometimes that the Lord isn't watching us and listening to us.  Oh yes he is, all the time.

So with that, I'm off of here in order to get some things ready for tomorrow.

Peace and grace.

Friday, February 2, 2018

Ps.139:17 How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them.

Yay! I'm home! And after nine years, Honduras is my home. I have lived many places during my life time, and I had never felt homesick until I came to HN.  In fact I never had experienced the feeling until I came here.  I love my family, but HN is my home until the Lord changes it, of course.  And I really like my new house. In fact, while I was gone, the grass really grew. It may only be crabgrass, but at least it's green, and my yard is not bare dirt anymore!

While I was home, I visited my family and many friends.  I was able to speak to Martha Cicle on Saturday and to my church, Covenant Assembly, on Sunday.  I was blessed as were they.  The weather was awfully cold.  Brrrrr!  I don't like cold weather at all.  Of course, my son says that I live in Paradise.  Ha, Honduras is far from Paradise, but he is talking about the weather.  And when I arrived here on the 30th, the weather was good, but it has been very chilly and rainy since then :(  But this morning the sun is shinning. Thank you, Lord :)

Arrangements had been made for Pastor Andy to pick me up from the airport and take me to the bus stop to catch a bus to Valle.  He had other committments that prevented him from taking me all the way home. Normally, I like to ride the bus to and from Valle to Tegucigalpa. However this time, I was a little concerned because I was carrying my computer and more money than normal.  And to be honest there has never been a problem on the buses that I normally use.  But when you see someone with a small suitcase, you know that they've been travelling, and they probably have a little money, and whatever else. Of course, I had been praying about the safety of it, etc. But have I not learned that the Lord always has everything concerning me in his hands, and on his mind?  I am never away from him.  And guess what he had already prepared for me?  It's absolutely breath taking.  While I waited at the gate in Houston for my flight, there appeared a young married missioary couple that live here in Valle! I met David and Sarah probably the first year that I was here. However, they weren't married yet. He is from the states, a son of missionaries, and she is from Honduras.  When we got off the plane, David asked me how I was going to get home. I told him, and he said no. He didn't like the idea of me going on the bus. So he told me to go with him and Sarah in his truck.  And I did. What a plan that the Lord had.  He absolutely takes care of me.  I didn't know that David and his wife would be at the airport. We don't see each other often because they are busy with the work that God has given them to do, and me with mine.  But what an awesome God we serve. 

The public schools started yesterday, but we don't start until the 12th.  I was happy to hear that because it gives me more time to prepare. I'm believing that the Lord will move in a mighty way this year so that we will be the school that he would have us to be.  

So now, it's time to go buy groceries and then cut the grass in the back yard.

Grace and peace.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Ps: 37: 23 The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way.

This has been the best vacation ever!  I was sooo tired at the end of November that I just wanted the world to go away.  In fact, by the middle of November, I was done mentally, physically, and emotionally. Since I moved on the 11th of November, I only spent a couple of days at school for the remaining two weeks. And those were weeks for the teachers to finish all the necessary reporting of things to the district, etc.  My stuff was already completed.

It took a good 2-3 weeks for me not to feel guilty for only doing what I wanted to do!  What did I do?  I took my time putting my house in order. I usually walked to town or at least to the grocery store everyday or two depending on the weather or how the lazy body was feeling! I paid two guys to clear and level off my back yard. I cut my grass (crabgrass) with my weedeater, etc. My friend, Martha came and planted some flowers and a very small mango tree.  And wouldn't you know, that some insect cut them right off just before I came to the states! I had one small geranium left, and I moved it in the house. You know, I just enjoyed my time.  My home students still came for their English and Carlos from the school has joined them.  That's a good thing.

So now I'm praying that I get to leave on the 30th to go back to HN. With all the political violence going on, I'm hoping the Lord will see it clear for me to return.  No, I'm not afraid.  Most of the stuff that takes place in the cities don't normally affect the things that go on where I live, and school starts around the 5th of February.  The only problem would be whether or not the airport would be operating normally.

I've enjoyed my stay here. I've visited family and friends. I met the new pastors at my church and lunched with my former pastor and family.  I spoke to the ladies in Martha Circle, and at my church.  I also went to visit the church in Coffeyville.  It was so good to see the pastor and other friends and to hear a sermon in English!

I don't remember all that I said because it really was the Holy Spirit talking. The Lord knows his people and what he wants them to hear. However,  I do remember saying some things. 
1.  My coincidences have names: They are God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit because nothing that happens to or for me is what people call coincidences.
2. Age has nothing to do with whatever God wants you to do.  Remember Abraham, Noah, Moses, and Caleb. A preacher once told me that that was the Old Testament.  So is Thou shalt not kill.  There are many things in the O.T. that we still follow today. So is it our age (our age is nothing in God's sight) or is it that we just don't want to do it? Think about it.
3. The Lord doesn't ask us to do anything that we cannot do with his help. "You can do nothing            without me!
4. The Lion of Juda is always with me. In fact Jesus said that he would never leave or forsake us. he is with me wherever I am!
5. Everything that we possess is actually the Lord's. Ps. 24:1

I had to have my computer repaired! It was dirty! What? Well, evidently debris can go down in the little spaces between the keys, etc. And the fellow who fixed it said that I must have spilled some milk on it. Well, no more eating or drinking while on the computer! The click and drag wouldn't work. I was thinking how long I had my old computer and nothing went wrong with it. Huh! Oh well, thank the Lord that I had the money to fix it  because it is my connection to the world in HN.

So for the last couple of days, I have had this feeling called homesick! I have only experienced this feeling since going to HN. I have lived in so many places in my life, and I never had this feeling before.  I don't like the feeling at all! But I've been in C.A. for 9 years and this will be my 8th in HN.  It truly is home.

So evidently the President was sworn in again early this morning with no major disturbances. So hopefully all will quiet down to some degree, and I can go home.

So Barb, you take good care of yourself!

Grace and peace be with you all.