Sunday, July 12, 2009


July 4th has come and gone. I remembered it, forgot it, and remembered it again. It doesn't seem like July at all. Maybe it's because it isn't hot here like there, and farmers aren't driving tractors, etc. It all seems a little surreal. Meetings for teachers there will be starting before long. We had school all last week but left earlier than usual. Most of the teachers come from Tegucigalpa, and they were a little nervous. Life in Valle was the same. I did go to town with my friend to pay my cable bill,etc. She grew up here and can read the "climate" so I was safe. I just read where the curfew has been lifted. That's good, maybe. I just pray that truth will prevail and God's will be done. I must study some more. It seems like that's all I do. Teach and study, but then that's why I'm here. So later.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

II Tim. 1:7 For God hasn't given us the spirit of fear...

Well, here I am in my house following the advice of our embassy. Wow, since I've been here, I've experienced an earthquake of sorts, and now a coup, anyway that's what the news is calling it. I feel like I'm on house arrest even though I've never experienced that. I'm sure it would be safe to go uptown in Valle, but I won't. A friend is coming this morning to go do some things for me in town. Bless her Lord. But since I have to stay at home, I have a few cleaner windows. So maybe I'll get the rest washed by tomorrow.

I'm still giving English lessons and taking Spanish here at the house. We haven't had school all week. Hopefully, it will resume next week.

I didn't have electricity yesterday due to the rain. So I decided when it came back on to cook some things and put them in the freezer for the next time. Oh, yeah, the freezer will keep for a few days. Oh, the dependence on electricity. Now if I had a "stove" like many of the people here, I wouldn't have a problem. The things these people can do without the modern conveniences is amazing to me. However, I really don't want to wash my clothes on a washboard by hand. But I do know how, if ever I need to do it. And speaking of that, we have to go a different way to school since the rains have really made a big mess on the road we normally travel. So out in the middle of nowhere, it seems, there is this strange looking piece of construction that would remind you of gates on a dam. There's 5 or 6 openings. I finally asked what it was, and sure enough, it's a place for the people to do their laundry. It's right there by the creek, and there are washboards built in the cement. Wow! They have special soap for laundry, and the soap they use to wash dishes can also be used in cold water that kills bacteria and germs. One of the brands is made by Colgate.

So am I fearful? Not at all. God is in control and He allows things to happen for His purposes. In our patience, possess we our souls. So if things come to worse, and I pray they don't, He will move us out. Will keep you updated as much as possible.