The Lord hears our prayers and answers them! So the lesson with the little ones went ok. I did my story and Corey did his. We had to translate to English for those that didn't understand Spanish. However, Corey had to translate part of his because I didn't know the words. So good job Corey!!!
Revelations 12:11 says that "they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony... Every time God answers a prayer, however small we think, we are over comers because what he does builds up our faith in him. So one day I am going to remain calm when I have to do something that is not comfortable for me, in Jesus name.
I learned through one of my former students in HN that Eva will be teaching them English this year. Another prayer answered. I wanted so much for them to be able to continue English. I believe that we need to train or help someone else to do the job that we do so that when we are no longer there, the job, ministry, etc. will still go on. I use to tell Eva all the time that she needed to be teaching English. Her reasoning was the same as mine with the little ones, I can't do that very well. Well, with God I can do all things that he has called me to do because he strengthens me. So please pray with me for Eva. She will be so good.
We just finished half of the trimester in Spanish. Whew! This next week is AGTS. I'm not for sure what it is all about. No one has explained it very well, but it will be in English. It's not a good thing to be without Spanish for a whole week. I'm thankful for Leticia because when we walk, she practices her English with me, and I practice my Spanish with her. God truly does supply all our needs.
O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him. Amen.
Revelations 12:11 says that "they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony... Every time God answers a prayer, however small we think, we are over comers because what he does builds up our faith in him. So one day I am going to remain calm when I have to do something that is not comfortable for me, in Jesus name.
I learned through one of my former students in HN that Eva will be teaching them English this year. Another prayer answered. I wanted so much for them to be able to continue English. I believe that we need to train or help someone else to do the job that we do so that when we are no longer there, the job, ministry, etc. will still go on. I use to tell Eva all the time that she needed to be teaching English. Her reasoning was the same as mine with the little ones, I can't do that very well. Well, with God I can do all things that he has called me to do because he strengthens me. So please pray with me for Eva. She will be so good.
We just finished half of the trimester in Spanish. Whew! This next week is AGTS. I'm not for sure what it is all about. No one has explained it very well, but it will be in English. It's not a good thing to be without Spanish for a whole week. I'm thankful for Leticia because when we walk, she practices her English with me, and I practice my Spanish with her. God truly does supply all our needs.
O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him. Amen.