Monday, January 30, 2012

Heb.11:36 For ye have need of patience, that after ye have done the will of God...

Wow, the month of January is almost over. Much has happened in the past two months. Graduation from CINCEL took place December the 9th, and I left San Jose, CR on the 10th. What joy to be going home after being there a year.

I was able to spend time in IL with my brother. We had such a good time together, basically just enjoying each others company. And of all things, we visited the cemeteries where family members were laid to rest. I was thinking we must really be getting old, because that's what "old" people did when I was a kid! But Donnie and I never grew up together in the same house, so we have a unique relationship. When I call him on the phone, we spend most of the time giggling! And over nothing, mostly. We definitely don't agree on lots of things, but we sure do love each other. The rest of the time was spent with kids, grand kids, and great-grand kids. What a family God has blessed me with. And it just keeps getting bigger!

And of course I was able to spend time with my friends and pastors Byran and Julie and their new little one. What a precious bundle he is. How I miss my church in Kingman. I always spend the last Sunday that I am home with my youngest at his church in Wichita. God blessed him as a child to play drums in church, and he is still playing. I praise God for that.

I wasn't able to be at the meeting with the ladies in Martha's Circle, but I did get to see and talk with some of them at my friend Amy's 90th birthday.

It was so different in the states after living in a foreign country for 3 years. I had to remember to throw toilet paper in the toilet instead of the waste paper can. Then I was waiting for a friend to come to a restaurant so we could have breakfast together. I arrived a little early, so I'm sitting on the benches inside the door waiting for her. After 15 minutes had passed the time we were supposed to meet, I told the waitress that I would go ahead and be seated. A minute after being seated, the waitress said my friend was sitting in the other room waiting for me. She had also arrived early and was waiting for me! So two things I learned: there is not a smoking area anymore, which is where my friend was sitting, and I need to look around before I sit down to wait for someone. But we had a good laugh, a good breakfast, and a great time visiting. And of course we talked about the Lord and what he is doing in our lives. Not always what we expect!

A couple of my children and I had a great time discussing the Lord, the end times, etc. And to watch the Lord at work is totally fantastic. A young lady asked me to explain a scripture to her while I was home, and I did to the best of my knowledge. But the amazing thing was that a friend had given her the Bible and it "fell" open to the exact spot that she needed. Some would say it was coincidence. I personally don't believe in coincidences. The Holy Spirit is always working, and especially when someone is searching for answers. I love that. God is so faithful.

Some relationships were restored, and I give thanks always to God for that because he's a restorer of broken relationships. Hallelujah!

Becky and her friend Mary, from the U.S. picked me up at the airport. They stayed here until Becky's new apartment was ready this past Tuesday. So now I have been in my house in Valle for a few days. What a great feeling, but at the same time, it is strange being totally by myself since Dec. 10! At first I didn't know what to do with myself!! But school for teachers will start this coming Wednesday, and then I will be very busy. It will be good to see some of the students I had in the 5th and 6th grades. I ran into one of my former students last week, and he hugged me for the longest time. Bless his heart, he was such a good student. He didn't cry, but his eyes were sure wet. He will be in 10th grade this year, and I don't know if we will have that grade where I teach. If not, he will attend the public school that is about a mile away. Here high school ends at the end of the 11th grade. One of my other students is working in a coffee field, so I don't know if he will return to school or keep on working. If the family needs money, most likely he will continue to work. Things are so hard here for kids, especially in the country.

And my friends here in Valle came to see me. What a great reunion. I missed them a lot when I was in CR, but we did email each other.

And my Spanish? Well, I can understand numbers better when I am buying something. And I'm trying to talk more with Wil, the fellow that takes care of the property here where I live. He always tells me, poco a poco, which basically means little by little, Beverly. So I need patience and practice.

I praise God for all he is doing in my family and my friends, and for all the prayers he hears and answers. And I thank him for this life he has given me. Blessings to all.