In the last five weeks we have had two groups come in from the U.S. What a busy time it has been for Becky and me, and what an exciting group that came from Louisiana State University. There were three girls and two guys. They came to minister to the kids at my school, and they also went the youth group from Becky's church to several places in Tegucigalpa. They helped minister in a nursing home, a hospital, a girl's detention center, and a center for boys. They were here from the 17th to the 30th. What a terrific group! Their being here was like a shot in the arm for Becky and me. Sometimes you need a lift and don't even know it! But our Father sure knows, and supplies the need. I was telling them one day what a blessing they were for us. Alex said that when she was praying about being here that the Lord told her to be a refreshing for Becky and me. Wow! They were a great group. Absolutely no complaining or grumbling about anything. Their personalities were so different but yet, they flowed together. One of the young ladies is from Tegucigalpa, but she didn't know the Lord when she went to the states to go to the university. Through Chi Alpha, on the campus university, she heard and accepted Jesus as her Savior. What a testimony she has. The other kids also testified how they came to meet and accept Jesus. Every Christian has a testimony about the saving grace of Jesus Christ. What a miracle salvation is. To believe something totally different than what you have or have not been taught is truly a work of the Lord through his Holy Spirit.
Now we have a group of ten from North Dakota. What a group! Some are Methodist, Lutheran, former Catholics becoming Methodists, and one that was raised in the Assemblies. It's a blessing to watch the Holy Spirit at work. From these denominations comes a group ready to serve and share the gospel. They have been painting the outside of the buildings where I teach. And some of the young people at Becky's church has come to help them. What a blessing for us at the school. A couple of the guys are building cabinets for the kitchen in the elementary school. The cook is so happy! They have also done ministry for the kids. In the afternoons they go to Tegucigalpa to minister in some of the places where the first group has gone. They were telling me how happy the old folks in the nursing home was to have lotion put on their hands. Some would push up their sleeves to have the lotion rubbed on their arms, and some asked to have it put on their knees. Such a small act, but such a blessing for the receivers and the givers. The group also had small stuffed animals to give the people, and they received them with such joy, even some of the men. God knows how to lift our spirits. A touch, a small gift, it all comes from Him.
So today the group is going to Teen Challenge outside Tegucigalpa. I stayed home to sweep and mop, and to have lunch with another family here in Valle. Another one of the girls from LSU has an uncle and aunt that live here in Valle. She called last night to invite me to lunch and to meet her family. Another door the Lord has opened for me to get acquainted with more people from here. I don't know all the Lord has for me, but I do know that this is part of His plan. Where and what exactly He is planning, I haven't a clue. I just know it's good.
So yesterday, I had my ninth grade girls reading Little Bear in English. They did really good, and understood most before I read it in Spanish. And I have started teaching the 7th, 8th, and 9th graders nursery rhymes. It not only helps with more vocabulary, but also present and past tenses. And the kids have done well speaking English with the Americans that have come, especially some of the girls. I'm so proud of them!
My Spanish? Well, yesterday I started to tell one of our ladies from the states that it was time to go, and I said "Ustedes" instead of "You all" and stopped, realizing what I had said. The teachers that heard me started clapping! So one of these days I'm going to speak good Spanish automatically, in Jesus' name, of course! But I do understand a lot more when I hear people talking than I use to, so I'm making progress. And I've learned to add the last vowel to the next word that begins with a vowel when singing at church. In other words, you make one word out of two words. And I need to do that when I'm reading! Poco a poco says Wil. Little by little.
The residency is being worked on, so will see if I have to leave in July. Unless things have changed, I should be able to buy a month and leave in August. We will have 2 teams in July, so that would not be a good time for me to leave. But all is in God's hands.
The residency is being worked on, so will see if I have to leave in July. Unless things have changed, I should be able to buy a month and leave in August. We will have 2 teams in July, so that would not be a good time for me to leave. But all is in God's hands.