So many days have passed since my last post. And many things have taken place since, of which I cannot remember all. But two more teams have come and gone since then. My students did their homework while I was in San Pedro Sula, and that made me happy. Them, too!! So I need to work backwards here.
This last week the colegio had a four day seminar here in Valle that was sponsored by a young lady from California. The first two days were about moral values: honesty, self-discipline, good citizenship, etc., and then sexually transmitted diseases. All were excellent, and these students needed to hear it all. I asked a couple of my students, who I knew would tell me the truth, if they learned anything and if they liked the seminar, and both responded with a strong "yes". I wish the same could be done and said for adults, especially parents. You can't teach what you don't know, and many of our parents have not been taught and therefore they can't pass the knowledge on to their children. Things that we take for granted have not been taught here for the most part. Things like waiting your turn, throw trash in the trash can, cross streets at that corner if there is one, get out of the way of oncoming cars, etc. The last two days were for crafts.
The team that came to San Pedro Sula was from San Antonio, Texas. About half of them were Spanish speakers. What a team! The helped build a classroom and also ministered to the kids when they weren't building. They also ministered in the church services. One young man witnessed to one young national in particular. He stayed behind one afternoon to help build when the rest of us went to the banana plantation. Well, the last night they were here, which was also a Sunday night, the young national brought his sons and his nephew to church. Of course, he and the Lord had a talk, and now they have a walk! That's what it's all about in the end. Jesus cares!
It's interesting to watch teams when they come! You can tell the ones that could not live on the mission field. Then there are those whose hearts have been touched and want to return. The ones who only want American restaurants and food, and the opposites who want typical food. Those that are afraid of everything even when we tell them they don't need to fear, and those who aren't fearful. Those who realize that the missionary is the head honcho, and those who don't. What a difference in their attitudes! Those who came to minister and serve, and those who came to increase their number of mission trips, etc. It's interesting to me who was never on a mission trip before the Lord called me here. Am I judging their hearts? Nope. It's just things I've observed. But I am amazed at times. But all in God's plan and time.
A funny thing happened with one of the ladies that came for the Missionettes. She was Skyping with her husband when she came running into my house yelling that a man was coming in through the gates. She was so scared! I tried to quiet her because it was Wil, the man that takes care of my place. We all started laughing because it was funny, not that she thought so! Finally, when she was calm, she realized who he was. Evidently she wasn't here when the others either met Wil or was told who he was. She called her husband back to explain what had happened, and he had almost called another husband of one of the other ladies that was here. Can you imagine the chaos that would have caused??? She did give me permission to tell the story. But it was so funny. Wil is not a big person at all, nor scary looking. Are you kidding? There were 13 women in this house! But her fear was partly because she didn't realize that he used his keys to get in the gate, and she didn't know if he had a gun. What a time we had with that incident. When I told Wil about it, he laughed, but then said how dangerous it can be in Tegucigalpa, but not here. So he understood her fear. He's such a blessing.
I am so thankful for the life that God has given me here. Yes, I miss my kids and theirs, a lot. My home church and my friends. But when you are where God wants you to be, there is nothing like it, even in the loneliness that comes from being away from those that mean the most to you. But the One is never away. He fills that place with himself and with others that he puts in your path. So for the last two months, He has put Gabrielle here. What a girl! I will miss her when she leaves this coming Tuesday. I thank Him that He found me worthy enough for her to live with for two months. She did learn that she could cook chicken by boiling it, and that macaroni and cheese could be made on top of the stove instead of the oven! What fun!
So what has God been doing! Everything! He is always doing something even when we can't see it. You can't plant a seed today and reap a crop tomorrow. He is so awesome and has such a sense of humor. I praise Him for loving me and taking care of me. He knows exactly what is needed and when, and He is never late. I praise Him for lifting my sad heart. In the last couple of weeks, two friends have died, and another is on her deathbed. I know all are appointed unto death once and then the judgement, but I will miss not seeing them again or hearing about them. I pray the Lord comfort their loved ones, and I know He will.