In the last church service that I attended here before going home for the holidays, the pastor was talking about how the word of God is meant to change our hearts when we hear it, and that Christians should know what sin is and is not. He used as part of his message I Cor. 6: 9-10 and Galatians 5: 19-21 among others. And when he was going through the list and using examples, he used some states in the U.S. as an example for homosexuality and allowing marriages of homosexuals. I wanted to crawl under my seat, or better yet, just disappear into thin air. I was so embarrassed for my country. People here look to the U.S. for leadership in different areas. When I watch the Honduran news channels, the U.S. is always part of the news, whether it's the weather or happenings in Congress. And in this area, I believe the people are shocked at what the U.S. is doing. What has become of the nation that was built upon godly principles? I'm afraid that it, like ancient Israel, has forgotten the One that made it great. It breaks my heart. It's scary. Matthew Henry said that if a nation doesn't serve the Lord, it will serve its enemies. And since God is no respecter of persons or nations, what does that mean for the U.S.? What has happened? Even as a kid, I knew people that didn't go to church, but they knew the difference between right and wrong. There is no way they would have voted for the passage of homosexual marriage, legalizing marijuana, abortion, etc. What a dangerous time that we are living in, when the people don't know their right hand from their left. The pastor also mentioned that just because something may be culturally accepted in any country, it doesn't mean that it's accepted by God. Amen to that!
So now that I am home again, I praise God for all his goodness to me. I was able to stay with my granddaughter, Cassandra, and her family. What a great time we had together. And my great-grandchildren, what a blessing they are. I was also able to got to IL with them to visit my youngest daughter, her family, and my brother. Plus I was able to see all my grandchildren and even my new great-grandson. He is absolutely beautiful. Born 5 1/2 weeks early, he is very healthy. And his mama gets to be a stay-at-home-mama! That is totally awesome. I know that sometimes, mama's have to work, but when they don't have to work, it's great. I was also able to see my Aunt in Salina that I haven't seen for a few years.
The ladies of Martha Circle were a blessing to me as always, as I hope I was to them. I told them that while most people are looking for the great big things of God, He works in the "little" everyday things in our lives, and many times we don't pay attention to them and/or we don't tell (testify) to what he did. And especially in a missionaries life. People are looking for thousands to be saved in a day, etc. And should we look for those? Yes, but we also need to recognize what he is doing in our everyday lives. So I have to testify to what he did on Saturday after the women's meeting. While I was talking to Laurel during lunch, I asked her if she had heard anything about a former student or his father, and basically, she hadn't. Well, while I was at the home of another friend, Larry O, this student happened to call him, and I was able to talk to him. Wow! I was so happy that I was able to talk to this kid, although he isn't a kid anymore. He is now the father of two. He was such a good student. He never, and I mean never complained about homework or whatever he had to do. He never said that something was too hard or that he couldn't do it. And he never used his disability as an excuse to not learn something. This kid will always have a special place in my heart. Even though this may seem a small thing to some people, it was a great big thing that God did for me, and I continually praise him for it. Who would have thought that my former student would call Larry in the short time that I was there? Our Father answers the desires of our hearts.
I traded a cold KS for a cold HN! Oh, my, it has been cold and rainy! Even the small jet from Wichita to Houston was cold. One of the guys sitting in front of me got up and got his heavy winter coat out of the overhead compartment to wear. I was thinking about not carrying the light winter jacket home again with me, but decided against that. Wow! It was cold. So of course, the ole nose decided to start running! So on Saturday I made eucalyptus tea and drank it all day and a couple of times on Sunday. I was able to sleep without the dripping nose. Thank you, Jesus for some natural remedies. Eva sent one of the kids with some fresh leaves this morning, since all mine were gone. Did you know that Vicks is made with eucalyptus? And check out the lemon cough drops. Some don't have any lemon at all. It's eucalyptus. That's just for your info. Can't think of the acronym of it! English just sometimes disappears from my vocabulary!
So now I must start preparing for this year's English classes.
Thanks for all your prayers and support. May God continue to bless each and everyone of you/
The ladies of Martha Circle were a blessing to me as always, as I hope I was to them. I told them that while most people are looking for the great big things of God, He works in the "little" everyday things in our lives, and many times we don't pay attention to them and/or we don't tell (testify) to what he did. And especially in a missionaries life. People are looking for thousands to be saved in a day, etc. And should we look for those? Yes, but we also need to recognize what he is doing in our everyday lives. So I have to testify to what he did on Saturday after the women's meeting. While I was talking to Laurel during lunch, I asked her if she had heard anything about a former student or his father, and basically, she hadn't. Well, while I was at the home of another friend, Larry O, this student happened to call him, and I was able to talk to him. Wow! I was so happy that I was able to talk to this kid, although he isn't a kid anymore. He is now the father of two. He was such a good student. He never, and I mean never complained about homework or whatever he had to do. He never said that something was too hard or that he couldn't do it. And he never used his disability as an excuse to not learn something. This kid will always have a special place in my heart. Even though this may seem a small thing to some people, it was a great big thing that God did for me, and I continually praise him for it. Who would have thought that my former student would call Larry in the short time that I was there? Our Father answers the desires of our hearts.
I traded a cold KS for a cold HN! Oh, my, it has been cold and rainy! Even the small jet from Wichita to Houston was cold. One of the guys sitting in front of me got up and got his heavy winter coat out of the overhead compartment to wear. I was thinking about not carrying the light winter jacket home again with me, but decided against that. Wow! It was cold. So of course, the ole nose decided to start running! So on Saturday I made eucalyptus tea and drank it all day and a couple of times on Sunday. I was able to sleep without the dripping nose. Thank you, Jesus for some natural remedies. Eva sent one of the kids with some fresh leaves this morning, since all mine were gone. Did you know that Vicks is made with eucalyptus? And check out the lemon cough drops. Some don't have any lemon at all. It's eucalyptus. That's just for your info. Can't think of the acronym of it! English just sometimes disappears from my vocabulary!
So now I must start preparing for this year's English classes.
Thanks for all your prayers and support. May God continue to bless each and everyone of you/