Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Praise God from whom all blessings flow...from hymn

BRRRRRRRRRR!! It has been on the very chilly here since coming home last Tuesday afternoon.  Wednesday night the wind blew really strong all night.  I'm so thankful that the house that I live in is well built.  Otherwise, I may not have had a roof Thursday morning!  Fifty plus degrees and the low sixties are really cold here. I see you all laughing, but being 4500 plus feet above altitude is a little different than sea level. 60 degrees should feel a little warmer, I think! Friday appeared to be a little warmer than Thursday, but it was cloudy, wind blowing, and a lot cooler :( ! I keep hoping it will become a little warmer.  Speaking of weather, an interesting conversation took place last Thursday when I went to put more minutes on my cell phone. The fellow that I purchase them from has citizenship in the US, but he is from HN.  He said the reason it was so cold here was because of the weather in the states, and that God was wanting the people in the states on their knees praying. I replied that the Lord also wanted the same for the people in HN.  He told me that 70% of Hondurans believed in God, implying that most of the people in the US did not. I came back with the statement that even the devils believe in God, and it's not what you know (believe) but what you do with what you know.  He did not know what to say, but I pray he will think about what I said.  (The scriptures that I referred to is James 1:22 and James 2:19).  I have known him since I first came to HN in 2009. He lived close to the place where I used to catch the bus to school, and when he saw  that  I was an American, he began talking to me in English. He is married and he sends his two little girls to a bilingual school here in Valle.  It's interesting to me that the US is to blame for the world's ills.

I think this past time in the US was probably the best that I have had since leaving in 2009.  I was able to see all my kids, grandkids, and great-grandkids. What a  blessing!  And one of those grandkids was born after I returned here last year. What a sweet bundle of joy! He always had a smile and was softer than Charmin!!  And his daddy, mommy, and sisters drove from OK to IL to see me.  Wow,  was I surprised to see them.  I had good visits with all my family and my friends.  And it was especially nice to spend a whole afternoon with Barbara whose husband passed away this past year.  He gave me a word of wisdom before I left for HN the first time.  I didn't understand it at the time because I was in the honeymoon stage.  But since I'm in the "marriage" state, I understand it completely.  I thank the Lord for Leroy and the word that he gave me.  I remembered it several times last year!

So now it is Monday, and I'm starting to work on plans for the coming year.  Decisions, decisions. School starts for teachers in 2 weeks and the kids the following 2 weeks.  I will be ready with God's help.  The two sisters that come to my house will now be going to school in the afternoons, so if all goes well, they will have lessons with me at 5:30 after their regular classes.  And Elida will be here most other evenings for English and to help me with my Spanish.  So begins my new year in HN.

And it appears that I have been invaded by fleas!!! I have killed more fleas in the last two days, and I also sprayed.  So I hope that will take care of them.  I think that I would rather have cockroaches if I had to have anything.  At least they are bigger and they don't bite you.

So now I must get busy.  Once again I thank all of you for your prayers and financial  blessings.