Hello from Honduras 03/2014
Dear Friends
I hope this finds you all
walking in the blessings of our Lord! And speaking of His blessings, seven of
our students accepted Jesus as their Savior yesterday during our devotional
time at school. The moving of the Holy Spirit is an awesome thing to behold. As
they were asking Jesus to come into their lives, I saw some of the seventh and
eighth graders praying and wiping tears from their own eyes. And I was especially blessesd when I
saw the boys doing so. So many
times the teachers work and pray and see nothing for all their labor, and then
it happens. Fruit is born. We sometimes
forget that seeds are growing under the soil before we ever see a little
seedling. God is so good not wanting any to perish. He has a plan for each of
these students, and my prayer is that I fulfill my part in their lives.
The English classes are going
well. The kindergarten teacher is
teaching English to the second graders fulfilling part of her university requirement to become a certified
teacher. This is so great. She had them when they were in kindergarten and they
remember some of the things she taught them at that time. They want to learn
English, and they asked their regular teacher to learn with them. And she is.
PTL! I really do see this school as a bilingual school in the future. What a
blessing for this area that is looked down upon by many of its neighbors. But
isn’t that just like our Lord to lift up the poor and downtrodden?
Besides teaching at the school
in the mornings, I now have six coming to my house in the evening or late
afternoon. There are three adults and four girls. One of the adults is a teacher here in Valle at the public
school. Most of them know English words and phrases, but cannot carry on a
simple conversation. They make my day because they are so eager to learn. I also had a chance to teach
some literature classes in one of our schools in San Pedro Sula when a team
from McPherson, Ks came at the beginning of the school year to help build two
school rooms. (They didi an excellent job)! The school is bilingual so it was
an easy teach for me. Even though
the students read every word correctly, they did not understand all that they
read, so it was a blessing that I was able to explain those things. When it was
time to leave, they asked me to come there and teach, even to the point that
the they asked Mario, the National Director of LACC in Honduras, to send me
there. He didn’t because that’s not where I’m súpose to be!! But it’s a great
feeling to know that you’re wanted!! Also one of the teachers told me that they
need North Americans to come and help them learn the correct pronunciation of
English words. Do you hear the call?
The biggest prayer right now
for the school is to have more qualified teachers and the money to pay them.
Our kinder class has 60 plus students, and our principal is now helping our one teacher. Our first
grade has 50 students and one
teacher. The fifth grade has 34
with one teacher. We need more sponsors for our students because part of that
money helps pay our teachers. Several of them come from Tegucigalpa on the bus
everyday. It is a need not a want. Once again a BIG thank you to all of you
that support me both prayerfully and financially. May God continue to bless you
for your faithfulness.
In His service,