Thursday, December 15, 2016

Romans 8:28 And all things work...

At the present I'm in the second week of vacation and finally learning to relax! We finished the year with the kindergarten and nineth grade graduations on the 3rd of December. It was a very nice celebration for the kids and their families. Our kinder class and nineth grade class both sang songs in English. They did very well. One of my nineth grade students welcomed everyone with a message in English and then translated it into Spanish for the parents and others. He did a good job. I will miss him next year. He also received an award for excellence in all his subjects.

I started my Spanish classes this week. My teacher, Silvia, comes to the house three days a week for two hours each. And on Wednesday, I started helping her with her English. She has words and understands some English. It's interesting because she teaches Canadians and Japanese to speak Spanish. And of course, they all speak English! So she definitely needs help. It amazes me to hear teachers tell their students to think in the language that they are learning when most of the time the cannot because they don't have the vocabulary that is needed. I don't do that to my students because I was told to do that. However, when they have sufficient vocabulary and still have troubles, many times I tell them to think in it Spanish and then translate it. And they get it. Language learning is a lifetime endeavor. Sometimes I think the words they use here for some things don't make sense, but when I think about some of our words and the things that we say, they don't make sense either! so it's welcome to language learning.  And then I was told that the Japanese don't have pronouns.  Wow, how do you speak without pronouns? I don't want to know!

So my son that was diagnosed with cancer is in the healing process. His tumor has shrunk 50% and there is no cancer in other parts of his body. I praise the Lord everyday for his complete healing. He does too, and wants to thank everyone for their prayers and to keep them going. PTL!

Other news from my family is that my grandson was not shot and killed by the policeman. An autopsy showed that he died by his own gun. Whether he shot himself on purpose or by accident is not known. The police did not know either. My son and his wife were shown the police videos tht were not shown on the news that showed my grandson pointing his gun at the policeman. The only bullet from the police was in Caleb's shoulder which of course did not cause his death. It is a tragic thing for us that knew Caleb. He, of course, is missed by those that knew him.

So now I'm believing the Lord for a new and complete change in the school for next year. In my twenty plus years of teaching, I have never wanted a year to end as much as this one. There were all kinds of problems: divisions among staff, very little discipline in the classrooms, many days with no classes, too many kids in a class, and more. But at least we are starting with only 25 kids per class. I'm believing the Lord to change attitudes or change the staff. And I don't care which He does as long as He does something to make this school truly a Christian school in values and morals, both in staff and students.  The reputation of the school has fallen this year. Not a good thing. Again, I stand on Romans 8:28.

I will be spending Christmas with my pastor and his family. Here they keep Christmas on the 24th, and most eat their Christmas dinner at midnight. Some familes also go to church at that time.  So I'm excited to see what happens here. It's something that I've wanted to do for a long time. And I've been invited by another friend to celebrate New Year's Eve with them. I don't know about that one. I'd rather be in bed!!! And no, it isn't my age! I decided many years ago that January first would happen whether I was up or not, and if it didn't, what difference would it make. So I will see.

I do hope evryone has a blessed time with their family and loved ones. Peace and blessings.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Pro.3:6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Here we are, almost at the end of October. Wow! And this year the kids will finish the school year at the end of October instead of November 15th. They always finished on that date before and the teachers on Nov. 30. And now the district says that the teachers have to go until the end of November. And I'm asking myself the question of what are they suppose to do. Our students have already missed so many class days this year due to district directives. I really don't understand the government's thinking.

Yesterday, Pastor Andy and his wife brought out the Christmas gifts for the kids. We do this at this time since we are not in school in November and December. The kids were thrilled of course. And it was so good to hear some of the little ones say thank you in English. Yay, Jesslyn! 

So now I'm Rectora of the school, which means that I'm over everybody. Did I ever want a position as this? Never!! If I didn't know that the Lord was in me guiding and directing me, there's no way that I would be in this position. I think I know a little bit of how Moses felt!  There are many changes that need to take place in the school. Class size is a biggy.  In the second, third, and fifth grades there are more than 30 in a class. One of those classes has 40.  It's way too many.  So this morning, Don Mario came with his wife to see me.  I haven't seen Doña Doris for three years because she is in the states with kids and new grandchildren and working towards dual citizenship. Anyway, I presented a little of the plan that I believe the Lord gave me, and both of them were very happy with it.  I breathed a sigh of relief and praised the Lord for it.  

I met with a parent that is president of our parents group on Tuesday.  When I asked him to speak slowly, he just smiled at me and did so. I have his daughter in my English class so he knows about me and how I teach. Anyway, our ideas are so much alike. It was amazing. And the parents like me because there is discipline in my room, and that I'm strict when it comes to learning. I tell my students that there's a time to play and a time to learn, and when it's time to learn: it's called work! I have some great students and then some that are not so great. Welcome tto the human race! 

People here want what the U.S. has, but they aren't willing to put forth the effort that it takes to get there. They don't understand how our past generations worked hard and sacrificed much in order to have the country that is called the United States of America today. Some do, but not enough. And I look at our young people in the US., and I think what in the world have we come to. And even people a little younger than me, and I think the same thing. Where are the morals and values that helped build this great nation?

It has rained so much in th last two weeks! We couldn't go to school Thursday because the van couldn't get through the roads.  I called it my Honduran snow day!  They are paving the main road that we take to get to the school, but the road that was made into a detour is horrible, and it definitely wasn't made for two way traffic.  We got stuck in the mud one morrning and a bunch of guys in the back of a pick up stopped to help push us out.   But they couldn't.  Finally one them brought a rope, and another van that was going to the school pulled us out.  We were about a half hour late. What an adventure, Honduran style!  Never a dull moment.  And of course when it rains really hard, we always lose electricity.  So many times this week we have been without it.  Imagine living without electricity!  We do quite often.

I praise the Lord always for my family and friends in the states and here.  They are so precious to me. And this year I'm not planning to go home in December and January.  I want to use that time to up my Spanish especially with this new position.  And it's the only time that I can truly focus on it.  I won't have classes at school or at my house.

I hope this finds all of you following the Lord and being blessed.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

It is no secret what God can do. Stuart Hamblen

This song came to me this morning when I was thinking about all the things that have happened in the last two weeks. On the first of September, I received a phone call about 3:30 AM from my youngest son in the states. Through tears he told me that his oldest son had been shot by a policeman and had died. I could not believe what I was hearing. It was so unreal and still is. I flew home to be with my son and his family. 
My grandson Caleb was the nicest kid. He would help with whatever when someone needed help. He was extremely intelligent with homework done in a flash. But somewhere a few years ago, he decided to go a different route than the way he had been raised. With tears in his eyes telling his mom and dad that he loved them, he told them he was going to do his drugs and there was nothing that they could do to stop him. They had spent thousands of dollars on counsellors, and even Boys Town in Nebraska for a year and a half, but to no avail. So what happened to this kind, good-looking kid? I don't have the answer. But I know that the Lord does, and I have to trust in His love and mercy. I have hoped that in the few minutes before Caleb died that he called out to the Lord to save him. 

Because it was a cop shooting, the story went national. His druggy friends were saying to riot and burn Wichita. Really? How stupid! As if that is going to bring Caleb back or bring justice? My son spoke off the record to a reporter, who printed some of the things that was said. When the story was printed, things calmed down. My son, who had been in law enforement, said that he would have done the same thing that the policeman had done. Caleb had produced a gun and had pointed it at the officer.  When nothing happened, he chambered another round, and with both hands pointed it at the officer. The rest is history. One relative was so angry with the policeman, saying it was an execution, etc. Really? Someone points a loaded gun at you, are you really going to ask if he is trying to scare you or is he going to shoot you? My grandson wasn't a thug as the term mostly implies, but he was outside the law and suffered the consequences of his decisions. Does his family mourn? Absolutely. But they also have deep compassion for the young man that ended Caleb's life. 

The way our nation has gone makes me so sad. Race tensions have so increased in the last several years. There are those that call themselves Christian leaders who have only encouraged and led dissention among the races. They have not followed in the footsteps of Him who they say they serve. I would not want to be in their place on judgment day. Our country has fallen from the honored place that it once held.  How sad, but God is no respecter of persons or nations. Our nation was founded on Bibilical principles. Our constitution was founded on the same, but our leaders refuse to follow and obey it. When a nation rejects God, God will reject that nation in time. He always sends warnings before judgment, but when the people refuse to hear and change, He does what only a loving God can do.

I know that the Lord will bring some good out of this very sad situation. My Grandma use to say that it is an ill wind that doesn't bring somebody some good. I believe Romans 8:28.

I will miss my grandson when I go to the states, but my greatest memories will be those times that we spent together, watching "scary"movies, eating tuna fish sandwiches by candlelight, and eating spaghetti and cheese.

I thank the Lord for perhaps saving Caleb from something far worse than the tragedy that took his life.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Psalms 91. Count the promises in this Psalm.

So I gave the message to our church board this month and it was on Ps. 91. Always I ask the Lord for the message because I know that I will be held accountable for what I speak.  And He gave me Ps. 91. How appropriate it was.  When the others were talking before the meeting actually begun, the Lord definitely confirmed His message to me.  It seems that Zika is a big scare for many, Christians included.  How sad especially when He hasn't given us the spirit of fear, but power, love, and a sound mind!  There are so many promises in this Psalm.  There are only 16 verses in this Psalm, but there are more than 16 promises. I learned this Ps. when Becky and I went to Belize in 2009, and the lady there had a bot fly larva in her shoulder. I stand on these words.  So I gave the message in Spanish!!! I didn't explain one area very well, so the secretary elaborated on it for me. They received the message well and was reciting some verses along with the reading aloud of it.  It also produced a lot of discussion.  So once again I give thanks to the Lord for all His guidance.

I love Pastor Dago and his wife Martha.  I can discuss anything with them freely.  What a blessing, and we're usually always on the same page.  However, when we have these discussions, he pulls out his phone and says ok, you can preach this Sunday! No!  I need time to get this down in Spanish. When I speak in English, I do not write it out. I only write down what scriptures I'm going to use, and a few key points.  In Spanish, it's totally different.  I have to write it out, and I don't like that because it always changes a little when I speak.  But the Lord always helps me. Bless His holy name.

I had to renew my residency for this year.  Even though the card gives an expiration date, the renewal has to be started at least a month ahead.  So mine ended last December, and I started the process last September.  Well, I still don't have it.  So last Wednesday, I learned that it was ready.  However, Mario had called a person on Tuesday to tell me that it was ready and for me to call him if I wanted his help. Of course I wanted his help.  So I called him on Wednesday and told him that I had just gotten his message.  The person had forgotten to tell me until then.  So he asked about going on the next day which was Thursday, and I told him that I would take the bus to Tegus and he could pick me up at the bus stop.  He said ok, and all was well.  So we got to the immigration place, and we learned that they had sent a message to my attorney on June 6th that my residency was ready. He never told Mario anything. I had 30 days to come get it or I would have to pay a fine of over $150.  We were flabbergasted!  So the young lady counted the days, and we were on the 30th day!  Oh, dear Lord! So after the days had been counted again, I was ready to have my picture, and finger prints taken again. So we are going the 27th to actually pick up my new card. This was one time that I was actually glad that they don't count the weekends. Now, it's kind of funny because when the first lady started counting, I was praying, and I know that Mario was too.  And then when she told us that all was well, we both started praising the Lord.  How the Lord moves on our behalf always.  I am so thankful that I know the Lord, and that we have a relationship that I wouldn't trade for anything.

Things at the school are still pretty rough.  I know that the Lord has a plan, and I have to rest in that. So however, He plans to move, so be it.

Be blessed.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Rom.4:3...Abraham believed God and it was counted unto him fpr righteousness.

So what is happening here? A lot. Some super good, others not so good. Life, yes? So the good first. God is always faithful and has a plan for each of us.  Sometimes we understand what He is doing, and other times, it's by faith that we stand firm on His word.

I was asked to be on the Pastor's board of our small church. Of course, I said yes.  We meet once a month and discuss whatever is on the Pastor's mind and ours.  He always wants our opinions and thoughts. It's very refreshing to go to a meeting and know that the decisions have not already been made by others before the meeting.  And now I have to prepare a short message for our next meeting. I really want to do it in Spanish even though the pastor or our secretary could translate for me.  So we will see what happens.

I also preached about three weeks ago.  It was on the works of Abraham.  What were his works?  In a nutshell, he believed God's word and acted upon it. He is called the Father of the faithful.  So if we are one of the faithful, then we should also believe God's word and do what he tells us.  Faith and obedience.  God appeared to Abraham, so Abraham knew him and his voice.  When the three men appeared, he knew one was the Lord and the other two were angels. Jesus said his sheep would know his voice and another they would not follow. Abraham knew God's voice. When he was told to sacrifice Isaac, He never hesitated. He knew the promise that the Lord had given him concerning Isaac. That promise couldn't be fulfilled if Isaac was dead. He also knew that if he did kill Isaac, the Lord would resurrect him (Heb.11). He also knew that the Lord was different from the gods that the people around him served. They offered their babies/children to their idols. God never requires such a sacrifice.  He knew God would supply a sacrifice.  Jesus said that if we loved our son, daughter, etc. more than  him, then we weren't worthy of him.  Abraham loved the Lord more than he loved Isaac. Can we say that?  And then there are those that know what God requires of them, but they are like Jonah.  They choose to go their own way.  I believe that there are may in the belly of the fish today, slippin' and slidin' around not realizing that if Jonah had not come to himself, repented, and prayed, he would have died there as food for the fish. And then there is Jeroboam, the one who made Israel sin. He did not believe the words that God spoke to him about ruling Israel, hence always behind his name are the words, he who made Israel to sin.  What a horrible legacy.  Which one of these are we? I pray that we are like Abraham and his son Isaac who believed and had faith not only in his father but also in the God that his father believed and served.  

Two weeks ago today, our church went to Cantarranas for a baptism.  There were five this time. Thank you Lord!  After we were on the bus and ready to go, my pastor comes by and says to me that he wants my help.  Doing what?  Helping him baptize!  Yay!  my heart's desire. I have always wanted to do this.  Baptisms are so beautiful.  So I did. What a blessing.  So I had no other clothes to change into, since Pastor didn't tell me until we were on the bus and ready to leave, but the sun dried them on me  and all was well.

Ah! An earthquake tremor about 9:30 PM night before last. I was in bed and it started rocking. I'm thinking ok, here we go.  A few seconds and it was over.  I learned a long time ago that if God doesn't protect you, then nothing or no one else can do it. So, peace.

So now the not so good. Our school is really going through some things that I know our Lord is not pleased with.  There needs to be some serious changes. I pray and believe that the Lord will move quickly.  And it's something that I don't feel needs to be discussed.  Just pray for the Lord's will be done.

God bless you all.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Mat.7:13-14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

It seems the times for blogging are getting farther and farther apart!  I have never really liked to write, but it is a needful thing.  However, after teaching and learning all day, sitting down and writing is the last thing that I want to do!  I learned in one of my college classes that even professional writers do all kinds of things to avoid the actual sitting down and writing.  So I guess I'm in good company.

This year the government has said that the kids have to to go to school on Saturdays basically to play. Now our teachers and students don't have to since there are only two that are not attending the university on Saturdays.  They can play on Fridays. And the kids leave during the week at 1:00, but teachers have to stay until 2:00.  So our administrator is going to ask the district if we can leave at 1:00 also since there is nothing for us to do after the kids leave. I pray so since I get home maybe 30 minutes before my first student comes to my house for English on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  And on Mondays and Wednesdays we have English from 4:00 to 6:00 and then church at 6:30.  And now some good news.  We get to leave at 1:30!!! So much better.  What a difference thirty minutes makes. Thank you Lord.

I surely did get an education yesterday when reading in Jeremiah. Jeremiah told King Jehoakim about his death. So I went on line to see about this horrible king. The Jewish encyclopedia gave quite an account of this wicked king. And then I learned a new word-epispasm. That gave me understanding of what Paul said in I Cor.7:18-19. I'd never heard of such a thing. It seems that the Jewish men wanted the prasie of men more than God's praise.  I thought what do God's people do today to be accepted by the world, but rejected by the Lord.  We walk a very straight and narrow road.  If you don't know what this is and you want to know, then you need to look it up and read for yourselves.

Classes at school are going well. One of my students that comes to the house came by yesterday to ask for the correct pronunciation of the words mother and brother. She had had a test in her English class at school and her teacher had marked her pronunciation wrong when in fact it was correct.  She was happier knowing that she had pronounced it correctly.  I still believe that languages should be taught by native speakers. Oh well.

Until later, be blessed.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Rev. 12:11 And they overcame him by the blood of the lamb, and by the word of their testimony...

What a blessing this teacher received yesterday!  One of the cooks had told me that one of my former students wanted to come to learn English.  She came to see me one day last week and we set up her times. She wants six hours a week.  Wow!  No problem since she can come to the school when I don't have other classes.  Her first time was yesterday.  She had kept the handout that I give each student that contains verbs, food words, and other vocabulary.  I had this young lady for 5th and 6th grades when I first came.  She is now 20 years old!  It just blew my socks off!  She still remembers some, so this is good.  This young lady did not like me at all in the 5th grade.  She would get mad for whatever reason, but when she graduated 6th grade, she gave me her 6th grade graduation picture with a letter saying that she didn't want me to forget her!  Are you kidding?  But she did change her attitude while she was in the 6th grade.  Praise the Lord! I had her brother who is a year older than she is.  He was just the opposite as a student.  It's absolutely amazing the way the Lord works in each life.  But I could not believe that she had kept that handout.  

So the two weeks before, Jesslyn and I didn't have classes on Fridays so we didn't go to the school.  I told Mario when he asked me why I wasn't at school.  I said that I could not go out there and sit for 7 hours with nothing to do.  Well, boy, that changed in a hurry.  He called the administrador and said that I was to have each 7th-9th graders 5 hours a week.  YAY!  So now I have 3 classes and Jess has 2.  It's better tah none at all.  And now the government has changed the hours to be at school.  You can choose 7-2 or 8-3.  We chose 7-3.  But get this.  The kids leave at 1:00 and teachers at 2:00.  So now I barely make it home before a student comes to the house for English.  And now we take our lunch, which is not a problem.  So counting the time on the bus and school time, we are gone for 9 hours.  It doesn't leave much time when we have students at home too.  We have reserved Friday nights for ourselves.  We go out to dinner, and then watch a good movie at my house. Sunday of course is church, and Saurday is for cleaning, cooking, and doing laundry.  I do miss those Fridays!

Last Wednesday night I shared with the church all the things that the Lord did from the time I reached Cacun to the time I returned to Honduras.  When the Lord gave me Rev. 12:11, I had no idea the testimony that I would have and share with my church here.  I related some to my pastor and his wife when I returned here, and he told me that the church needed to hear it.  So I wrote it all out in Spanish.  Silvia read it and corrected the few mistakes that I had made, but none were big.  For that I thank the Lord.  So all the things that we would consider to be small or to a degree insignificate really are the things that God blesses us with.  Without them, our lives would be more difficult and perhaps sad.  Many watch for big miraculous things, not understanding that everything God does is big. So now I watch everyday to see what He is doing.  By the blood of the Lamb and our testimonies, we overcome the enemy.  I apologized to the church that I had to read most of what I said because my Spanish was not as good as theirs nor did I  speak as fast as they do.  It was received well, and I know that more is coming.

Malachi 3:16-17 talks about a book being written about those that talk about and think about the Lord. Jess and I are always talking about Him and what he is doing.  It is so nice to have someone to talk with about the things of the Lord.  I want my name in that book of remembrance.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Num.6:24-26 The LORD bless thee and keep thee: the Lord make his face to shine upon thee...

Yay! I have been home for two weeks now, and what a great blessing.  It feels so good to be here.
This coming Monday, teachers will return to school.  I don't think I'm ready yet.  I have been staying up late, 9:30-12:30, and getting up around 7:00.  And next week, I'll be back to going to bed at 8:00, and getting up at 4:00.  I keep saying that I'm going to bed early, but it hasn't happened yet.

It was great to visit my church in KS even though there are a lot of new people that I don't know.  I was able to spend some time with Pastors Bryan, Julie,  and their two boys.  And how my heart did sing when four year old Ethan said, " Bevury, I pray for you everyday/night." I love the way he pronounces my name. Cute!  And I praise the Lord for this little guy's faithfulness.  Thank you Pastors Bryan and Julie.  And since I arrived in the states without checks, etc., I'm thankful that Pastor Bryan could use online banking to help me stay faithful with my giving. 

It was great visiting with family and friends.  After church, Barbara and I went out to eat in Hutchinson since Carriage Crossing is closed on Sundays :( We ended up in this little Mom and Pop restaurant. Well, when we looked at the menu, we thought that we had made a big mistake.  We wanted a full meal, and the menu basically was sandwiches of one kind or another. Barb suggested that maybe we could drink our coffee and leave, but we continued to sit there.  Finally we decided to eat chicken fingers, but they also had chicken planks. When I asked the waitress, who was new, what they were, she said that she didn't know, but would ask.  About that time the owner appeared above the half wall that was next to us and explained that the planks were made form the breast of the chicken whereas the fingers were made from the meat under the wings.  So we decided to get those with mashed potatoes, etc.  Well, we decided that those chicken planks were pretty good, and we were glad that we had stayed.  But let me tell you, we had some pretty good laughs about our adventure. 

It was also great to visit the Ladies of Martha Circle.  I shared the scripture that the Lord had given me from Rev.12:11 as I did at Covenant Assembly.

Well, I started this a week or so ago. I'm so bad about writing any more.  But school for the teachers started this past Monday.  Jesslyn and I didn't have to go today because of meetings with the directors and other important people.  So I've cleaned my house etc. this morning.  Now to get some songs copied and made into booklets for my students.

Instead of going to the language school around the corner, Silvia, friend and teacher, is coming to my house on Mondays anf Fridays to help Jesslyn and me to continue our Spanish.  I'm so glad to be able to do this.  So my homework has been to help me get my message ready for the church.  Pastor is always asking me when I'm going to preach.  Well, my message is going to be my testimony from this past November and December.  I never write out a message that the Lord has given me to give.  I only write the the scriptures and a few points that I'm going to talk about.  But this will be in Spanish and that's a whole different ballgame.  So it has begun.  I'm almost finished with it, but then I need to practice it orally!  I thank the Lord for his ever present Holy Spirit.

So today is Friday, the only week day that I don't have a class in the afternoon.  So it's the one night that Jess and I go out to eat dinner, and then we watch a movie after.  What a great and relaxing time.  We need a girl's night out.  And that's what we do!

So I pray the Lord's blessing on my family and friends. Until later.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

James 4:14...For what is your life? It is even a vapor, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanishes away.

To my faithful readers, I do apologize for this long period of not writing. I can offer no good excuses.
So here it is a new year. So I will start here and work backwards, and I hope you see the Lord's hand in the things that have happened.
I did go to Cancun for the retreat on November 23. These happen every two years in a different country. Becky and I registered, ate dinner, and then I went looking for my two friends from Colombia. I found them and was so happy to see them as they were just as happy to see me. We hadn't seen each other since 2011. This was the first time that they were able to come to one of these recent retreats. So we spent a couple of hours talking and enjoying each others company. Wow! I couldn't believe that their son is now attending a university in the states and their daughter is now eighteen. Seeing them was definitely a blessing from my Father.
When I returned to my room, Becky told me to sit down because she had something to tell me. As I sat she told me that my brother had died. I couldn't believe it! What a shock. My youngest son and daughter had called trying to talk to me. They both knew that I was going to Cancun and that I wasn't taking my computer. (I don't carry that thing unless I absolutely have to do so. Like now when my son goes in and performs all his magic to bring me up to par). So I called them because I had decided not to fly to IL for his funeral. He was cremated which just creeps me out. Yes, I know. It's everybody's personal preference. I knew that I wouldn't see him for one last time. Becky told me that I could go home, and I knew that, but I just couldn't. Then I started thinking about my kids wondering if they would even go back to IL from KS for the funeral. Then I thought, ok, I'm going back. I called my daughter and told her that I was coming home. She said that she had been praying and asking God  to make me come home. That he could speak to me because I would hear Him, and I would do what he said because she needed me to come home.  She said it hadn't even been five minutes since she  had prayed when I called.  So Becky and I made reservations for me to fly out the next morning. So I had one night and two meals in Cancun! But when I needed to see our area director to tell him what was happening, we always met him coming towards us! God is always meeting the need! He told me to go, which I did. 
So let's go back from there a couple of weeks. I always give a specified amount every month to the church that I attend in Valle. When I was getting ready to write a check to the church, I thought about writing one for two months, and then I thought no because I would be back in Valle for ten or so days before I flew to KS for Christmas break. And I could write a check then for December. But I wrote it for two months anyway. When my Pastor asked me why, I think I shrugged my shoulders and said that I didn't know.
Well, now we know, because I didn't return to Valle when I was supposed to do so. I came to the states. Jesus said that He would never leave or forsake us. He sent His Holy Spirit to us to lead, guide, and teach us in His physical absence. How faithful He is in every situation. He knows everything that will touch our lives from beginning to end. How I praise Him for His goodness and what He has done for me and my children in the last few weeks.  So I stayed at my youngest daughter's for a couple of weeks. My kids came back for my brother's memorial service. And since I was going to KS to visit and to fly back to HN from there, my daughter asked if one of them could meet us in Kansas City, and I could ride home with one of them. Well, it just "so happened" that two of my son's would be there that weekend, and I would go with them. So we met in KC and I rode home with my youngest son and his wife.
I always called my brother every month or so. And we would giggle a lot about the craziest things! I will miss doing that.  I didn't get to say "good bye" to my brother, and it really bothered me. However, I am thankful that his son was able to go to my brother's house while the coroner was there.
He was able to spend that time with his father. The coroner said that Donnie, my brother, had a heart attack and had died instantly.  For that, I am thankful.  But as I was thinking about never seeing him again in this life, and not being able to see him one last time, the Lord gave me the above scripture about our life being a vapor. We're here and then we're gone.  What a comfort that was and is.  I thank God always for His word. Moses said in Deuteronomy that God's word is not a vain thing, but it is our life.  And truly it is. The Lord laid Rev. 12:11 on my heart. We should have an ongoing testimony of what the Lord is doing in our lives. We are covered by the blood of the Lamb, Jesus, but we need to be glorifying the Lord with all the things that He does in our life.  Some of the things I have mentioned may be considered insignificant to many people, but I know that things happened only by God's intervention and mercy for me. He is the same with all His children, but many times He does things that we don't even notice. We take them for granted. But when we begin to pay attention to the things that are happening in our everyday lives, we will see His hand. People look for the big things and miss the little things. But for those of us that trust Him with our very lives, there are no little things. They are only big things from a big God. May we all give Him the glory that is His.
So tomorrow, I will fly back to Honduras. I am so ready to go. I have been here almost two months! And school will be starting a couple of weeks after I get home for us teachers.  I will be ready.  I have enjoyed my time here with my family and friends.  It has been a time of rest for me. And to help my grandson with the little bit of Spanish homework that he had was a blessing. It was great watching my granddaughter do her routine for her cheer team that competes with other teams in different cities. They do some interesting moves! And my grown grandkids?? Well, they are adults with families of their own! But I have "flashbacks" of when they were little! And they have the cutest little ones, naturally!!! God has been good to me and my children.  I always tell the girls in the family that Mother is a good title. And then it gets better with GRANDmother. And the best so far is GREATGRANDmother. Your title just gets better and better!  Will I make it to great great grandmother? Only the Lord knows.
So the school year ended with us taking the 9th graders to Amapala. They loved swimming in the Pacific and eating seafood from a restaurant on the beach. We were also able to visit the port of entry near Choluteca, but were not able to board one of the ships there :( Some of them want to continue English classes at my house when school starts. We will see if that takes place. Jesslyn and I may begin teaching English to our church depending on how the Lord leads. There are several that speak some English and others that don't but want to learn. So we will see.
Until later may God bless.