What a blessing this teacher received yesterday! One of the cooks had told me that one of my former students wanted to come to learn English. She came to see me one day last week and we set up her times. She wants six hours a week. Wow! No problem since she can come to the school when I don't have other classes. Her first time was yesterday. She had kept the handout that I give each student that contains verbs, food words, and other vocabulary. I had this young lady for 5th and 6th grades when I first came. She is now 20 years old! It just blew my socks off! She still remembers some, so this is good. This young lady did not like me at all in the 5th grade. She would get mad for whatever reason, but when she graduated 6th grade, she gave me her 6th grade graduation picture with a letter saying that she didn't want me to forget her! Are you kidding? But she did change her attitude while she was in the 6th grade. Praise the Lord! I had her brother who is a year older than she is. He was just the opposite as a student. It's absolutely amazing the way the Lord works in each life. But I could not believe that she had kept that handout.
So the two weeks before, Jesslyn and I didn't have classes on Fridays so we didn't go to the school. I told Mario when he asked me why I wasn't at school. I said that I could not go out there and sit for 7 hours with nothing to do. Well, boy, that changed in a hurry. He called the administrador and said that I was to have each 7th-9th graders 5 hours a week. YAY! So now I have 3 classes and Jess has 2. It's better tah none at all. And now the government has changed the hours to be at school. You can choose 7-2 or 8-3. We chose 7-3. But get this. The kids leave at 1:00 and teachers at 2:00. So now I barely make it home before a student comes to the house for English. And now we take our lunch, which is not a problem. So counting the time on the bus and school time, we are gone for 9 hours. It doesn't leave much time when we have students at home too. We have reserved Friday nights for ourselves. We go out to dinner, and then watch a good movie at my house. Sunday of course is church, and Saurday is for cleaning, cooking, and doing laundry. I do miss those Fridays!
Last Wednesday night I shared with the church all the things that the Lord did from the time I reached Cacun to the time I returned to Honduras. When the Lord gave me Rev. 12:11, I had no idea the testimony that I would have and share with my church here. I related some to my pastor and his wife when I returned here, and he told me that the church needed to hear it. So I wrote it all out in Spanish. Silvia read it and corrected the few mistakes that I had made, but none were big. For that I thank the Lord. So all the things that we would consider to be small or to a degree insignificate really are the things that God blesses us with. Without them, our lives would be more difficult and perhaps sad. Many watch for big miraculous things, not understanding that everything God does is big. So now I watch everyday to see what He is doing. By the blood of the Lamb and our testimonies, we overcome the enemy. I apologized to the church that I had to read most of what I said because my Spanish was not as good as theirs nor did I speak as fast as they do. It was received well, and I know that more is coming.
Malachi 3:16-17 talks about a book being written about those that talk about and think about the Lord. Jess and I are always talking about Him and what he is doing. It is so nice to have someone to talk with about the things of the Lord. I want my name in that book of remembrance.