Saturday, October 22, 2016

Pro.3:6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Here we are, almost at the end of October. Wow! And this year the kids will finish the school year at the end of October instead of November 15th. They always finished on that date before and the teachers on Nov. 30. And now the district says that the teachers have to go until the end of November. And I'm asking myself the question of what are they suppose to do. Our students have already missed so many class days this year due to district directives. I really don't understand the government's thinking.

Yesterday, Pastor Andy and his wife brought out the Christmas gifts for the kids. We do this at this time since we are not in school in November and December. The kids were thrilled of course. And it was so good to hear some of the little ones say thank you in English. Yay, Jesslyn! 

So now I'm Rectora of the school, which means that I'm over everybody. Did I ever want a position as this? Never!! If I didn't know that the Lord was in me guiding and directing me, there's no way that I would be in this position. I think I know a little bit of how Moses felt!  There are many changes that need to take place in the school. Class size is a biggy.  In the second, third, and fifth grades there are more than 30 in a class. One of those classes has 40.  It's way too many.  So this morning, Don Mario came with his wife to see me.  I haven't seen Doña Doris for three years because she is in the states with kids and new grandchildren and working towards dual citizenship. Anyway, I presented a little of the plan that I believe the Lord gave me, and both of them were very happy with it.  I breathed a sigh of relief and praised the Lord for it.  

I met with a parent that is president of our parents group on Tuesday.  When I asked him to speak slowly, he just smiled at me and did so. I have his daughter in my English class so he knows about me and how I teach. Anyway, our ideas are so much alike. It was amazing. And the parents like me because there is discipline in my room, and that I'm strict when it comes to learning. I tell my students that there's a time to play and a time to learn, and when it's time to learn: it's called work! I have some great students and then some that are not so great. Welcome tto the human race! 

People here want what the U.S. has, but they aren't willing to put forth the effort that it takes to get there. They don't understand how our past generations worked hard and sacrificed much in order to have the country that is called the United States of America today. Some do, but not enough. And I look at our young people in the US., and I think what in the world have we come to. And even people a little younger than me, and I think the same thing. Where are the morals and values that helped build this great nation?

It has rained so much in th last two weeks! We couldn't go to school Thursday because the van couldn't get through the roads.  I called it my Honduran snow day!  They are paving the main road that we take to get to the school, but the road that was made into a detour is horrible, and it definitely wasn't made for two way traffic.  We got stuck in the mud one morrning and a bunch of guys in the back of a pick up stopped to help push us out.   But they couldn't.  Finally one them brought a rope, and another van that was going to the school pulled us out.  We were about a half hour late. What an adventure, Honduran style!  Never a dull moment.  And of course when it rains really hard, we always lose electricity.  So many times this week we have been without it.  Imagine living without electricity!  We do quite often.

I praise the Lord always for my family and friends in the states and here.  They are so precious to me. And this year I'm not planning to go home in December and January.  I want to use that time to up my Spanish especially with this new position.  And it's the only time that I can truly focus on it.  I won't have classes at school or at my house.

I hope this finds all of you following the Lord and being blessed.