Thursday, December 15, 2016

Romans 8:28 And all things work...

At the present I'm in the second week of vacation and finally learning to relax! We finished the year with the kindergarten and nineth grade graduations on the 3rd of December. It was a very nice celebration for the kids and their families. Our kinder class and nineth grade class both sang songs in English. They did very well. One of my nineth grade students welcomed everyone with a message in English and then translated it into Spanish for the parents and others. He did a good job. I will miss him next year. He also received an award for excellence in all his subjects.

I started my Spanish classes this week. My teacher, Silvia, comes to the house three days a week for two hours each. And on Wednesday, I started helping her with her English. She has words and understands some English. It's interesting because she teaches Canadians and Japanese to speak Spanish. And of course, they all speak English! So she definitely needs help. It amazes me to hear teachers tell their students to think in the language that they are learning when most of the time the cannot because they don't have the vocabulary that is needed. I don't do that to my students because I was told to do that. However, when they have sufficient vocabulary and still have troubles, many times I tell them to think in it Spanish and then translate it. And they get it. Language learning is a lifetime endeavor. Sometimes I think the words they use here for some things don't make sense, but when I think about some of our words and the things that we say, they don't make sense either! so it's welcome to language learning.  And then I was told that the Japanese don't have pronouns.  Wow, how do you speak without pronouns? I don't want to know!

So my son that was diagnosed with cancer is in the healing process. His tumor has shrunk 50% and there is no cancer in other parts of his body. I praise the Lord everyday for his complete healing. He does too, and wants to thank everyone for their prayers and to keep them going. PTL!

Other news from my family is that my grandson was not shot and killed by the policeman. An autopsy showed that he died by his own gun. Whether he shot himself on purpose or by accident is not known. The police did not know either. My son and his wife were shown the police videos tht were not shown on the news that showed my grandson pointing his gun at the policeman. The only bullet from the police was in Caleb's shoulder which of course did not cause his death. It is a tragic thing for us that knew Caleb. He, of course, is missed by those that knew him.

So now I'm believing the Lord for a new and complete change in the school for next year. In my twenty plus years of teaching, I have never wanted a year to end as much as this one. There were all kinds of problems: divisions among staff, very little discipline in the classrooms, many days with no classes, too many kids in a class, and more. But at least we are starting with only 25 kids per class. I'm believing the Lord to change attitudes or change the staff. And I don't care which He does as long as He does something to make this school truly a Christian school in values and morals, both in staff and students.  The reputation of the school has fallen this year. Not a good thing. Again, I stand on Romans 8:28.

I will be spending Christmas with my pastor and his family. Here they keep Christmas on the 24th, and most eat their Christmas dinner at midnight. Some familes also go to church at that time.  So I'm excited to see what happens here. It's something that I've wanted to do for a long time. And I've been invited by another friend to celebrate New Year's Eve with them. I don't know about that one. I'd rather be in bed!!! And no, it isn't my age! I decided many years ago that January first would happen whether I was up or not, and if it didn't, what difference would it make. So I will see.

I do hope evryone has a blessed time with their family and loved ones. Peace and blessings.