Monday, December 4, 2017

Phil.4:19 But my God shall supply ALL your needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

I'm so excited today that I don't know what to do with myself! You ask why.  Well, about the middle of October  Mario's wife came and told me that they were selling the property. I had until the end of December to live here. Wow!  They had been talking about this for three or four years.  And here people talk alot, but many times they don't do anything. So until you see it, it's just kind of out there somewhere.  Well, lo and behold, it is here.  And to be honest, I really don't know how to describe the feelings that I had.  But I thought well Lord, if my time here is up I'll go home especially if I can't find another house here in Valle.  So I told my friends and my  pastor, etc.  One day not long after, my pastor called and told me that he had found me a house.  So away we went. And of course, we took the worst streets to get there.  Walking, of course.  Most streets here in Valle are not paved, so we're walking forever it seemed on muddy, gutted streets.  There are no drainage ditches to speak of.  Finally we arrived. Sure enough, it was as he told me.  They weren't done building it.  Brand new.  Three bedrooms, kitchen and dining room, two bathrooms  and  a living room.   And it had a carport.  I went there a week or so later and I was able to talk to the construction worker.  He took me through the house.  The only things that it didn't have were closets and cabinets. Bummer!!! Now what? Oh well, not to worry. The Lord remineded me that  I had lived in houses many years ago in the states that didn't have them either.  As I talked to the builder, I found out that he lives in Macuelizo where I teach and that his son is in my 6th grade class.  The Lord surely does do things that we can't even imagine.  It was so funny, because the next day his son gave me that "knowing" look.  It was so cute because he didn't say a word, but his eyes said it all.  And outside, the house has a pila, storage room, and hook ups for the washer and dryer. 

Pastor made an appointment with the owner so that I could meet him. Pastor went with me.  The owner and his wife came and he explained the whats and wherefores and said the house would be ready the 11th of November.  So today, I went and looked at the house. Of course no one was there, but the driveway gate was in place and the walls in front of the house were painted yellow. There are walls all around the property which is normal here but not all will be painted.  There's also a doorbell on the ouside wall next to the metal entry door onto the property. I like that.  So when I got home, I called him. Sure enough the house is mine.  He explained what was going to be done each day this next week.  I finally had to ask him to please speak slower. Bless his heart, he did.  So I'm sooooo excited.  I have this feeling that I have a house that is finally mine!  Strange, I know.  But it's on the outskirts of town the way this house used to be.  And I like country. It's only about a kilometer from the grocery store that I use.  So exercise I will get once more.  Lord, you are so good!!

So now, I have been in the new house for almost a month. What a blessing it is. I'm amazed at all the Lord has done. The colors of my curtains that go so well with the painted walls, etc.  I had to buy 2 beds, a dresser, a refrigerator and a lot of other, smaller things. But thanks be to the Lord that I had the money for all.  And many things were on sale.  It's quite normal for houses here not to have built-in closets and  cabinets.  Jesslyn was preparing to go back to the states for a year or more, and she loaned me her bookcase and other shelves.  So all is well in that area. And I had to buy dishes and silverware. All those things were provided in the old house. I didn't even have to provide my own sheets in the old house! But of course, I did have my own.

Pastor Dago and his wife Martha came one afternoon last week, and Martha planted me some flowers. She wouldn't let me help!  There is some empty  property across the street where trucks have been dumping construction materials. Well, if you walk back to where there is a very small creek, you will see flowers like dumb  cains growing amongst the trash.  Guess what? Yep, I had Pastor go and help me dig a couple up for my yard! Is it stealing? No. There are no signs anywhere saying private property, etc. If so, I wouldn't have the flowers, and the trucks wouldn't be dumping there. 

When we were drinking coffee, Pastor looked at me and told me that the Lord had made this house for me.  I knew it. The Lord truly does prepare the things that we need long before we need them many times. So many of God's people worry about having the things that they need. If we would just believe what He says, life would be so much more enjoyable.  Jesus  told us that the Father knows what we have need of before we ask. And He is preparing for those needs even before we need them.
I'm so grateful for my heavenly Father, Jesus my Savior, and the Holy Spirit that lives within me.  How well they take care of me.

So now, the violence in this country concerning the elections.  I'm thankful that I live here in Valle, because it doesn't usually touch us.  I haven't even seen soldiers here.  We were going to take the 9th graders on their trip last weekend, but we couldn't because many of the highways were closed due to demonstrators.  They even burned the toll booths!  How crazy! But many times, these domonstrations are an excuse to destroy and plunder.  It's kind of like Americans demonstrating against President Trump.  So stupid. It's like little kids throwing tantrums because they didn't get their way.  How sad. So maybe wecan go next weekend, but I doubt it.  We'll be taking them to Tela and Punta Sal. Beautiful places where they haven't been.

Some other sad news.  My dog Brownie died.  Actually, she belonged to the Canaca's, the owners of my previous house. But in her heart and mine, she belonged to me.  Every time that I left the house  even to go to the little store on the corner she would cry.  Sometimes howling! All the neighbors knew when I left my house and when I came home.  And then when I would return, she would start barking and tell me all the news.  When I opened the gate, she would kiss my hands and feet! She would look for me in Becky's car if I wasn't there. It really was pitiful. When I'd go to the states, Wil told me that Brownie would sit at the gate waiting.  She would get depressed.  I had prayed that she would die before I left HN for good.  Sounds horrible, I know. But I couldn't stand the thought of her being abandoned, more or less.  I didn't realize that it would happen when I moved.  Jess called to tell me that she was bleeding from her private parts.  I went immediately to see her.  Evidently, it had started in the night. The vet couldn't come due another case he was on. He told Wil that she probably had a tumor and that it had burst.  She was so weak.  She got up to come to me. I held her face in my hands and we looked each other in the eyes.  I told her she was going to heaven.  She got a small drink before she laid down and never looked up again.  I knew that she was gone.  But the Lord answered my prayer. This dog and I were together for maybe 5 years. And this is from a woman who doesn't like dogs.  Yeah, right. My daughter, Penny, told me one time that you don't pick a dog, they pick you.  I'm a believer.

I'm so thankful for God's goodness to me and for all His blessings. My desire is to see Him face to face and to hear the words, Well done thou good and faithful servant...

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Mat. 25:21 Well done thou good and faithful servant...

Well Independence Day has come and  gone. The kids marched four times in September.  They were so tired as were the teachers. They marched once on the 15th, twice on the 24th, and once again on the 28th.  Independence Day was the 15th,  Day of the Bible was the 24th, and the receiving or signing of the documents for their independence was on the 28th.  They marched in the morning and again in the afternoon for the Day of the Bible.  When I asked the teachers why they had to march twice on the 24th, I was told that the churches don't agree with each other.  Then what meaning does the Bible actually have? Yeah, I know. So anyway, during the parade on the 28th, I was watching the kids and the teachers. They were all so tired. I prayed the Lord that He would give the kids strength when they performed before the dignataries. He did! So being the Rectora, I'm not always sure where my authority lies.  But I thought we need tomorrow off. I asked the one director and the coordinator if I had the authority to call off school for the morrow.  Sure enough I did. So we had no classes the next day. Thank you Jesus.  And then later I received a message that the Minister of Education made Oct. 2-8 a hoilday. PTL!!! The 5th through the 7th are holidays anyway, so he gave us two additional days.  We are so thankful.

Life in HN is not particularly easy, especially in the rural areas. The roads off the main highways are not good. What would take 15-20 minutes to get somewhere in a car takes 40-45 minutes in a van, especially an old van. The teachers have responsibilities that are done by the school secretaries in the states. Instead of having teacher conference days before the beginning of the school year as is done in the states, here the directors/principals are called that morning or the day before to go in for a meeting. Therefore the kids don't receive their lessons from their teacher. It can be frustrating.

So my message to the church was received well. My pastor asked if I wanted to continue the following week. I said no because it takes a while to get all of this down in Spanish and especially when I don't write out my messages in English. I hit several areas including tithing. And that all of God's blessings have conditions. If we don't meet the conditions, we don't receive the blessings. My pastor came to visit me and told me that the message made him think about some things.  I give the Lord the glory for all of it. And the pastor preached a fantastic message a week ago on tithing. He hit every area concerning tithing and offerings.  So many Christians in the world do not honor the Lord in this area and evidently don't realize that their financial blessings are connected to Mal.3. And neither do they understand the mercy and grace of the Lord. We have to live obediently and by faith. As the apostle Paul said, faith without works is dead. Jesus said if we love him, we will keep his commandments.  Even before the law of Moses, Abraham paid tithes, and we are the children of Abraham. I have heard people say that they're not giving their money to some man. Well, they aren't giving it to a man, they're giving it to God. He is the one that blesses not the preacher. I guess they don't know the account of the children of Israel and the priest Eli. The people hated to bring their offerings because of Eli and his sons, but they did it anyway because they knew it was the Lord's. 

This is election year for a president on the 26th of November. They will use our school for voting. So I'm not sure when the last day of school will be for kids and teachers.  Since Jess and I have to go to Panama the 20th-24th, our last day will be the 19th.  Here you are told one thing on one day and then on the next day, they have changed it. In a way, you're always in limbo. I thank God that he is the same today, yesterday, and tomorrow!

It has been a few days since the Las Vegas massacre. How sad. And I've thought how hypocritical our leaders and newscasters are. When a tragedy hits, everybody talks about praying and prayers.  Really?  Especially when it's against the law to have prayer in schools and other public places.  You can't say Merry Christmas in the stores at Christmas time.  God said through one of the prophets that the people honor him with their mouth, but their hearts are far from him.  How true, how sad.  I came to the conclusion  many years that if God doesn't protect me, no one or anything else can.  I know that he is with me every moment and is with me in everything that is happening.  And I know that I'm going to physically die one day.  So the secret is to be ready for that event all the time regardless of how and when it comes.  Are you ready to meet him?  This is the thing that Christians desire, right?  So we need to be ready at all times.  The main thing that I want to hear Jesus say to me is, Well done thou good and faithful sevant.

This has been one of the best vacations ever!  There has been nothing pressing, so it truly has been a refreshing time.  I think that I could get use to this.  Not really.  After anoher week or so, I'd be chomping at the bit wanting to be busy.

Grace and peace to you.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Ex.15:26 ...I am the LORD that healeth thee.

I don't know where time goes. It seems that I was just on here! Oh well, it is time for a grand praise report! My son no longer has any cancer in his body. Thank you Jesus for your healing power and the suffering that you bore in order for us to be healed. I praise your holy name. Such great news. Is anything too hard for our God? Absolutely not.

So what else is happening? Well, a tooth broke off last week. And I wasn't to happy about that, but I went in to Tegu to see the dentist that we have at the office. And he told me that he couldn't fix it, but I needed to go to CEAD, where Becky goes to church, and see the dentist there. So Becky and I went. I spent three hours in Karen's, the dentist, chair with my mouth opened. Wow! So I needed a crown, and she removed an old crown also. She filled another tooth, and then took impressions.  So I'll receive my new crowns next Friday. And for all this, my bill was $760. Can't do that in the states. No wonder there are so many people that go to Mexico and other countries to get dental work done.

I started this last week and will finish it today.  I received my new crowns on Friday, and I am so pleased with them. The color is good, and they are so comfortable that I don't even know they are there.  Great work.  

Well it's that time of the year again. Independence Day is September 15, so we are now practicing everyday for the parade. But at least this year, everybody, including the parents, agreed on the time. Instead of taking class time to practice, the kids start at 12:30 and finish at 2:00. On Fridays, they start at 9:30 and finish at 12:00 when they go home. Fridays are usually different anyway, so they aren't losing that much class time.  Reviews for nine week exams are this week, and exams will be next week.  The school year is about over. Hooray!!

I'm preaching next Sunday, so I've been working on the message. Hopefully, my Spanish will be ok. But my pastor speaks some English, so between the two of us, it will be good. After all, the Holy Spirit speaks both, so no need to worry, right?  We are having one service a month on Saturday evening. It's nainly for those that have to work on Sundays. Depending on the amount of people that come, we won't have service Sunday morning.  Well, many were there last night, so no service this morning. It felt so good not to have to go anywhere this morning and to get up at six instead of three-thirty. I could handle more of these!

Our new library hs been a hit with both kids and teachers. Thank you Lord and the team that came from Carlinville, IL in June. Most people in HN don't like to read. But then most don't have access to books, and when they do, the books are very expensive.  So most kids aren't read to when they are small. and many of the parents didn't know how to read.  So hopefully this will inspire a love for reading.  One class missed their time in the library time last week because their behavior was so bad. They were really unhappy. So hopefully they learned a lesson and will be better especially on library day!  The books are in Spanish which is wonderful, and there are a few in English. We also have a few bilingual books.  So here's hoping the Lord will touch each one of them. I keep telling my students that the more they read, the more they know.

My pastor's wife is learning English when she comes to visit on Wednesdays.  Her daughter told me this morning that she practices all the time and loves singing Open the Eyes of My Heart.  This week I'm going to teach her the chorus I Am the God That Healeth Thee and then  In the Garden. She loves to listen to the English hymns even though she doesn't understand all the words. Her father was a pastor and she grew up singing hymns.  So this is great, because I love the old hymns, too.

So now, it's time to quit and get things ready for tomorrow.

Peace,  grace, and love.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Rom.14:12 So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.

Wow! It's the middle of July! Where does the time go? Maybe it seems to go so fast when there is a lot going on. This year has been very busy with visitors, teams, and work.

Becky returned the first part of April. Shortly after that, we went to El Progreso with the team from MA. They were here for a week or so.  They were putting in a cement floor and finishing a cement block wall.  They have been involved with this school for about six or seven years. What a great team. It was good to see some old friends again, and to visit with our friends in El Progreso. It was super hot there as always.

Shortly after they left, Jesslyn's family came for a week or so. What a great family. They are so much fun, and they work very hard at our school doing whatever we need them to do. The day that they left, my youngest son and his family came to visit me. Doug came the first year that I was here, but not his family. They were busy going to Amapala and Tegucigalpa while I taught my English classes. They also spent some time visiting my nineth graders. I took a couple of days off, and we went to Punta Sal. They kids swam and snorkled while I enjoyed the beach and visited with the family that takes care of Punta Sal. We also saw a manatee, the first one that our guide had seen there in the three and a half years that he had worked there. It was the first one that I have seen. 

Next came the AG Women's Ministry Group from Carlinville, Il. What a group! Thirty-three women and three men! They did some minstry with our students taking a day for each of the three groups: kindergarten, elementary, and high school. They also provided some health care, not only for our school families, but also the community. What a group. And Gary was the man with the camera. Besides the regular photos, he took a picture of each student, teacher, and class group, and gave each of us a copy. What a blessing for the students and teachers. I gave him the nickname of One More Gary, because after the first picture or two, he would always say one more! He was great. And a really big blessing was a one and only library! With books in Spanish! I put four of our teachers together to come up with rules and consequences for using the library.  They will be sharing these sometime in the next week so we can begin using it. The last week was a vacation for all, so nothing could be done before now. One of the young guys asked that a rule be made that prohibits licking your finger to help turn the pages in the book. What a great rule. Who would have thought of that? Thanks Christian!

So I went to IL during our vacation. It was a desperately needed break for me. Praise the Lord that it truly was a peaceful and blessed time. I refused to think about the school while I was there. I didn't study Spanish or anything elase. I was totally disconnected. I asked the Lord to please let the time move slowly. He answered my prayer. I would look at the clock and think that it must be ten o'clock or later, but PTL, it would only be seven thirty or so. It was wonderful. The only "bad" thing that happened was that my parrot flew away! Penny and I had made him a perch out of branches. He really liked it. He was on the ground picking at stuff in the grass when suddenly he took off! He looked like an airplane taking off. Penny and I couldn't believe. it. He has been outside with his cage opened and never flew away. She has kept him for the last several years since I have been down here.
We have had him for forty years. Parrots live to be eighty to a hundred years old. But one of the pet shop owners told me after I had bought him that he was old when I got him. So who knows how old he was.  Our beautician said that maybe he flew off to die. Whatever the reason, my son-in-law sure worried about him being in the heat, food, and other animals getting him. And my great-granddaughter who will be three next month was out under the trees telling Tombird that she wanted him. So cute.

Yesterday was the meeting with parents. They came te receive their students nine week grades and to discuss several other important things. One being the arrival of their kids on time. When they arrive late they have to return home. If there has been an emergency or  some kind of problem, then they are allowed to stay. But there are some that live close by that choose to arrive late. But since they have been sent home a few times, their behavior has changed somewhat. One parent in particular was basically attacking the grade school principal when she was explaining, again, the situation. He was telling her that we were responsible for the kids arriving on time, etc. I finally stood up and said that it was a school rule, etc. God was always on time and we as a Christian school would be also. I mentioned the fact that one day their kids would have jobs and would have to be respnsible for themselves, etc. I finally said that if they didn't like the rule, there were other schools around. It got very quiet and the subject ended.  The business manager talked to them about their not paying the monthly tuition. The monthly tuition here in this school is very cheap compared to others. If there has been an unavoidable situation in a family, that is always handled in a different and very caring way. But this is not the situation for most.

We are told how humble, quiet, respectful, etc. that Latinos are. Well, I'm sorry, but that is not true here in Honduras. Some are, but not the general population. Nothing is ever their fault, and they have an excuse for everything. One mother told me that the reason that her daughter was late to school was that she had to get up, wash her face, and comb her hair! Really? Doesn't everybody? I get concerned about the condition of their souls. According to my Bible, there is no respect of persons with the Lord. What he requires of one, he requires of all. We are all under the grace of God but we are required to obey him. I don't know of any excuses that he will accept when we stand before him. He doesn't have one rule for Americans and another for Hondurans. Can you tell that I get a little frustrated, but of course, we aren't supposed to say that. Well, at times, Jesus got a little frustrated too, and even angry.  So I' m in good company. But the attitude here concerns me me a lot.

The parents voted to take part in the parade this year, so that means there will be days that some classes won't be given. But this year the whole school will have the same Christian theme. And that will be good.

I hope you are all blessed and growing in the Lord.

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Gen.1:21 And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth...and every winged fowl...and God saw that it was good.

Here I am sitting outside the Cesar Mariscos Hotel and Restaurante in Tela, HN enjoying a couple of days with my youngest son and his family who are here in HN on vacation.  I knew that I needed a break, but I never thought that it would  come in this way. God is good and always supplies our needs in ways that we cannot always anticipate. Our heavenly Father is truly above and beyond anything that we can think or do.

So yesterday we went to Punta Sal. It was  my second time to go there. My kids first time.  Punta Sal is a peninsula where no one can live. It is a protected area.  There is a family that takes care of the area and provides food and drink to visitors. It is wonderful to see howler monkeys cavorting in the trees and birds diving for fish.  Pelicans are a sight to behold in their natural habitat. The point is about nine miles from the mainland. The boat ride there and back was great, and we had a great guide that spoke both England and Spanish.

The kids went snorkeling and saw fish and coral.  While we were relaxing on the  beach, I saw something really big under water coming towards the beach. When I asked what it was, my grandson said it was a rock. I told him it  couldn't be because it was moving. Hah! It was a manatee! The guide said it was the first that he had seen one there. Well, everybody got excited and two or three of the Honduran guys went after it. Of course, it just swam away.  So hooray for Grandma!

I don't like to swim, so while they were swimming, I was  walking the beach looking for sea glass. It's pieces of broken glass that have been worn smooth by being in the water for a long time. It's especially difficult to find the green, blue, and amber colored glass.  But on this trip, I found a blue piece and a green piece. Thank you Lord. They are for a missionary in Costa Rica who makes jewelry from them.

So last Wednesday my family visited my classroom and talked with my nineth graders. I have two students that study and really want to learn English. My son used his limited Spanish and did very well. So it was a good experience for all.

Before long we are going to eat breakfast and head back to Valle. I praise the Lord for all that he has done in my life and for my family. What a truly awesome God we serve.

Be blessed.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Well, here we are two months after the start of a new school year.  And what a difference from last year. Thank you Jesus! We have some new teachers and new attitudes from the old teachers. What a wondefrful difference. I wake up wanting to go to school again!

Our school hours have reverted back to 7:00 AM to 1:00 PM for the students and 2:00 PM for teachers. It seems that the parents decided these hours were better for them and their kids. We have also followed the rule that if a child comes after 7:00, he will not be allowed to enter. He is sent home. If they ride a bus and it has trouble, they will be allowed to enter. But the kids that normally arrive late are kids that live close to the school. They really have no excuse. One student's parent came Thursday because his son was sent home more than once. When Rossell and I explained the reasons for the rule etc., he was fine with the situation.  

Honduras has been my home for seven years, and I love it. However, it is a country where the people do what they want and basically when they want. If they are late to catch the bus for school they expect the bus to wait for them not thinking that everyone else will be late also. It's basically, me first.
Church starts at 10:00 and many arrive 15 to 30 minutes later.  When the pastor says that we need to be punctual, it goes over the heads not into the hearts. But thank the Lord this attitude is beginning to change at school even though some parents get angry.  And it amazes me how Hondurans are always rushing. They talk super fast, drive fast, will cut in front of you to do their business, but are never on time. Incredible!

Two of our new teachers are young men, and they have had some English. One of them teaches the 5th grade and comes with his class to me for English. It is so funny to watch him react when I tell the students that you speak English word by word. Spanish, depending on the words, puts two together and they are spoken as one word. And when I say word for word, I'm not talking about our slang where we say watchya doin'? They say where do you live so fast that I always say what did you say. And they repeat it a little slower. Christian, the teacher, laughs behind his hand with a red face because he understands the whole situation. Sometimes I pull him in to help me. And I'm thinking about doing it more so that he can teach them little things when I'm gone with a team or whatever. My vision for this school has been that it will be a bilingual school. I hope that I'm seeing the beginning of it.

Well, I started this a couple of weeks ago, so today I will try to finish it. Language! It can be really funny at times. Last week Jesslyn and I went to one of our favorite restaurants here in Valle. It is owned by an older gentleman named Rueben. He always comes and talks to us. However, he is difficult to understand, more so than most. He doesn't open his mouth very far!! He always asks if we want coffee after we eat, and he never charges us for it. He also sings to us and others at different times. Well, last week as we were leaving, he asked me if I wanted some pollo, which is chicken.  I thought  my goodness, what will I do with a chicken? I had all kinds of thoughts going through my head. Killing it, plucking it, etc. I know how to do all this, thanks to my Grandma.  And then he made the motion of scraping and said salad.  I thought chicken salad? Then I got it! He was talking about cabbage, which is repollo! I hadn't heard the "re" when he spoke. What a deal! So I came home with a nice head of cabbage. We had quite a laugh over that situation! When I told my tutor about it, she laughed because he is difficult to understand even for her.  I told the Lord that He has to help me listen faster!!! It reminded me of the time that I said pescado for pecado. Pescado is fish, and pecado is sin!

This week is semana santa which is Holy Week. No school for one week. Everyone was ready for a break. I'm staying home! I'm going to clean my house from top to bottom, and just take it easy.

Last week we went to the civil marriage ceremony for one of our teachers. I have been to a couple of church weddings but not a civil one. And here you have to married first in a civil ceremony and then the church if you want. It really was nice service. The fellow in charge asked if anyone wanted to pray, and one of the other teachers did so.  A reception followed at one of the restaurants here in town. It was a very nice event. And speaking of marriage.  It's astounding to me that so many people here think that I should get married! Are they out of their minds? I happen to like and enjoy my life, my age, and being single. I  even get quoted Bible verses about being alone and how it's better for two to be together.  Wow! They do not understand that one can be happy without a spouse and can live alone even without another family member living in the same house.  I think it's a tribal mind set!

So now one of my students fron last year is coming to the school to continue his English when I don't have a regular class.  His teacher at his school doesn't know English at all. The kids write in a workbook, but hey can't speak it or understand very much. Praise the Lord that David does.  I try to teach my students everyday language and conversation.  We don't talk in the same manner in which we write. And neither do the Spanish speakers.  A cousin of one of the teachers at the school also comes to me after school hours for the kids at the school. He has spent so much money and many hours in formal classes, but speaking in everyday convsersation is difficult.  He told me that he gets frustrated when Americans don't understand him. Well, bless his heart.  He tries to speak English using the Spanish method which is way too many words,  and way too fast. So, I have been helping him to slow down, and to say each word separately.  And we work on pronunciation.  He told me this week that he feels like he is progressing.  Thank you, Jesus.

Such is my life here in Honduras!  Pastor Dago always asks me when am I going to preach again.  I don't know.

So now, I'm going to eat breakfast and do laundry.  May the Lord bless you all with peace and grace.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Praise report!!!!!

Hallelujah!!! The Lord is moving. We had our first parent meeting today. They were introduced to the new teachers, and the other things that are being put in place. First, the school hours have changed. Instead of 7:00 AM to 1:00 PM, it is now 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Secondly, the first grade has been moved from the grade school to the kindergarten building, and the 6th grade to the Jr. High building. After the meeting, I asked one of the teachers if she had heard any comments. Oh, yes. Parents of the first graders were very happy to have their kids back in the kinder building because of the steps at grade school. The steps are not unifrom. Sometimes you need a short leg and sometimes a long leg! And all were happy about the change in hours. Some of the kids didn't eat breakfast before leaving for school. They live higher up in the mountain, and they would leave their homes around 6, and it would take almost an hour to get to school. That's not good. We do have a snack time at 9:30 or 10, and many of the kids ate their breakfast at that time, but that's a long time for them to wait. So thus far all is well. I praise the Lord for what He is doing. Even the atmosphere in the school has changed. It's calmer and more peaceful. Also this year there are no more than 25 students per class except for a couple of special circumstances. The teachers are happy about that.

We had a situation concerning one student because he came after the class had been filled. The adult in charge went to the district, and we received a letter. And since I'm the Rectora, it was up to me to accept the student or not to accept him. I was not obligated to do so. But the Holy Spirit was saying to accept him, so I did. However, there are stipulations. If the adult does not follow through with the monthly cost, and the student is as rebellious as last year, then he will no longer be a part of our school. The person at the district said he was going to speak with the adult to make sure he understood the terms, etc., etc. And I learned that private schools can choose their students. They do not have to accept all kids as do the public schools. I thought that was interesting. 

So now we just need the Lord to send us two more teachers, and I know He will. I thank all of you that have been praying about this situation. God bless you!!!

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Ps.31:3 For thou art my rock and my fortress, therefore for thy name's sake lead me and guide me.

Only another week and a half of vacation! I'm really trying to prepare myself mentally. It isn't going so well! But I'll get there by the 25th.

So on Christmas Eve, I went to my pastor's house. It was a very peaceful and fun time. We ate roasted pork, potato salad, and diferent vegetables. For dessert we had a carrot cake that I had made. I don't know about gifts. I don't know if they had given them before I arrived, or they would do them the next morning, or if they had them at all.  I know there are many here that don't exchande gifts.  Due to money or tradition, I have no clue and didn't ask, but I love being with their family.  Pastor Dago's son and wife were also there. They are expecting their first child. I love to hear Isaac preach! However, he speaks really fast. I've asked the Lord to speed up my hearing and listening skills! I was also there for New Year's Eve. A very blessed time. I came home around 10:00 or so. And at 12:00 midnight the fireworks began. It sounded like the 4th of July in the states. The people do this also at midnight on Christmas Eve. Wow! The Hondurans love to celebrate whatever!!!

Pastor Dago and his oldest daughter speak some English.  And his youngest daughter will be taking classes for English in a couple of months. So between the English that they know, and the Spanish that I know, we do well. He told me one day that I was a Deborah. What an honor.

So before Friday, I want to go talk to the heaad person at the district office here in Valle and get some information on some very important things concerning the school and it's operation and where I stand as the Rectora for the operations inside the school. It's so sad that truth is not a prized value here. You get different information from different people that are supposed to know, I have been told that the man is honorable, and that  he also speaks English from spending some time in England. So that will help tremendously, even though I've written my questions in Spanish. If the people speak a little slower than normal,  I usually understand what is being said, but if they're talking normally, I get the concept but not the total jest of things.  It can be frustrating. And there are some at the school that will change the words when they know that I didn't understand some words that they used.  I praise the Lord for that.  He put me here, and he will help me in all areas where he puts me. He is my help at all times.

So today it is raining again! It ought not be raining so much in January, but it is.  But the Lord knows what he is doing even if we don't.

I pray that all is having a wonderful beginning of another year. God bless you all.