Wow! What an amazing adventure I have had. On March 17, my house was broken into while I was at my church board meeting. The first hint that something was amiss was when I opened my gate and saw my other gate keys laying on the sidewalk. I thought that maybe they had dropped out of my pocket, and then I thought nope, that couldn't be because I don't carry them with me. And when I came to my front door, it was wide open. Oh, wow! My TV, DVD player and computer were gone. My dresser drawers were open with clothes hanging out. Stuff was scattered on my kitchen floor. They had searched through purses and different bags. The mattresses were not square with the beds because they had looked under them. So they took money, of course, my alarm clock-like they're ever on time!-camera, winter coat that I wear to go to states at the end of the year, 2 cell phones and other minor stuff. And to kick it all off, they took my KFC from my freezer!!!! They didn't however take my credit/bank cards or my passport. In fact, all my papers were laid out in an orderly fashion on my bed. So I went to my pastor's house and his wife called the police. Pastor was at the church. So the police came and picked us up. They came to the house and then we went to the police station where we made out a report. Then Freddy, the officer, told me that I needed to go to Tegus to the DPI, our FBI, and file a report. I had 24 hours to do it. So Becky and I went the next day on Sunday. I made the report and they told me they would be at my house at 2:30. So we came back and waited for them. So around 3:30, they arrived. Oh boy, what a mess. The fingerprint dust that they use is black, and it has taken me this long to finally get rid of it all. It's horrible stuff. Anyway, they dusted for fingerprints and took pictures. Whoever the thieves were had used some kind of acrylic to try to write 13 on my dresser mirror. The 3 wasn't as clear as the 1. But they dropped some on my dresser naturally, and it doesn't come off except with the finish too. I guess it'll serve as a reminder as if I need one.
On the 17th, as soon as Pastor heard about the situation, he called my landlord who was waiting here at the house when the police brought me home. Carlos and his wife are precious people, and I'm thankful that they are my landlords. The Lord knew exactly what he was doing when he opened this house up for me. He wanted to know if I was scared, and Pastor asked me if I wanted someone to stay with me. I said no to both. It's interesting because that Saturday morning, I was unsettled on the inside and couldn't figure out what was wrong, and the Lord didn't tell me anything. But when I arrived home and saw what had happened, I had perfect peace. Definitely interesting, huh? So now, I have razor wire on top of the wall that surrounds my house. My landlord joked with me about being inside a prison. I said, yep, that's what it is. And again he asked me if I was afraid. No, I'm not. You see, I have the Lion of Judah with me at all times. And some will say, ya but they stole your stuff, and see that's where they get it wrong. It's not my stuff. It's the Lord's. Ps.24:1. We only have what we have because God gave it to us. The thieves didn't want me, just my belongings. I wouldn't want to be in their shoes.
And then to top everything off, I had no way of calling my youngest son to tell him because my phone is connected to my cable and it doesn't have long distance. So between Becky and Pastor Andy, I was able to communicate with him. He's my lifesaver when it comes to techie stuff. So, ok, I need a computer. My connection to the outside world, and for somebody that doesn't like them, I sure was thankful when Becky brought my new to me after more than a month. Oh my, no music, no Skype, no mail, absolutely nothing. But then I see the Lord's hand in all of this, too. Because He knew that Becky would be in the states during the time that Doug was setting up a new computer for me and that she could bring it back! However, after 4 or 5 days of the theft, she brought me her old TV that is 27 years old! Hey, it works. Not a lot of channels, but it has one that I always watch, so all is well. It has a video player, but all my movies now are DVD's :( So the Lord does all things well even during times like this. I'm so glad that He not only is my god, but He's also my Father, and He takes good care of me.
So the morning after the robbery, I was sitting on my sofa, and the verse that says give thanks in all things came to mind. And as I thought about it, I gave thanks to the Lord that the thieves didn't destroy the things in my house or the property. They didn't tear up anything or break anything. And they didn't steal my furniture or my movies. They didn't take my jewelry and there was a really nice watch that they laid on top of the pile of earrings instead of taking it. So I praise the Lord for all. You see I know that nothing can happen to me without his express permission-remember Job? And He always has a purpose for everything even if we don't know what it is.
Hah! But the really good thing that has happened is that all the police know who I am. And to me, that's a good thing. I get big smiles and how are you and is everything ok, etc., when I see them. In fact, a couple of weeks ago I getting ready to walk home from the grocery store when I saw them parked in their truck on the other side of the road. The driver hollered and asked if I wanted a ride. I said seriously and he said yes. So they brought me and my groceries home. I didn't know any of them! And when they left, they said they were here to serve which is written on the sides of their vehicles. Funny!! And yesterday, I was sitting on my front porch when I saw the top of their truck above my wall, and they had stopped. I went to open the gate to see what was going on. And here stands this policeman with this great big grin. He asked if I was alright and if everything else was ok. I told him yes. So he told me they were after some druggies-marijuana-mostly. he was there for what seemed forever, and I asked him if he wanted to come in and look around, but he said no. And then he informs me that they drive by during the night to check and see if I'm alright since I live alone. What a surprise and a nice thing to know. I know that my age also has something to do with it, because when Freddy, at the police station, asked me for my age, he was surprised when I told him 73. And most Hondurans have respect for older people. In fact, if they do some small thing for you at the store or wherever, they will call you Madre-Mother. It's a sign of respect.
It's interesting how differently people think. Pastor and one of the teachers told me that I needed to move. I said no. And why? Everybody in Valle knows who I am and where I live. If I moved they would know it before I did! And the Lord hasn't told me to move. I like this little house. And by the way, before I forget it, while the fellows were installing the razor wire, Marcio, who goes to our church, introduced me to a fellow that is now cutting my grass. Man, he not only cuts it, but rakes and bags it! He's an older fellow and quite interesting to talk to, and said that I could teach him English. I said not on Saturday or Sunday, but I think I'll make an exception for him. He and his family live up on the mountain.
So with all the stuff, can you see the blessings? My Grandma use to say that it's an ill wind that doesn't do somebody some good. We must always look for the good in whatever God allows to come into our lives.
Grace and peace.