Friday, February 2, 2018

Ps.139:17 How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them.

Yay! I'm home! And after nine years, Honduras is my home. I have lived many places during my life time, and I had never felt homesick until I came to HN.  In fact I never had experienced the feeling until I came here.  I love my family, but HN is my home until the Lord changes it, of course.  And I really like my new house. In fact, while I was gone, the grass really grew. It may only be crabgrass, but at least it's green, and my yard is not bare dirt anymore!

While I was home, I visited my family and many friends.  I was able to speak to Martha Cicle on Saturday and to my church, Covenant Assembly, on Sunday.  I was blessed as were they.  The weather was awfully cold.  Brrrrr!  I don't like cold weather at all.  Of course, my son says that I live in Paradise.  Ha, Honduras is far from Paradise, but he is talking about the weather.  And when I arrived here on the 30th, the weather was good, but it has been very chilly and rainy since then :(  But this morning the sun is shinning. Thank you, Lord :)

Arrangements had been made for Pastor Andy to pick me up from the airport and take me to the bus stop to catch a bus to Valle.  He had other committments that prevented him from taking me all the way home. Normally, I like to ride the bus to and from Valle to Tegucigalpa. However this time, I was a little concerned because I was carrying my computer and more money than normal.  And to be honest there has never been a problem on the buses that I normally use.  But when you see someone with a small suitcase, you know that they've been travelling, and they probably have a little money, and whatever else. Of course, I had been praying about the safety of it, etc. But have I not learned that the Lord always has everything concerning me in his hands, and on his mind?  I am never away from him.  And guess what he had already prepared for me?  It's absolutely breath taking.  While I waited at the gate in Houston for my flight, there appeared a young married missioary couple that live here in Valle! I met David and Sarah probably the first year that I was here. However, they weren't married yet. He is from the states, a son of missionaries, and she is from Honduras.  When we got off the plane, David asked me how I was going to get home. I told him, and he said no. He didn't like the idea of me going on the bus. So he told me to go with him and Sarah in his truck.  And I did. What a plan that the Lord had.  He absolutely takes care of me.  I didn't know that David and his wife would be at the airport. We don't see each other often because they are busy with the work that God has given them to do, and me with mine.  But what an awesome God we serve. 

The public schools started yesterday, but we don't start until the 12th.  I was happy to hear that because it gives me more time to prepare. I'm believing that the Lord will move in a mighty way this year so that we will be the school that he would have us to be.  

So now, it's time to go buy groceries and then cut the grass in the back yard.

Grace and peace.