I have been thinking about what I am about to write for a few days. I'm sure some will be offended, but what is new? Not everyone agrees with a person all the time. So no problem. But my heart is so saddened by the things that are happening in my country, the USA. I can't believe some of the things that are taking place, and I wonder what is wrong with the people. What are they thinking, or are they? Congress makes me sick. Now they want to change our constitution? It's one of the oldest, written constitutions in the world. Oh, but the people say that times have changed. Really? Human hearts haven't changed. Get rid of the personal right to have guns. Really? It isn't the weapon that kills a person, it's the person on the other end of the weapon. A person can use anything as a weapon: a bat, knife, vehicle, poison, rocks, rope, and how about our hands? But since our founding fathers provided for our protection against a tyrannical government written in our constitution, Bill of Rights, etc. the congress wants our guns. Really, they don't think that people can get guns from people in other countries? How naive.
And the Green New Deal? You first! When I would ask for a volunteer to do something in my class, there was always a person that would volunteer someone other than their own self. I would say, Oh no. You need to do what you volunteered another to do. Of course, they wouldn't. It's the same here. You do it and let us see how that works in your life and for a considerable length of time. You don't use a car, plane, train, bus, etc. Also no more hamburgers, steaks, ham, chicken, eggs, milk, cheese, lamb chops, turkey for Thanksgiving Day, etc. And no cell phones, computers, etc. because they all use electricity in one form or another. And what about heating your homes in the winter? You can't burn wood because that would deplete the forests, which of course is a renewable source. And the smoke might add to air pollution. How ridiculous. Oh, but wait. You can eat soy burgers, drink soy milk, etc. No thanks! A bean cannot be made to be meat, and juice from a bean is not milk. Milk only comes from animals and humans. But then, I guess they could change the definition of the word. And a gullible population would accept it.
When I lived on the farm with my dad when I was young, he would spread cow manure on the fields as fertilizer. He would milk our Jersey cow every morning and evening. Such good milk and thick cream. The cows then were allowed to roam the pastures in the spring and summer. In the winter, they would eat silage. The chickens were allowed to roam everywhere and eat whatever from the ground and from table scraps that were thrown to them. And when you had a leg from one of those chickens, you had a nice sized leg, not like these little skinny things that you buy today that is full of antibiotics, growth hormones, etc. But our land has been contaminated with so many chemicals that enters our food and water. Our bodies are sick and we use more chemicals to supposedly heal them. How sad. A few years ago, I was with my brother in IL. He said,"Let's take a ride, Sis." So he drove out in the country to a cemetery where some of our grandparents were buried. Then he continued to drive in the surrounding countryside. He asked me if I noticed anything different. I didn't. Then he said that there were no fences. And? The farmers weren't raising cattle anymore. They were raising soy beans, corn, wheat, etc., but no more cattle. Wow! I hadn't noticed. I use to buy our beef and pork from a farmer that we personally knew. And from where does our beef and chickens come from now and what are they fed? What a horrible difference. And when I visit the US now, I find a farmer where I can buy milk right from the cow like I do here. Of course, that has all been demonized. And by who??? Check it out!
So what else has polluted our world? And oh, don't forget the countries that are worse than the USA that need to wear masks in some cities in order to breathe. We are a lazy group of people. We don't want things to come in glass because we would have to return some of them in order for them to be used again. I think the term is recyclable. And everybody knows that soda and milk taste much better when they come in glass bottles. Oh, but we want to use something that comes in a throw away container that is only used one time. Oh, yes. The things that take many years to break down into components that are still not good for the earth or human bodies to use. Even the hospitals use plastic syringes. I remember when they were made of glass and had to be sterilized. And we've all heard about the dead zones in our oceans. Right? And yes, I know I'm older than dirt!
And the President? I have never witnessed such hatred for a president in all my life. Such disrespect and you (Congress) want people to be more loving and courteous? You, who were chosen to be leaders of the people? You who talk against hate and hate crimes. Such hypocrites! What are you showing to my kids and grandkids and great-grandkids? May they grow up to be thinkers and believers in our Creator God. Yes, I understand that the President says things that he ought not say, but does that give you the right to fight against everything that he wants to do to help our country? You need to be careful, because Jesus (whether or not you believe in Him) said that a kingdom, city, house divided against itself will not stand. But then maybe you want another country to come in and take us over. Ever hear of divide and conquer? And you blame the Russians??? Really, as a united people, that will not happen. The USA is one of the greatest countries on the earth. Why do you think others want to come here? And by the way, I'm not an immigrant. I was born in this country as were my parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents. And supposedly, even the American natives came from across the ocean by the Bering Strait. Those that want our country to become a socialist country need to go live in one of those countries now if they want it so bad. But did they receive their wealth from a socialist country? I don't think so. But even those countries have wealthy people. But not everybody is granted the opportunity to become wealthy or even to have a seat in the government that governs them.
And we want a free college education and money to give to those that are too lazy to work. Really? Well, who's going to pay for all of this? I'm sorry but I don't want my hard earned money to go to someone who refuses to work. And you in Congress that want this. You first. And trust me, I give a lot of money to others. The US needs a lot of different workers but we don't have them, therefore we need others to come to our country that will do the jobs that we refuse to do. And pay them less than what we will work for. We need electricians, welders, over-the-road truckers, construction workers, etc. But we have raised a bunch of kids that don't want to get their hands dirty or to sweat. Our high schools don't have shop classes anymore where the kids use to learn a trade or the beginning of one depending on the school. Companies are beginning to see that a college degree is not necessary for every job. We haven't taught our kids that the world doesn't owe them a living. I thank the Lord that my kids never begged quarters. They all learned to work for what they wanted.
We use to raise our kids to believe in the Creator God. But not anymore. Now it's whatever and however you believe. The Pilgrims came here to escape religious persecution. It looks like it's beginning to take place here. How sad that God allowed us to become such a great nation, and now we are turning our backs on Him. Well, Matthew Henry said if we don't serve the Lord Jesus Christ, we will serve our enemies. So we can be blessed or we can be damned. It's our choice. He (God) gives us that. So are we going to continue to be called the United States of America or are we going to allow people to govern us who really don't have the values that this great country was founded on? And one more thing. Some have decided that after a baby is born alive, it can be killed if the parents don't want it. I told my kids if they didn't want children they better not have sex with the opposite sex because there's always that chance regardless of what you use to prevent a pregnancy. So if this be the case, why are murderers put into prison? What is the difference? Pre-meditation? It's in both cases. Oh, law makers, you all better wake up and think about what you are doing as well as the people that are following you.