Monday, November 18, 2019

2Tim.1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but power, love and a sound mind.

Wow! What a week we had two weeks ago. Our friends from Coffeyville came to build stairs to the second floor of our school in San Pedro Sula. They didn't get to do all that they wanted due to the rain. This is the rainy season here. And it's still very hot in SPS even when it's not raining. There were some new people that came and Becky and I were so glad to meet them. We were also very glad to see some old friends! What a blessing from the Lord. And we were able to hear Pastor Randy preach again. That was really special for me. A message was given by one of the ladies about the people having fear. Many came for prayer against this tool of the enemy.  This and unbelief are tools that Satan uses against the people of God. I think one of the saddest stories in the Bible is the story of Jeroboam. God gave him a promise about ruling the ten tribes of Israel and he didn't believe it. He feared the people would return to King Rehoboam king of Judah. He who made Israel to sin is always written after his name. How sad. And it's true for God's people today. If we let fear and unbelief rule us, we will not fare any better than Jeroboam. And it's sad that here in HN, the people have such fear of so many things even those that claim to be Christians. And it really saddens my heart.
The group loved our food. Becky and I believe that Honduras has the best food in all Central America. Yes, we are prejudiced, but after eating in the other countries, it's true!!! 
We were able to visit the new warehouse here for Envoy of Hope. What a blessing for not only our schools but also the other schools and places here in Honduras that Convoy helps. God bless those that are part of this ministry.
We went to Copan to see the Mayan Ruins. It rained all the way there. I was praying that the rain would stop when we got there. And sure enough, the Lord answered that prayer. I'm sure that others were praying the same thing. And after we left, it started raining again. Some of the ladies suffered from car sickness. Let's face it. Kansas doesn't have mountains and lots of curves like we have here. So bless their hearts for enduring the trip there and back since it's about four hours each way. And we had a couple with stomach problems. Most groups that come usually have some that suffer with stomach problems. Even the groups that have a lot of strong, tough guys miss a couple of days of work due to the problems experienced with the digestive systems. It's usually caused by the change in the diets. Americans are not used to eating beans, rice, and corn tortillas everyday nor the vegetables that are standard fare here, and the coffee is not Folgers or other American brands. Even the weather is different. I was home in August and I never sweated one time. I sweat here everyday! So it's a total change for the body. 
They said that the trip was worth it all. They enjoyed hearing some of the history about Copan and seeing the ruins. Our guide was Mayan and was very proud of his heritage and he spoke good English.
At the school, some of the ladies had a good time visiting the classes and talking to the teachers and the kids. Since it's a bilingual school, they all used English. Although Vanessa was able to use her Spanish at different times at school and in the other places that we visited. Jane held a get together  with all the teachers. She gave gave them different tools and strategies for teaching in their classes. And then they had a very good time of sharing cookies and punch. The teachers that teach the Spanish classes don't know English very well, so Vanessa translated for Jane. It was great.
We were sad to see them leave but at the same happy to return to our houses in Tegus and Valle. Hopefully we will be on their list to come again.
Grace and peace to all!

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

1Thess.5:18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

So here we are in October for a few more days. The end of another year is fast approaching. How time does fly, so it seems, and one generation passes on to another. I often think about how many children God has. When you think about the beginning with Adam and Eve up until now. How many must He have! Of course, I get fairly selfish at times thinking about me as his daughter. Which, of course, I am. But how many more are there? One day, we shall see.

I have been going to our schools in Tegucigalpa to help our teachers that teach English. It's so sad that they aren't teaching the kids to speak in English. One of the 9th grade classes absolutely despises the class. When I asked why they didn't like English, they gave the learned response of "It's hard." One boy said that the teacher didn't teach it. I had to agree with him. She translates a lot into Spanish instead of helping them understand the lesson. And this class, I spoke only in Spanish to them. I reminded them that they had to have some classes in English when they go to the university. They also had a better chance of a better paying job here if they could speak, read, and write English. After speaking about other things, I told them that God had a plan for each of their lives, and that it was a good plan. After the class, the teacher told me that it was a good motivational speech! Well, the Lord is a good motivator, right? It's sad here, because the teachers teach exactly how they were taught-memorize and regurgitate. There's no thinking involved. Just rote memory. But I'm believing the Lord to guide and show me what to do and how to help them. I know that he will. If he's called me to it, then I can do it through him. 

The first week in November we are going to San Pedro Sula with a team from Coffeyville.  It will be good to see them again. While they are working on the school, I will be with the teachers. I will also go to two other towns near there to see how our English teachers are doing in their classes. I hope that I hear our students speaking some English!
It has rained the last two nights really hard. I put out my bucket and a one of my five gallon jugs to catch some rain water in order to wash my hair. Yep, the water coming into the house is a little dirty. It has been worse, and it's not too bad, but... With all the money, etc., that comes into HN, I wish someone would help with the water systems. However, I thank the Lord for the water that we do have. Sometimes, I think of times when people bathed, washed clothes and dishes in the streams and rivers. And there are people, in some areas here, that still do that. I'm thankful that I'm not one of them. But if I were, I would do what Paul said.  Give thanks in all things. So that takes care of that!

I bought the book "The Wonky Donkey" when I was home for my students to read.  I was glad when Carlos started laughing when he was reading it because I knew he understood it. Of course, he didn't really know what country music was, so we went on line so he could hear some. And yes, Doug, I am thankful for my computer for this reason!!!(love you). I thought that there's no such word as wonky. Boy was I wrong! It has the same meaning in both English and Spanish. The Spanish word is chueco.
So we both are learning new words in Spanish and English. That's good thing! We need to keep learning new things as long as we live. Right?

So now, I must get off of here. A student will be coming shortly.
Grace and peace to all.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Gal.5:1 Stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ heath made us free, and be not entangled...

Well, here we are in the last week of September. I haven't written since June as my friend Barbara reminded me when I was in the states in August.  Oops! So I will start from today (9/21) and work backwards. It's Saturday and I'm waiting for my milkman to come! I haven't had good, pure milk since August, and I miss it terribly. Well, that's not exactly true since I froze a quart before I left for the states. We have not had a lot of rain and I was told that there isn't a lot of pasture for the cattle so therefore I haven't gotten any milk. Hopefully I'll get some today.
Yesterday was my 75th birthday. I can hardly believe that I've lived for three fourths of a century! The Lord has been so good to me. I thank him for good health, a sound mind, and His continual presence in my life. Those are so vital for good living. So about yesterday. My good friend Martha came Thursday and said that she was taking me to Tegucigalpa for lunch on Friday (yesterday) for my birthday. So I went to her house and saw that pastor Dago was going with us. No problem. Then I learned that Becky was going to join us. I thought that was very unusual for her to invite herself to have lunch with us. No problem. Then as we were walking to the bus, Gene, one of the storekeepers that speaks English hollered happy birthday to me as we were walking by his shop. And then he told me to come over. I did, and I asked how he knew it was  my birthday and eventually learned that Becky had told him. I thought man, she's really busy! Anyway he gave me a pound of the coffee that he raises. So on to the bus Pastor, Martha, and I went. When I asked Pastor and Martha where we were eating, he told me at PIEDAD, the name of our schools. I thought, what? So I asked him if we were going to Macuelizo where I had taught for eight years. He said no and I finally understood that we were going to the office. I thought that we were going to meet Becky there which would be strange.  I still didn't get it! Well, lo and behold, when we arrived at the office there were the teachers from my school, two administrators from two other schools, office staff, and others. I was totally surprised! I really was. I saw the biggest gold balloons of the number 75 that I've ever seen in my life!!! The food was excellent as were the people that were there to celebrate with me which of course I hadn't planned on doing. Becky totally out did herself. It was wonderful.
So I returned here on the fifth of September, and a group came from Paola, KS on the seventh to paint the school. What a group! Pastor Andy asked me if I remembered him from the first time that he was here. Ah, sorry, but no. I will definitely not forget him again :) Anyway, the group painted the outside of all three schools. What a job they did. It was wonderful spending time with them at the school, during supper time, and then devotional time after dinner. They also painted the big round tank (water?) outside the kindergarten. What a difference that made in the whole area. One of the ladies, I think, said that maybe that would encourage the neighbors to paint their houses. That would be something short of a miracle. One of the ladies is a podiatrist and she helped some of the women with their feet issues.  They also held a tea for the teachers and painted nails, etc. What fun!
I also invited my student, Carlos, to come practice his English with the group. Well, he came and practiced with the guys. He also took a brush and helped them paint!  He's such a good guy. It's important for him to talk to others that speak English besides me. He thanked me later for the opportunity to do so. And the guys talked about whatever with him. What a good God we have.
I was in the states for a month. What a peaceful and restful time. But I have to admit that the last week was a little difficult because I heard my "bed" calling my name!! I was ready to come home. But the first two weeks I was in IL with my youngest daughter. We always have fun especially when we do a marathon of movies or whatever. It usually goes for a day or two depending on what's going on. However, this time we watched the TV series Blacklist.  Well, I had seen a couple of scenes down here and decided not to watch it. When we started from the beginning, that changed the whole mind set! We ended up watching ALL 5 seasons and then I paid for the sixth! Definitely hooked! So guess what I'll be watching on Friday night here. So much for the marathon. We always go shopping, of course. Hah! But this time I already had what I needed at her house. I had forgotten what I bought a couple of years ago when I was there. So I definitely didn't spend much money. Thank you Lord! My great-granddaughters have really grown. I couldn't believe it when I first saw them at the airport. They're starting seventh and ninth grades. And the little one will begin first grade. Crazy! But life does go on, yes?
So  my youngest son came from KS to go with me to celebrate my brother and sister-in-laws 60th wedding anniversary. What a happy time. I was able to see nieces and nephews that I hadn't seen for a while. We were also able to spend the night and visit with them before leaving the next morning. What a great time it was.
My last two weeks were in KS. My youngest son and wife were in Hawaii. So my daughter-in-law and I spent a lot of time together. This was Gary's wife. Many years ago in IL, the people at church used to call us Ruth and Naomi. So that gives you a glimpse of our relationship. Jenna, Gary's daughter, had to work but she made sure that we went to a special coffee shop. It was really good. Thank you, Jenna! I was able to spend time with one of my pastors and his family. I asked him if he would preach my funeral, whenever, and he said yes. Thank you Bryan. Of course, the big question for my kids is where is Mom going to die? Of course, Doug always tells his siblings that Mom is going to die in Honduras. He doesn't know!!!! Only my Father knows that.
And I was able to visit with friends. A couple of ladies are in the nursing home but we were able to go out for lunch. I love doing that with them. And I was able to visit others while eating out with them. We do love to eat, don't we?
So now, I leave for Panama this Thursday and come home on Sunday. It's a workshop for teachers and whoever else. When I return, I start visiting the teachers that teach English in our schools. What a mess it is here. The teachers use different books published by different publishers. The biggest problem is that they don't understand that these books are written for kids that already know the English language. These kids have to go to school to learn to read and write the language that they already speak. Not so, here. Therefore the teachers have told me that the parents get angry when the workbooks aren't finished at the end of the school year. And the government has said that the schools have to teach English. Many of the Honduran teachers can't explain the meanings or pronounce the words correctly.  But they try. And there are some schools that are truly bilingual and they do a good job. They are also expensive. And the kids in our schools don't speak the English that they are learning. So hopefully that will change. When the kids start learning English in kinder and continue, they do very well.  I have bought books that are made here in Hn that teach English, but they have so many mistakes in them. So unless the teachers here recognize the mistakes and correct them, they are not good books to use. So I ask for your  prayers for me in this area. And I thank you for them.
What else? I have cable of course since I have to do most personal business online. So after a few days of not receiving the TV stations from the US, I called the office in Tegucigalpa. I finally asked to speak to a person that speaks English. After I explained the problem, he said a repairman would be sent out today. So we'll see what takes place. Also, I woke up this morning to find out that I have no water. Oh, boy! The last time that this happened, I was without for almost two weeks. So glad that I was born when I was and that I know how to live with just a little water. So after the repairman comes and goes, I need to go to the store for some bottled water. It comes in five gallon bottles. A friend told me at church yesterday that her family hadn't had water for two months! Welcome to Honduras!! But the Lord knows and will take care of us. It has rained really hard for the last couple of days especially at night. So that is a good thing. We are supposed to be in the rainy season, but so far it hasn't lived up to its name! Hopefully, it will change real soon.
I learned yesterday that a singer from Guatemala died in April. It really hit me. I guess it's because I learned this song that he sang. In English it says that I'm not enslaved by fear. In Spanish its title is Ya No Soy Esclavo, talking about not being enslaved to fear. The Lord has delivered us from fear if we are his child. 2 Tim. 1:7. And if we understand that His Spirit is with us all the time 24/7. He said that He would never leave us or forsake us. What ever is happening in our lives, He is right in the middle of it. Nothing happens to us without his permission. And it happens for our good not our destruction. If only his people would believe what He says. I learned a long time ago that people only do what they believe. God help us to know and believe what He says. But I'm learning that most people that go to church don't read his word for themselves. How sad is that? How do we really know him when we don't know what he says in the context that it's written? Ok, I guess that I've said enough, but it really bothers me. I hope that all of you that read this blog has a personal relationship with our Savior  and that you read his word for yourselves. He has so much to say and to share with you. So with that, I really will stop!
Love, grace, and peace to you all from our Father in heaven.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Ps.34:6 This poor man cried, and the LORD heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles.

Wow! This past month one of my mother-in-tongues bloomed!! I learned when I was in the university that they bloom. Mine never did! Well, now one has and I am thrilled.
And finally, my HD channels work! I have had this cable company for as long as I have been here in HN. And before I had to move, I never had any problems. But in these new houses, I've had nothing but problems. I wouldn't even have HD if the company hadn't changed the US channels to HD. I had them before on the regular channels. Well, last week I had another workman come to fix the problem AGAIN because I had no signal at all. I was praying for a miracle.  He finally told me that the wiring that was put in the house during construction was the problem because the cable outside was fine. So I asked him if he could connect a cable from there to my house. He said that he needed an order. I asked if he could call and get permission. He did and he ran a cable from the one outside to inside my house. I suggested the route to take so he wouldn't have to drill holes in the wall. He took my advice and all is well. Thank you Jesus for sending a man that knew what the problem was and fixed it. Miracle received with a really grateful heart! 
Now if my residency will be provided next week...
So on Saturday I met with our teachers that teach English in our schools in Tegus. It was a good meeting. We talked about students being responsible for their own personal homework instead of their mothers, brothers, sisters, aunts, and friends doing it for them. There needs to be some consequences when homework isn't done.  They need to teach the students to listen. Hondurans generally talk a lot, but don't really listen very well. I asked them about their concerns and basically they said the same thing that the teachers up north said. They are afraid of the parents.
So I started this in May and now it is almost the end of June. Well, glory be to God, I finally received my residency yesterday after waiting more than a year. I'm so thankful that the Lord has brought this to an end. The residency is also good for five years. That's even better. I won't have to renew it every year like the last one. But unless you ask, they really don't tell you anything. Last week when I was there, I asked if there was someone there who spoke English that could explain to me what was happening.  I ended up with a young woman that helps people with all these papers, etc. She  told me that all my papers and residency were ready and that I didn't have to renew this one every year. To be sure, I asked one of the workers yesterday and she told me the same thing. PTL!!! I thought about David when he said that the Lord heard him cry and delivered him out of all his troubles. The Spanish uses the word angustias which is translated to mean distresses or anguish. Either way you read it, it  means the same thing as far as the mind and feelings are concerned. I'm just glad that I don't have to think about it anymore. The Lord has delivered me!
I went to our three schools up north in May.  I met with the teachers there in March. The kids do read and write English, but they don't converse in English. There are a few that do, but that doesn't include the teachers. Our so-called bilingual school has lost many students. In the years before there were many students, 100-200. Now we have 67! I said in my report that maybe the parents are realizing that their kids aren't bilingual and maybe it's a waste of their money. I keep thinking about the old adage that says,"you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink." There are three teachers that only speak English in their classes. However, there was one teacher absent due to the death of her mother. And if I remember correctly, she spoke good English. But again, you have to practice it outside of the workbooks. One teacher old me that Spanish was faster. She didn't answer me when I asked where she was going in such a hurry. It takes time to learn and practice a different language.
That describes a lot of Honduras. They say they want better, but they aren't willing to make the necessary changes to bring it about. And that's sad. A person doesn't have to be an American or from the US to bring about changes and blessings to his life.
So I'll see how our teachers in our schools in Tegucigalpa are doing next week. Three of the five understand and speak well. The other two not so well. In fact, one of them told that she had three courses(?)in English. Depending on the school and teachers, that doesn't always mean a lot. So I'll see.
My students here at home has gone back up to six. The classes had dropped down to one! So I have one that had a teenage episode but has returned. She has been coming for about four or five years. She's bringing her nephew who is in the fifth grade. They are both good students. The mother with the two year old quit after four or five lessons. I didn't cry over that one!!! not that I cried over any of them, but you know what I mean. And the boy that brings me eggs is suppose to start this week with his friend. So I'll see if that transpires. People here tell you that they're going to do whatever, but more times than not, they don't. So again I'll see what happens.
I'm so glad that the Lord is with me all the time and knows exactly what I need and when. And my prayer is always that his will be done in my life and not mine.
Grace and peace to all!

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Haggai 1:5...Consider your ways

I have been thinking about what I am about to write for a few days. I'm sure some will be offended, but what is new? Not everyone agrees with a person all the time. So no problem. But my heart is so saddened by the things that are happening in my country, the USA. I can't believe some of the things that are taking place, and I wonder what is wrong with the people. What are they thinking, or are they? Congress makes me sick. Now they want to change our constitution? It's one of the oldest, written constitutions in the world.  Oh, but the people say that times have changed. Really? Human hearts haven't changed. Get rid of the personal right to have guns. Really? It isn't the weapon that kills a person, it's the person on the other end of the weapon. A person can  use anything as a weapon: a bat, knife, vehicle, poison, rocks, rope, and how about our hands?  But since our founding fathers provided for our protection against a tyrannical government written in our constitution, Bill of Rights, etc. the congress wants our guns.  Really, they don't think that people can get guns from people in other countries? How naive. 
And the Green New Deal? You first! When I would ask for a volunteer to do something in my class, there was always a person that would volunteer someone other than their own self.  I would say, Oh no. You need to do what you volunteered  another to do. Of course, they wouldn't. It's the same here. You do it and let us see how that works in your life and for a considerable length of time. You don't use a car, plane, train, bus, etc. Also no more hamburgers, steaks, ham, chicken, eggs, milk, cheese, lamb chops, turkey for Thanksgiving Day, etc. And no cell phones, computers, etc. because they all use electricity in one form or another. And what about heating your homes in the winter? You can't burn wood because that would deplete the forests, which of course is a renewable source. And the smoke might add to air pollution. How ridiculous. Oh, but wait. You can eat soy burgers, drink soy milk, etc. No thanks! A bean cannot be made to be meat, and juice from a bean is not milk. Milk only comes from animals and humans. But then, I guess they could change the definition of the word. And a gullible population would accept it.
When I lived on the farm with my dad when I was young, he would spread cow manure on the fields as fertilizer. He would milk our Jersey cow every morning and evening. Such good milk and thick cream.  The cows then were allowed to roam the pastures in the spring and summer. In the winter, they would eat silage. The chickens were allowed to roam everywhere and eat whatever from the ground and from table scraps that were thrown to them. And when you had a leg from one of those chickens, you had a nice sized leg, not like these little skinny things that you buy today that is full of antibiotics, growth hormones, etc. But our land has been contaminated with so many chemicals that enters our food and water. Our bodies are sick and we use more chemicals to supposedly heal them. How sad. A few years ago, I was with my brother in IL.  He said,"Let's take a ride, Sis." So he drove out in the country to a cemetery where some of our grandparents were buried. Then he continued to drive in the surrounding countryside. He asked me if I noticed anything different. I didn't. Then he said that there were no fences. And? The farmers weren't raising cattle anymore. They were raising soy beans, corn, wheat, etc., but no more cattle. Wow! I hadn't noticed.  I use to buy our beef and pork from a farmer that we personally knew. And from where does our beef and chickens come from now and what are they fed?  What a horrible difference.  And when I visit the US now, I find a farmer where I can buy milk right from the cow like I do here. Of course, that has all been demonized. And by who??? Check it out!
So what else has polluted our world? And oh, don't forget the countries that are worse than the USA that need to wear masks in some cities in order to breathe.  We are a lazy group of people. We don't want things to come in glass because we would have to return some of them in order for them to be used again. I think the term is recyclable. And everybody knows that soda and milk taste much better when they come in glass bottles. Oh, but we want to use something that comes in a throw away container that is only used one time.  Oh, yes. The things that take many years to break down into components that are still not good for the earth or human bodies to use. Even the hospitals use plastic syringes. I remember when they were made of glass and had to be sterilized.  And we've all heard about the dead zones in our oceans. Right?  And yes, I know I'm older than dirt! 
And the President? I have never witnessed such hatred for a president in all my life. Such disrespect  and you (Congress) want people to be more loving and courteous? You, who were chosen to be leaders of the people? You who talk against hate and hate crimes. Such hypocrites! What are you showing to my kids and grandkids and great-grandkids?  May they grow up to be thinkers and believers in our Creator God. Yes, I understand that the President says things that he ought not say, but does that give you the right to fight against everything that he wants to do to help our country? You need to be careful, because Jesus (whether or not you believe in Him) said that a kingdom, city, house divided against itself will not stand. But then maybe you want another country to come in and take us over. Ever hear of divide and conquer? And you blame the Russians??? Really, as a united people, that will not happen. The USA is one of the greatest countries on the earth. Why do you think others want to come here? And by the way, I'm not an immigrant. I was born in this country as were my parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents. And supposedly, even the American natives came from across the ocean  by the Bering Strait. Those that want our country to become a socialist country need to go live in one of those countries now if they want it so bad. But did they receive their wealth from a socialist country? I don't think so. But even those countries have wealthy people. But not everybody is granted the opportunity to become wealthy or even to have a seat in the government that governs them.
And we want a free college education and money to give to those that are too lazy to work. Really? Well, who's going to pay for all of this? I'm sorry but I don't want my hard earned money to go to someone who refuses to work. And you in Congress that want this. You first. And trust me, I give a lot of money to others. The US needs a lot of different workers but we don't have them, therefore we need others to come to our country that will do the jobs that we refuse to do. And pay them less than what we will work for. We need electricians, welders, over-the-road truckers, construction workers, etc. But we have raised a bunch of kids that don't want to get their hands dirty or to sweat. Our high schools don't have shop classes anymore where the kids use to learn a trade or the beginning of one depending on the school. Companies are beginning to see that a college degree is not necessary for every job. We haven't taught our kids that the world doesn't owe them a living. I thank the Lord that my kids never begged quarters. They all learned to work for what they wanted.
We use to raise our kids to believe in the Creator God. But not anymore. Now it's whatever and however you believe. The Pilgrims came here to escape religious persecution. It looks like it's beginning to take place here. How sad that God allowed us to become such a great nation, and now we are turning our backs on Him. Well,  Matthew Henry said if we don't serve the Lord Jesus Christ, we will serve our enemies. So we can be blessed or we can be damned. It's our choice.  He (God) gives us that. So are we going to continue to be called the United States of America or are we going to allow people to govern us who really don't have the values that this great country was founded on? And one more thing. Some have decided that after a baby is born alive, it can be killed if the parents don't want it. I told my kids if they didn't want children they better not have sex with the opposite sex because there's always that chance regardless of what you use to prevent a pregnancy. So if this be the case, why are murderers put into prison? What is the difference? Pre-meditation? It's in both cases. Oh, law makers, you all better wake up and think about what you are doing as well as the people that are following you.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Practice makes perfect!!!

So today, I'm just being a little lazy! I'm not doing a lot of anything. However, I do have a student coming at two, if he comes! So yesterday I had my first student who is only two years old! Yep, two years old! But it's really his mama who's going to be learning from me and teaching her son. He knows a few little words from watching TV which encouraged her to want him to learn more.  So we will see how it goes.
Last Friday, Becky and I went to San Pedro Sula so that I could help our teachers that teach English. It was a good time.  So the three teachers from San Manuel and El Progresso came to our school in SPS.  Some of the teachers I knew and some I didn't. But they all speak and teach English. The school in SPS uses McMillan curriculum from the states. Pedro, one of the teachers from El Progresso brought some books that he had bought. Oh, dear! They were the same ones that I had bought, and they are full of errors. When I asked him if he recognized them, he said yes, and that he corrected them with the kids. Very good!
The meeting was supposed to be for two hours. However, it lasted three. The teachers were not in a hurry to leave! My only problem with meeting on a school day is that I don't want to interrupt their teaching days. The kids here only go half a day, and there are many interruptions many times during their school year when they don't have classes. I don't want to add to that unless it's the only available time for them.
I really impressed upon them to speak only English all day at our bilingual school because it's the only time that the kids can practice and learn the language correctly. They have no one at home to practice with. I encouraged them to speak to all the kids and each other at the school. It is so necessary to speak the language that they are learning. Many people here have told me that they can read and write English. When I ask if they can speak it, I'm always told no. So what good is it? If you can't communicate with others, what's the point? So hopefully they will do more of this. I also told them that the kids needed to learn individually. Here, they always put the kids in groups for just about everything. That may be good at times but not all the time. When I explained the reasons for this, they all understood. So hopefully it will go well.
So until later, be blessed.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

James1:4 But let patience have her perfect work , that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.

So here we are in the middle of March. How time does fly! So what is happening? Well, yesterday I paid for two more months on my visa. Supposedly, I should receive my residency before this two months is completed. Do I hold my breath? Absolutely not! By some I'm told it's my attorney's fault, and by others, it's the government. Only my Heavenly Father knows exactly. So I have to leave it in his hands. But when I had it for six years with no problems... Perhaps he's working on me to have more patience and that when the time is right according to his clock,  I will see that in the end, all is right, since nothing happens to me without his ok and that all is for for my good.
Also, I'll probably be starting my new job next week depending on the schools' calendars. I'm excited about helping the teacher's with their English programs. The core problem is their not teaching the students to speak everyday English while they're at school. And if the kids don't speak it there, they won't be speaking it at all. Very few have relatives that are English speaking at home. Therefore, they don't have anyone to practice with. Another problem is that many put them in groups during class for writing exercises.  And we all know that in most groups only one or two people work, depending on the size of the group, while the others copy. So we'll see how it goes when I say that they need to work individually most of the time. 
I did buy some workbooks for grades one though nine that were written for learning English.  But when I got home and really started looking into the exercises, I was totally disappointed. There are so many errors in them. They were not written by American book companies. So sad. Capital letters and punctuation were not used correctly nor were verb tenses used correctly many times.
So some good news. After waiting a month and a few days, I now have a real telephone in my house. I'm so glad. No more worries about it not working due to lack of a signal or having no electricity. And I can call the US much cheaper than using a cell phone. And the light in my living room? Well, two nights ago while going to my bedroom, I touched the other switch that's connected to the living room light. And, lo and behold, the living room light came on! I have no clue what happened there, but I do thank the Lord for it. So the switch that didn't work, now works!!! Go figure!
What else? My pastor is always wanting me to preach, which I love to do. But doing it in Spanish is totally different since my Spanish is lacking in a lot of areas. So I asked him to help me with my Spanish in that area, and we are going to start this coming week. I do believe that he could translate a message for me in English. But I think he would have some trouble in some areas just like me in Spanish. So between him, me, and his wife, we ought to do well. Thank you Holy Spirit!
So until later, grace and peace.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Phil.4:19 But my God shall supply all your need...

A lot has happened here in the last week. Since I was robbed at knifepoint in December, both my landlord and my pastor said that I needed to move. My landlord's wife had suggested that I could move in their other new house two doors down.  When I had asked what would be the difference, they said that I would have neighbors on three sides whereas now there is only one. And I mentioned the walls around the new house and how nobody could see or hear much. However these walls are not as high. So I told my pastor that I would move on Monday, the twenty-first, starting at 10:00 AM. Well, Monday morning was a rainy morning. Misting quite heavily at times. So I thought ok, they won't come due to the weather. I'll move some little things myself. Oh my, I went to leave the new house around ten, and there comes Moises(Moses). In fact he startled me because I didn't think anyone was there. Moises works at the school so I have known him for ten years. In fact, his wife was one of my students.  And then pastor came, and close behind him, came Frankie! I was so totally surprised. Frankie cuts my grass, takes care of the flowers, and helps me with whatever little thing that I need done. These three have been put in my life by the Lord. Didn't He say that He would provide ALL our needs even when we don't know what is going to happen and when? I praise and give him thanks everyday for all that he does everyday in my life. I asked pastor if Luis was bringing his pickup, and he said no. So the misting rain stopped, but it was overcast and the road very muddy. However, these three guys moved everything in exactly two hours!!!! Hondurans are not generally big people. Frankie maybe 5"10 and is very thin, but extremely strong. Moises is probably near the same height as Frankie and a little heavier. Pastor is the shortest of the three. So they're carrying the refrigerator, stove, beds, etc. And even my potted plants! In two hours! Pastor said that nothing is impossible with God. I had to laugh. As if I didn't know that!!! And then Javier, young man from church, arrived to put up my curtain rods. That was great since the walls are cement. Looks like plaster, but is really cement.
Of course my cable had to be changed. And since I don't have a working phone anymore, the company goes through Pastor. Well, wouldn't you know that they could hook up my TV cable, but not the internet which I need here.  The next day, another fellow from the cable company came and told us that they don't have internet services here and farther up from where I live. Oh great! Well, low and behold, he took the cable that is here and connected it to the cable that was put in my other house from the post that is below on the other street. So now I have TV and the internet, but he said I needed an amplifier to extend the range of the service because sometimes the TV loses it's signal for stations in the US. Ok, I can deal with that. Then there was a leak under the sink from the pipe that goes through the wall. I showed this to my landlord and he sent another fellow that I know to fix it.
So what next? Well, I turned on the ceiling light in my living room two nights ago and nothing happened. Ok, I need a new light bulb. Nope. I put in the new one and nothing happened. Frankie tried and got the same result. He said that the light fixture was bad. So I'll ask Javier to replace it. He's a jack of all trades!! And the Lord said that we would have troubles in this world, and he wasn't just talking about spiritual ones. However, these problems do effect our spirits one way or another. We can either face them giving God thanks or give in to despair, worry, etc. I choose to believe that since he is with me all the time, he has the correct solution to all. I just have to have patience and wait for it. So Javier came but couldn't find the problem. So I'll have to talk to my landlord.
And one more thing. There's a great phone company here that installs real telephones in your house. I had it at the house where I lived for seven years. Pastor and I went yesterday to see about having one installed here. Pastor always goes with me to help me with the Spanish and to read the contracts for me. So I get a real phone in my house whenever. The phone that was connected with my cable never worked correctly, and when there was no electricity, there was no phone. Ugh! And  forget the cellphones. I'm tired of losing them to thieves. I didn't carry a phone with me in the states, and I'm not carrying one here, unless the Lord tells me differently. And thus far, he hasn't.
I started this a couple of weeks ago and never got it finished due to the loss of cable signals. So, I still don't have a phone. Pastor told me yesterday that he went to the telephone office and the lady told him that they didn't have a technician to install it, but should have it taken care of this week. I hope so.
If a person needs to learn patience, he needs to come to Honduras! And that's no joke.
When I need a friend to do things with and to just visit with, I always ask the Lord to send one. He has never let me down. Two weeks ago, a widow lady moved into my old house. Lo and behold, we have connected. Her husband was a pastor so we always talk about the Lord, etc. And yesterday she said that she had prayed the same thing!  God is so good.  So I'm going to help her learn English and she's going to help me with the everyday sayings here that I absolutely do not understand.  And it's amazing to me that many here do not understand each other!!! Elida, my adult student, was explaining to me that she doesn't understand the men that are building two more rooms onto her house. I'm like,"What"? No, she doesn't understand their Spanish. And I'm supposed to understand what is being said to me? Most of the time I do, but sometimes, I'm totally in the dark. The Spanish here is so lacking. But then the educational system is not so old either according to what I have been told. So it's interesting that at times I'm giving new words in Spanish to my students. Whether or not they will continue to use them is another matter.
So now I need to get busy. I need to remove the paint spots from my floors. The construction workers here are not good at removing such things. Thank the Lord that I can do such things.
Grace and peace.