Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Practice makes perfect!!!

So today, I'm just being a little lazy! I'm not doing a lot of anything. However, I do have a student coming at two, if he comes! So yesterday I had my first student who is only two years old! Yep, two years old! But it's really his mama who's going to be learning from me and teaching her son. He knows a few little words from watching TV which encouraged her to want him to learn more.  So we will see how it goes.
Last Friday, Becky and I went to San Pedro Sula so that I could help our teachers that teach English. It was a good time.  So the three teachers from San Manuel and El Progresso came to our school in SPS.  Some of the teachers I knew and some I didn't. But they all speak and teach English. The school in SPS uses McMillan curriculum from the states. Pedro, one of the teachers from El Progresso brought some books that he had bought. Oh, dear! They were the same ones that I had bought, and they are full of errors. When I asked him if he recognized them, he said yes, and that he corrected them with the kids. Very good!
The meeting was supposed to be for two hours. However, it lasted three. The teachers were not in a hurry to leave! My only problem with meeting on a school day is that I don't want to interrupt their teaching days. The kids here only go half a day, and there are many interruptions many times during their school year when they don't have classes. I don't want to add to that unless it's the only available time for them.
I really impressed upon them to speak only English all day at our bilingual school because it's the only time that the kids can practice and learn the language correctly. They have no one at home to practice with. I encouraged them to speak to all the kids and each other at the school. It is so necessary to speak the language that they are learning. Many people here have told me that they can read and write English. When I ask if they can speak it, I'm always told no. So what good is it? If you can't communicate with others, what's the point? So hopefully they will do more of this. I also told them that the kids needed to learn individually. Here, they always put the kids in groups for just about everything. That may be good at times but not all the time. When I explained the reasons for this, they all understood. So hopefully it will go well.
So until later, be blessed.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

James1:4 But let patience have her perfect work , that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.

So here we are in the middle of March. How time does fly! So what is happening? Well, yesterday I paid for two more months on my visa. Supposedly, I should receive my residency before this two months is completed. Do I hold my breath? Absolutely not! By some I'm told it's my attorney's fault, and by others, it's the government. Only my Heavenly Father knows exactly. So I have to leave it in his hands. But when I had it for six years with no problems... Perhaps he's working on me to have more patience and that when the time is right according to his clock,  I will see that in the end, all is right, since nothing happens to me without his ok and that all is for for my good.
Also, I'll probably be starting my new job next week depending on the schools' calendars. I'm excited about helping the teacher's with their English programs. The core problem is their not teaching the students to speak everyday English while they're at school. And if the kids don't speak it there, they won't be speaking it at all. Very few have relatives that are English speaking at home. Therefore, they don't have anyone to practice with. Another problem is that many put them in groups during class for writing exercises.  And we all know that in most groups only one or two people work, depending on the size of the group, while the others copy. So we'll see how it goes when I say that they need to work individually most of the time. 
I did buy some workbooks for grades one though nine that were written for learning English.  But when I got home and really started looking into the exercises, I was totally disappointed. There are so many errors in them. They were not written by American book companies. So sad. Capital letters and punctuation were not used correctly nor were verb tenses used correctly many times.
So some good news. After waiting a month and a few days, I now have a real telephone in my house. I'm so glad. No more worries about it not working due to lack of a signal or having no electricity. And I can call the US much cheaper than using a cell phone. And the light in my living room? Well, two nights ago while going to my bedroom, I touched the other switch that's connected to the living room light. And, lo and behold, the living room light came on! I have no clue what happened there, but I do thank the Lord for it. So the switch that didn't work, now works!!! Go figure!
What else? My pastor is always wanting me to preach, which I love to do. But doing it in Spanish is totally different since my Spanish is lacking in a lot of areas. So I asked him to help me with my Spanish in that area, and we are going to start this coming week. I do believe that he could translate a message for me in English. But I think he would have some trouble in some areas just like me in Spanish. So between him, me, and his wife, we ought to do well. Thank you Holy Spirit!
So until later, grace and peace.