Sunday, June 14, 2020

A house divided against itself will not stand Luke11:17

Wow! I can't believe the things I'm seeing concerning my country!! How horrible! And people bowing their knee/knees to a movement? And renouncing their color? Really? To whom you bow your knee, the same will be your master.  I will bow my knee to only one and his name is Jesus Christ.  He made me the color that I am, and  I will not renounce him nor my parents. And isn't it strange that the people that these groups are supposedly defending are the same ones destroying their communities?  Oh but it's not the peaceful protesters; it's the anarchists. Really, why aren't the peaceful ones doing something about it?  The other ones are among them and they see them. Why aren't they calling them out? And no police? Remember that the next time that you need help. There are bad people in every group. There are bad cops, teachers, preachers, parents, children, etc. Does a few make all bad? Even Jesus had a devil in his small group. 
And fear? That's the biggest tool that the devil uses. And now they want to track everybody just in case you might have or come close to someone who has the virus. Wake up people! This is called control. And speaking of control, I wrote an email to a friend the other day comparing this movement with a couple in the 60's and 70's. And guess what? They wouldn't send it. It was blacklisted! I wasn't saying anything bad. I was just comparing them. Free speech? Only if you speak their words. 
So now the world is following this movement. Hum. A house/nation divided will not stand. Good time for the enemies of the US to come in, yes? And for those that want to make this country a socialist country, what don't they move to a socialist country? They surely wouldn't have the riches that they do if they would move there. When I  asked my students to volunteer to do a problem on the whiteboard, there was always someone that would volunteer a friend. I told them, no you cannot volunteer another person. So these representatives that are calling for things that are not American, why are they not doing it first so we can see how it works?  
Paul said there would be perilous times in the last days. Well, here we are. What are we going to do? Jesus warned us that it would be so and for our hearts not to be troubled. Well, my heart was sorely troubled last night and this morning. Praise God that when I called out to him, he delivered me from all of it. We will be tried and tested. We aren't any better than the true Christians that went before us that lived in dangerous times. Jesus said that he who shall endure to the end shall be saved-Mat. 24:13.
I pray that God's children will be the light that we've been called to be.

Grace and peace.