We are now into the first week of February, 2021. I remember thinking as a young child that the year 2000 would never come. It was just impossible. What did I know?
Wow! I can't believe the things that are taking place in the USA! Truly, we are living in perilous times. 2 Tim.3:1. The hypocrisy is totally unbelievable. So as Christians, where do we stand and what is our attitude?
I never really understood Ps.2:1-2 until I came to Honduras. I guess in my mind that I never included the US in that category. After all, we have one of the best and longest lasting constitution in the world and we were considered to be a Christian nation. (And I know that the Lord is not a respecter of people or nations). But our nation as a whole has turned its back on the Lord. The things that we allow now were not allowed when I was a child. Even people that didn't claim to be a Christian were against the things that we allow now. Of course, there are always exceptions to the rule. Abortions of babies before and the killing after delivery, homosexuality, the nasty music, and the nakedness in videos, etc. were not accepted in the general public. Bad/dirty language was not generally accepted. And church goers were not harassed or vilified. Missionaries were sent out to other places in the world to teach Jesus regardless of the danger many times. When God called, you went. Presidents were respected whether you liked him or not. Illegal drugs were just that, illegal. I could go on and on. But it just makes me sad to see what is happening in my country.
But the other day, the Lord reminded me of Rom.8:28 when I was truly getting upset about all the things that I saw happening. It says, And we know that ALL things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. And all means all. We are told in many places in the Bible to give thanks for ALL things. One is 1 Thes.5:18. Why give thanks? Because God is truly working out his will in this world, not ours. He tells us in 2 Tim.1:7 that he didn't give us a spirit of fear. People are so fearful today even Christians. That bothers me. Where is our faith? If the Lord doesn't protect us, there isn't anything or anyone else that can do it. Not even a vaccine!
And now? Well, I praise the Lord that the curfew to stay home except for one day a week has been lifted!!! The only curfew now is from 9 pm to 5 am. Of course you still have to wear a mask which of course does nothing to protect you according to "real" science. A friend and I go to Tegucigalpa just about every Friday morning. We hadn't been able to do that for many months. And we have to have our temps checked, use the gel, and step on a wet disinfected pad before entering the stores or restaurants. Of course we sit right next to each other on the bus. Go figure!!!
A month are so ago, we started having church at my house! Thank you, Jesus!! It's outside on my patio and in the yard. Everybody wears a mask and is socially distanced and uses the hand gel. Yesterday we had 27 people including children. I had told my pastor before we started meeting at my house, that if Jesus could preach outside, so could he! And bless his heart, he's doing it. He plays his guitar, and we all sing along with him. It's great. And then we hear God's word.
I have another new student. She is 22. It was interesting last week when she was telling me that she was praying and telling the Lord that she wanted to learn English. I was in my house telling the Lord that I wanted more students. And bless his holy name, he put us together. Thank you, Pastor Dago. He had told her about me. Our lives truly are in God's hands.
So now, I must get ready for a student. Thank you Lord for everything that you're doing in my life and the lives of your people.
Grace and peace to you all.