Lots of terrible things are happening in our world today, yes? But did not Jesus tell us these things in Mat. 24 and other places? He also said for us not to be troubled for all these things must come to pass, Mat. 24:6-7. But how many who claim to be Christians are fearful and worried? Didn't we learn in 2 Tim. 1:7 that the Lord didn't give us the spirit of fear? And God is not the author of confusion, 1 Cor. 14:33.
We have to stand on his word! I'm hearing that the world leaders are stopping the farmers from producing food because supposedly, it's cows that are causing climate change?????? It's their manure. How foolish. So we aren't going to eat meat, cheese, and drink their milk, but instead we're going to eat bugs and fake meat grown on parts of aborted calves. And one very rich man in the US is buying up many acres of the best farmland in the US. Do we really think that the elites are not going to eat steak while the rest of humanity is forced to eat bugs? Wow! Do we Christians not understand that Satan is the god of this world 2 Cor. 4:4 and he has been given a certain amount of time to rule? Remember how he tempted Jesus, that if he would bow down to him, he would give Jesus all the kingdoms of this world? But the Lord has called us to come out of this world's systems, 2 Cor. 6:16-17.
We have to believe and stand on God's word. He is the only one that can protect us and provide for us. In Psalms 91, he has given us precious promises concerning all the things that are taking place now. He also tells us in Ps. 33 and Ps. 37 that we will be satisfied in the days of famine. How? I have no idea! But God provided for Elijah and the widow during a famine. If God can cause ravens to bring Elijah meat and bread to eat, do we think that he can't provide for his kids today? He provided manna in the desert for the Israelites for 40 years. Nothing is impossible for God! After all, He created everything that we can see including ourselves, Ps. 139: 14-16.
See that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass...They have to happen in order for Jesus to come back. Scripture cannot be broken, John 10:35. We have to do what Ps.121 says. We have to lift up our heads because our help comes from the Lord. Praise the Lord. Amen.
Grace and peace from our Lord always.