Sunday, January 23, 2011

Isaiah. 55:3 Incline your ear, and come unto me: hear and your soul shall live...

Great news! I have a new great-grandson. Jaden Alexander born yesterday(01/22/11), five weeks early, but is doing fine and will go home this week. Thank you Lord for answered prayer. His mama was also early, and "they" said she would be in the hospital 3-4 months, but she went home in a week too. How great is our God.

I have survived the first two weeks of language school! I don't know that I speak it any better at this point, but at least some missing components are being learned, and that's definitely good. I understand most of what my instructor says, but not all. So when I'm in total confusion, she slows down and goes a different direction, which helps a lot. I'm glad I have a year. I bombed the first test in the area of making a question from answers already given. It's like after the question word, then what goes where? I can ask questions, but this really threw me. But not to worry. I have a year, and I'm not getting a degree. And at this point in my life, I'm really not too worried. I just want to learn the language. I'm more concerned about quality, not quantity. I don't know if the teachers feel that way, but...
So what have I done? Yesterday a friend and I went to PriceSmart to buy a card. It's like Sam's. We could split the cost and each have our own card. We took a cab there and back. She is from Chile and speaks Spanish, but she is new here, too. So even though she speaks the language, she is a little nervous at doing things on her own also. The money is different for her just like it is for me. So we both have to figure out how much something cost in order to know if we want to pay the price. Even in Honduras, I always asked myself if I would pay that in the states. If the answer was yes, then I bought it. If not, then I wouldn't. So we were very proud of ourselves and thanking God for taking care of this and getting back home. We do have cards to carry with us in case we don't know how to say where we live or the cab driver doesn't know the area. Thank you CINCEL for those. She and I decided today that we are going to be brave and start taking the bus. It's much cheaper, and it is safe. We just have to remember to look and see where we get on and off!!

A bunch of us went to the mall Friday night to eat in the food court and walk around. Some of us stayed to watch a movie. It's in English and has Spanish subtitles. That's interesting especially when they make a big deal of stating that it isn't pirated. The only way I know that is because one of the students here explained it when I couldn't figure out what was happening. And yes, you can buy all the goodies before you go in just like in the states.

We went into one of the stores in the mall which is suppose to be something like Wal-Mart. Ha! One of the guys wanted to buy a backpack, and they were $70. Yeah, $70.00. In the states maybe $15. Crazy. We have to go to Panama in March because of our visas. Everyone has said to stock up on shampoos etc. because they are much cheaper there. Will definitely be looking at that.

Every Saturday morning some of us go to the feria. That's the farmer's market here. Definitely cheaper than in the grocery stores. There are two that are open on Saturdays and Sundays. We usually are there about an hour. Some of the apples come from the states, but they are usually from Chile. And yes, they are just as good. Maybe Johnny Appleseed went there too, you think?? No, I think God just spread his goodies everywhere that the climate he made was agreeable for them.

Ministry? Aw, yes, ministry. Well, my ministry appears to be to help those along the way with their faith in what God's word says. And I'm not for sure if that's the way to say it. However, one young fellow(he's 24) told me the other day that he was my mission. Really? It seems I'm always correcting, preaching or whatever to him. Bless his heart. And when I have prayed for him, God answered that night or the next day. This young man has a wonderful calling on his life to help the kids in El Salvador. He has been there 2 years already. He can speak very well, but he doesn't have all the other stuff that comes with learning language. So here he is. And me. God definitely has a sense of humor. So next week Leticia and I are going with him to his church. It's an arm of the one he attends and works with in El Salvador.

What else? I miss my family. I miss Honduras, and I don't think I'll ever get use to all the bars on my windows and doors. Locked gates going in and out of the driveway. We in the U.S. do not realize the freedom we really have. Oh, to hold on to it.

I'm thankful everyday for the Lord Jesus Christ. He is so awesome. Never did I think I would be doing what I'm doing, let alone at the age I'm doing it. Now I understand Abraham and Moses much better than before. God doesn't stop using people when they reach a certain age. If we are his children, we serve him until the day he takes us home. It isn't just the "young" that he calls. He has a plan for all of us. It's the world that says, "You have worked long enough, and now it's time to retire." And do what? Serve ourselves? Die? No. And God doesn't call everyone to leave their families, homes, etc. and go to a foreign country. But he does call us to serve him, and be a light in the place he has put us. I pray that God's kids will read his word everyday in order to really know who this great God is. He will reveal himself to anyone that truly desires to know him. And when he does that, you'll never be the same.

Thanks to all of you that help support me in offerings and prayers. May God bless you abundantly.

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