Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Heb.13:5-6...The Lord is my helper...

Well, here we are once again. It has been three days since we returned from Panama. Nothing spectacular happened there, except we enjoyed the time off from classes. But, of course, we had homework, but not so much. Thank you, Jesus. And I couldn't find shoes, so will wear these that are really looking rough. Oh well, at least I have shoes and feet!

We had a different bus this time. It was more like a Greyhound because there were so many of us. But we had to unload our bags at both borders, so customs could see and run their hands through our stuff. But it wasn't a problem. Someone said they were looking for drugs, but who knows. It set us back an hour in time returning to CR, but that really wasn't a problem either. Instead of getting to CINCEL around 5, we made it around 6.

This morning we all had to speak in Spanish during the cultural chapel. Those that are learning English had to use English. I shared my experience with a funeral in Honduras compared to the way it is all done in the states. (My experience in HN reminded me of my Grandma describing my Grandpa's funeral so many years ago, long before I was born. So different then. So much more personal). But anyway, I was told I did very well. Once again I have to give glory to God for helping me.

I am enjoying my classes a lot more now. Tomorrow Clint and I have to converse and ask questions off the top of our heads. That ought to be real interesting! I just have to learn to pray without writing it out and reading it. That's my goal, not necessarily my teacher's goal. I do ok in my apartment, but when I have to do it in class, it's a little different.

Well, it's almost 5 o'clock our time, and I just felt an earthquake tremor. Wow! It's funny, because first you hear some rattling in your house and wonder what is making that noise. Then you feel the shaking, and you know what is happening. Then you wonder is it going to be longer or is it going to stop quickly. Then it's like do I move out of the house or stay. These thoughts are almost simultaneous. You "feel the earth move under your feet." An old song, but I think about it every time the earth shakes here. So it didn't last but a minute or so. I guess I'll turn on the TV and listen to the news, and see what they say about it.

Keith and I have to memorize scriptures for next week in our phonics class. I picked Heb.13:5-6. I have thought of what they say so many times since I have been here. But God's word never gets old and it does not change. Even when our circumstances change, God does not. I am so thankful for him in my life.

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