Hey, hey, hey, normal coffee drinking has resumed! Energy level is back up, so all is well, except the weather. It's still cold. This is normally one of our hottest months, but not yet. I'm so ready to sweat! I don't like the shivers. Yesterday I wore a camisole, long sleeved blouse, and a light jean jacket, and I wore them all day long! That is very rare for me. When everybody else is cold, I'm hot. Now we're all cold! Brrrrr...
So what has been happening? Since we are a private school, we don't have to go to school on Saturdays anymore. That's a big blessing. Saturday mornings are my mornings to just relax and take it easy. And we have one teacher who is Seventh Day Adventist. A big problem for her. So I'm glad God answered our prayers in this situation. A couple of ladies came out to our school from their church to give some materials to the kindergarten classes. The one works at the U.S. Embassy, and she told me the reason for the Saturday school was because the public school teachers didn't do their jobs, so the government said they had to go on Saturdays. She's Honduran and went to a bilingual school, and therefore, speaks excellent English. Wow, you really think if they didn't teach before, that they're going to teach on Saturday? Interesting concept.
And I gave up the position of sub-directora. I was not comfortable with it at all. I don't know the language well enough nor do I know the laws here. People here do not trust the government at all, and many times they don't even trust each other. So where did that put me? I will do what God lays upon my heart to help whoever or whatever, but when there is no peace in my spirit, then there must be a change. Many years ago, a chaplain at a university told me that God puts us through trials, tests, etc. Absolutely, he tries our faith, but he also gives peace during those trials. I had no peace.
One more week of classes and then we get la Semana Santa (Holy Week) off. I don´t know yet what I´m going to do, but something will come up.
I have been helping Eva with her college work. Her class is in English, and she does not understand a lot of it. It's educational theory and practice. A lot of terminology. But it's been a good review for me. There has been a lot of material about bilingual education and the ages of people involved with learning a second language. There was a French teacher that took traditional classes to learn another language and when he got on the field, he couldn't understand the people talking, nor could he speak the language. Wow! I about came unglued when I read that, because I know exactly what he was talking about. It's happened to me. So that definitely encouraged me to continue with the everyday conversation that I'm doing with my classes.
Well, lo and behold, I thought that I had the day off, but a new student showed up at the gate. A friend of Eva's. He has had some English, and that helps. So next week he will be with my other student. That will be good because they will practice together, I hope.
God is good. He provides for us everyday. He never leaves us even when we are feeling dry and don't feel his presence. I praise him for his faithfulness, love, grace, and mercy. I shudder to think where I would be without him. Thank you Lord for loving me so much.