What a wonderful, peaceful, and relaxing time that Becky and I had at the cabin in La Esperanza. There was a fresh thermos of coffee and a loaf of sweetbread waiting for us when we arrived! That sold me! Of course, Becky doesn't like coffee, but she did enjoy the sweetbread. The cabin was great. It had two bedrooms with a double and single bed in each. A bathroom with HOT water for showers, and a kitchen with stove and refrigerator. The living room had a sofa, two chairs, coffee table, and a TV with cable. There was a front porch with several wood lawn chairs. There were five other cabins, but not close enough to not have privacy. It was a beautiful place surrounded by a pine forest that smelled so good. What a blessing that we enjoyed so much. Thank you Maria Jose and family. May God bless you for your blessing to us!
We weren't too impressed with the city itself, but our little get-a-way was great. Several times we would be sitting on the porch enjoying God's creation and peace when we would look at each other and KNEW that the other was thinking that we need to be doing something. I said, "How sad it is that people don't know how to relax and just enjoy what God has made, and to enjoy peace of mind, body, and spirit". Becky agreed. Sometimes we don't understand the command of "Be still and know that I am God". It's hard to be still. We always seem to be thinking that we need to be doing something all the time. But then we are taught that in and out of church.

Well, we decided to go back through La Paz, another area that neither of us had been to before. Well, the young man at the hotel told us it was good road especially since it hadn't rained. Well, what he calls a good road and what we call a good road are two different roads! And somewhere we took a wrong turn and went for miles up, down, and around the mountain(s) road. Finally, we decided to turn around and go back to La Esperanza and return to Tegucigalpa the way we came up. This is a picture of the bridge we had to cross on the highway before we made a wrong turn. The logs should be turned the other way, but I didn't look to see what is underneath! Wow! A good road!!! I do believe we went places where some of our other missionaries here have not gone. And no, we don't want to go there again!!!
However, I praise God for guiding and protecting his children when they make a wrong turn, be it physical or spiritual! Thank you, Jesus, for your ever present help.
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