Thursday, April 15, 2021

Mat.25:31-34 ...and he shall set the sheep on his right hand...

 I cannot believe that we are in the middle of April! But here we are and doing whatever we're supposed to be doing.

My heart breaks for the things that are happening in my country. I cannot believe that the people are allowing some of the things that are going on. I turned off the news last night because I'm so tired of hearing that everything that's happening is due to the color of a person's skin. I'm sick of it! It appears that there is nothing about what's right and what's wrong. There has always been and will be people that don't like a person due to the color of their skin, their religion, their political beliefs, race, etc. But for a government to feed into this kind of thinking is so totally wrong. I understand our history and where we are now. And when some of our leaders are talking about reparations, maybe they should go back to Africa and hold the tribes accountable for warring against each other and capturing and selling other tribe members to the slavers. And the US is not the only country that had slaves. You see how ridiculous all of this is? And the looting that takes place in our cities has nothing to do with the killing of certain peoples. It's all about greed and stealing what they don't want to pay for. And what is the government doing to stop it? Nothing that I can see. And many of the elected officials want to do away with the police force. I don't see them out there protecting the citizens and their businesses in these places. Are we going back to the Wild West? Everyone protecting themselves and then being hauled into court to face charges for doing so. The people in the US better wake up to what is happening. 

The first time that I heard of the new scourge, I thought bio-warfare. The world is not getting better, as sad as that is. But I think that the Lord Jesus Christ told us of these things when he was here on earth. So where is our faith? In the so-called vaccine which is not a true vaccine? Research it out. Or is it our faith in  God and his word? When the government tells you that you can't attend church or cannot sing if you do attend, what are they really doing? Christians need to wake up. They are so scared of this virus. Really? My Bible tells me that God didn't give us the spirit of fear, but love, power, and a sound mind. There are more promises in Psalms 91 than there are verses along with others. And why would people trust in this so-called vaccine when it cannot protect you from the virus and you still have to wear a mask and continue social distancing after receiving it? Something is desperately wrong here. So I asked myself if I wanted to die of probable side effects from this injection or the virus itself! I choose the virus if the Lord permits me to get it because He will either heal me here or take me home. Isn't that according to his word? 

I pray that when the Lord returns and is separating the sheep nations from the goat nations, that the US will be counted as a sheep nation. 

Love and peace.

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