Friday, August 13, 2021

Mat.28:20 ...and lo, I am with you alway, even to the end of the world.

 I have such a good pastor! He visits his people all the time, and he knows them well. He is not a prying, pushy pastor, but if you have a problem, he will be there to help you if possible. Last Saturday, a workman had come to see what needed to be done to fix my faucets and drain in the kitchen sink. While he was here, he told me that we wouldn't have electricity the following day. When I asked about the hours, he said from 6am to 5pm. So I made sure to make some extra coffee for the next day. Around 7pm that night my phone rang. It was my pastor calling to tell me that there would be no electricity the next day and to be sure to make my coffee early. He said the hours would be 7am to 5pm. Well, it turned out that the hours were from 7:15am to 4pm. And yes, I had my coffee around 6 of that morning. What a pastor! Have you ever heard of such? I had not. I wouldn't trade him for anybody. He cares about the people that God has put in front of him, and I thank the Lord and pray for him all the time.

There's not much going on here. And I'm thankful for that because a lot could be happening and maybe some things not so good. I don't like watching news at all, but I do just to have an idea of what's happening out there. Not much good that I can see. The so called vaccine. Wow, if you don't take it, you're considered worse than nothing? I think we might as well be wearing a yellow star. What's the difference? I'm not against real vaccines, but this one isn't the same as those of the past. So sad what the governments have done and are doing to its citizens. The rich are getting so much richer by all the things that are being taken away from the average person. And it really bothers me that not many are standing against it all especially when so much that is happening is against our constitution. If we let go of that very important document, we're doomed as one of the most important countries in the world. I don't remember who said that freedom without laws is anarchy but we're seeing it happen all around us. And there is so much lawlessness in the US at this time. It breaks my heart.

So I was watching some of the protests that took place around the world a few weeks ago, and one of the groups was singing the song, You'll Never Walk Alone. I had forgotten that song and was so glad to hear it. If you have hope (Jesus) in your heart, you will never walk alone. He said that he is with us even to the end of the world. We have to stand for what is right regardless of the opposition or threats. And praise the Lord that he is with us and will help us to stand for what is true and right at all times if trust and believe him

Love and peace.

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