Sunday, May 26, 2013

Rev. 2-3 To him that overcometh...

Wow! What a two weeks this has been! So much has happened, as always, but God is always faithful to help and to encourage in trying times.  It´s so frustrating to be told to do something and not know what or how.  It's amazing how people think that knowledge comes by osmosis! Well, all that is past, and now there are new things to overcome. But isn't that like our God? In order to be an overcomer, we have to have things to overcome! I'm trying to rejoice in that bit of knowledge right now!!!

So, last week I went to the Copan ruins with two of the teachers from CEAD, the school that is connected to the church that Becky attends in Tegucigalpa. They had not been to see any of HN other than here in Valle. And since that school is on the N. American system, they will be leaving in a few days. So we were on the bus for eight hours there and eight hours back. But it was a bus like Greyhound, bathroom and all. They even gave us snacks. We had a nice hotel and we could split the cost. Food was excellent there in the hotel. We ate at another place that was not so great. Our guide at the ruins spoke good English, and we learned a lot of good things including their numbering system.  He is also a Christian, and we had a good conversation. I really like to go to old places. The ruins here, ghost towns in the West in the U.S. etc. I don't like to visit old cathedrals, however, because all I can think about is the Spanish Inquisition. I know that's crazy, but that's the way it is.  Even Dachau in Germany didn't effect me like those cathedrals! UGH!

The school didn't have water last Thursday or Friday, so the kids were sent home after a couple of hours on Friday.  I'm not exactly sure how the water system works here. I know that some of the people get their water from the mountain. If the source dries up, then they have no water. The city can also turn off the  water for those of us that have it whenever they feel it's necessary. I'm not for sure what necessary involves.  Here at my house, there is a well where I can turn on the pump whenever I need it. I praise the Lord for that. Thank the Lord the rainy season has begun!!!  It has been so dry, and the dust on the way to the school has been horrible. I finally figured out that I miss snow days, because sometimes I wish it would rain so much that we could stay home from school one day! Yeah, I know.  Shame on me. I don't miss the snow, just the snow days!!  And the last couple of times that it rained hard in Tegucigalpa, there was flooding.  Know why?  All the trash that they throw in the streets clogged the sewers so the water could not go through them. Do you think that has changed?  Nope.  It's so sad and frustrating when something so small could be fixed so easily, and it isn't.  I'm so thankful that the attitude at the school has changed concerning trash. It's great to see the kids using the trash cans and putting their wrappers from candy in their pockets or backpacks when they are on the bus.  And speaking of trash, it was interesting to hear the pastor's wife speak this morning about the trash in the earth and compare it with the trash that is sometimes in our hearts.

Well, the Lord is still on the throne and all is well.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Newsletter 2013

Beverly Says,                                                                                   

Hello from Honduras                                                   

The last three months have been very busy.  We have had two teams here from the states.  One came to pray and minister to the national pastors and   teachers in our schools while the other came to help build classrooms in our school in Choluteca.  What a blessing they were to us and to those they ministered to.  

Last year a team from Coffeyville KS left me with a personal gift of money.  I put it with some more money and bought new desks for the high school.  We are so thankful for these new desks.  They are such a blessing to us, and they also improve the look of the classroom. God is so good. Thank you for your support.

English classes continue to be challenging at times!  It is so sad that education is not a big priority in Honduras.  The desire to learn of other things and places is quite low.  In order to learn about other places in our world, I decided to incorporate other cities in our daily lesson about weather.  I was shocked when most of my students did not know where  China was on the world map.   Some of them did not know where Central America was found, let alone San Jose,  Costa Rica!  They know now!  So every day, we locate a different city while reviewing previous places.

For Bible verses in English,  they are learning choruses from Psalms, Matthew, and Isa. etc. Songs like, Come unto Me, from Matt.11:28-30, and   I Saw the LORD,  from Isa. 6:1-3.  They have already learned, Open the Eyes of My Heart Lord, which we also sing in Spanish. 

So next week, it is my turn to give the devotional to teachers and students.  I’m so thankful for the friends that God has given me that will help me edit what I want to say.  AND one of my former tutors will be coming back next week to help me continue in my learning more Spanish.  She will also be staying to learn English with another adult student. Yea!  Many people here say that they want to learn English.  But when the basic greetings are learned,  that ends the lessons.  Learning is not all fun and games. It’s a lot of hard work!  And many are allergic to that.

So for prayer requests: That God would pour out a desire upon the students (people) in Honduras for a better education at all levels, especially for those that are becoming teachers.  You can’t teach what you don’t know.
Thank you so much for all.  May God continue to bless you.        
                                                                                                                                                April 2013