Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Beverly Sends Greetings This Holiday Season

Truly this is the season to be thankful, not only for Thanksgiving Day, but also to remember that Jesus Christ was born in order to save us (the World) from our sins. Christmas is a time to truly remember the reason for the season. Let us give Him thanks always for his mercy and grace.
And now I’m in the states for a short time and hoping that the new snow only lasts for a little while! Brrrr!! I know everyone wants a white Christmas, and it is gorgeous, but I am no longer acclimated to what comes with the snow! The COLD!!!! But this too shall pass! I hope.
Funny things happen when I’m here! Like looking for the waste paper can when going to the bathroom and not finding one, and then I realize where the paper goes. Oops! And when my son and I were at the mall, we went to one of those coffee stands, and I told the fellow what kind of coffee I wanted. When asked if I wanted half and half, I responded with a no by explaining I wanted more coffee then milk!!! The fellow waiting on me looked at me really strange. As did my son. Then I saw his carton of Half & Half. Another oops! In Honduras they give you half a cup of coffee and then finish filling your cup with hot milk. So I always tell them that I want more coffee and a little milk. They look at me strange, too, but they give me what I want. So all works out well. So I need to think the American way?!
2013 was a very busy year. We had many teams that came to minister to the students, the national ministers, and others. It’s always a blessing to meet new brothers and sisters and to renew old friendships.
And what’s happening with the English classes? Well, we are continually learning more and more. There are those that could care less, and then there are those that truly want to learn English, just like students in the states. But God never wastes time nor talent. He has a plan for each of their lives, and He has a reason for them to learn English. It’s really been fun teaching them the Christian songs that they already know in Spanish, such as Father Abraham, Open the Eyes of My Heart, If You’re Happy and You Know It, and Joy to the World. The seventh graders really enjoy singing. I hope they don’t change.
I have two girls that are sisters that come to my house twice a week to learn English. They are an absolute joy to teach! And they are so funny! It seems that when I’m tired and would rather not do anything, God uses them to liven me up. What a blessing they are. I still have Elida, an older lady, who also comes twice a week for lessons. She is so faithful, and she always helps me with my Spanish. God truly does supply all our needs.
I want to thank those of you that support me prayerfully and financially. You truly are a blessing to me from our Father.
I wish you all a very blessed Christmas and a happy, properous New Year.

God bless you all, Beverly
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