Friday, November 21, 2014

Wow! What a week this has been (11/8-11/15)! The team from Coffeyville, KS arrived last Saturday. All 14 of them. Yay, what a fantastic group. We love them. So, they stayed in a really nice hotel here in Valle.  They went with Becky on Sunday to Becky's church in Tegucigalpa. I went to mine here in Valle. They returned later that evening.  I went to bed at nine and left Becky to turn off the lights, etc.  Around 12:30 AM, my house phone started ringing. I thought that something had happened to one of my kids or to their kids, etc. Well, when I answered, it was Betty, my 96 year old friend. She was so sick and wondered if I could take her to the hospital. I praise God that Becky was here with her car. So I went to her room and asked if she could help, and of course, she said yes. So away we went to get Betty to take her to the hospital. Her blood pressure was off the charts, and she was dehydrated. So the Dr. and nurses did their thing to get all under control. They said they needed to keep Betty the rest of the night. I could not leave her by herself, so Becky went back to my house, and I stayed with Betty. Bless her ole heart. So I missed the first day of work with the team. However, I went home to shower, etc. when Betty's helper, Tina, came to the hospital around 8:30 AM. We had called her before but something was wrong with her phone connection, and she didn't hear it. We were told that Betty would be released around noon.  So I called both their cell phones around 12 to see what was happening. Neither answered, so I started walking to the hospital. First I went to Tina's shop to see if she was there. She was and said that Betty was fine, arguing with the Dr. etc. She definitely was better! And she was to be released around 4. So I came back home.  Around 7:30 PM, my phone rang, and Betty needed a way home. So Becky and I went to get her. Of course, they didn't have her release papers, ready, etc., but finally we got her and Tina to her house.  Today, she is getting stronger and is doing very well. Thank you, Jesus.

When Tuesday morning came, I went with the group to work on one of our schools in Tegucigalpa. What fun! A lot of work, but fun.  They tore roofs off 4 classrooms in order to put on new ones. Many of the ladies scraped and painted. On Tues. night they went to the church in Tegucigalpa. On Wed. night they went to my church and did a tag team preaching about the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. One of our members translated for them. On Thurs. night we went to the church by the school where I teach. It was great. Two of the pastors spoke with Brandon, from the team, translating for one, and Becky for the other. But the biggest surprise was when one of my students went up to the pulpit to welcome the team and then sang "God Is Good" in English before all the preaching began. Another WOW!! She did well. Some of the team asked me if I knew that she was going to do that. I surely did not, but I'm so proud of her!!!

On Friday, the 14th, they decided to work half a day. Becky took me to get my residency renewed. Wow, we would have been out of there in less than an hour, but she forgot that I needed a letter from the Assemblies here in order to renew it, and I didn't know that I needed it. So to the school office we went. The office secretary called the secretary at the Bible school and was told  that we could get it after 11:30. So we went back to where the team was working. After lunch, all but the pastor and one lady from the team went back to Valle. The other two went with me and Becky. While I went to get my new residency card, Becky took the other two to the big grocery store a block away. They loved the place. Yay! Our supermarkets here are basically the same as the ones in the states. Then off to Valle we went. The team didn't have much free time while they were here, but they managed to get their souvenir shopping completed. And the next morning we went to a mountain overlooking Tegucigalpa  that has a huge statue representing Jesus. You can see the whole city from there. It's a beautiful view.   Our landing strip at the airport is not very long, and from the the mountain, it looks even shorter! And then off to the airport where we said good-bye to the team.  I don't like to say good-bye, and it comes from one of my students from Kingman.  Years ago I said good-bye to her at the end of the day, and she turned around and told me that good-bye is forever. We needed to say "see you later" because we would see each other again, God willing, of course. So she would always give me the "L" sign from sign language and say "see you later, Ms Blumer" when leaving for the day.  I have never forgotten her little piece of wisdom. So it's not good-bye team, it's see you later.

And this week, (11/18-11/20) we took the 9th graders from my school to the Copan Ruins in Copan which is NW of here.  We also went to a bird park, Pulhapanzak Waterfall and the Taulabe Cave.  The kids really enjoyed all the places we went and seeing parts of Honduras that they have never seen. They listened to the guide at both the bird park, the ruins, and the cave. They were very respectful. Normally, they are not that quiet when someone else is speaking. We stayed 2 nights in motels. And we were all ready to come home the 3rd day! When you understand that some of these kids have never been to Tegucigalpa, which is only about 40 minutes from Valle, and have never been away from their families, it's easy to understand their wanting to return home as quickly as possible. I love it when a guide speaks English along with his native tongue.  The students are surprised when they hear us talking. They really don't understand the opportunities that are available here if a person can speak English.

So what else is happening? I started oil pulling in August. I had never heard of it before that time. I was talking to our Father one day and said to Him that He had healed me of everything that had come my way.   And then I asked about my teeth because I had a little cavity forming on the outside of one of my bottom teeth.  Why not my teeth? Well, a few days later, I went on line and looked to see if there was any thing natural for healing teeth. Wow! The information that was there was astonishing. So I began oil pulling, drinking raw milk (umm good!), quit eating processed food and food made with flour that had not been fermented, etc. Well, the teeth are whiter than ever before, the black spot is getting fainter, and I've lost weight. The belly fat that I was concerned about is almost nil. You really can drink whole milk (raw) and lose weight. What a deal! And I even made butter. Yay! Grass fed cows produce the best milk. And I can buy it when I return to the states. I've already checked it out. Thank you, Lord. I wish I had known this years ago, and maybe I wouldn't have a mouth full of fillings and two crowns, and my kids would have had better teeth. But better late than never.

Next week is Thanksgiving, my favorite holiday. How I miss having it with my kids. It's just not the same without them. However, it is a day to give special thanks to our Father in heaven for all that He is and does. So be blessed on this special day.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Beverly says,                                  
Hello Everybody,

Here we are again in the Thanksgiving Season.  My favorite time and holiday of the year.  As God’s children  we have so much to be thankful for.  Our greatest blessing is knowing the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

The Lord has truly blessed me this year.  I have a new great-granddaughter born in August, and there will be another great-grandchild making his debut in December while I’m home or before I get there!  Praise be to God. He has let me see my children’s children’s children. What a blessing. And if you read my blog, that I’m behind on, you will know that I celebrated my 70th birthday in September. Becky and my daughter were really sneaky in throwing the biggest surprise party that I’ve ever had. It was wonderful.  And no, I don’t feel any different now than before.  Thank you, Jesus,

The school year is basically over. My students did well this year. The 7th, 8th, and 9th graders sang at the school’s 22nd anniversary in October. They sang Open the Eyes of My Heart Lord in Spanish and English, and then sang they God Is Good in English. A lady from the district was sitting next to Becky and she said, “More , more”, when the kids finished. One of my 9th grade girls spoke to the people present in English, and one of the visitor’s told our National Director that he needed to send his kids to our school for English.  That was definitely encouraging for me. So how God will use some of the  students and their English in the future, I don’t know. But I know that He never wastes time or talent.

Have  a blessed Thanksgiving,                     
In His service,                                                                  