Sunday, November 7, 2021

Ps.34:11-14...the fear of the Lord

 The most awesome thing happened this past Sunday in church. There is a lady that preaches at different times, and Sunday she said that she was going to talk about the fear of the Lord. What it is and what it isn't. Pastor was sitting a few chairs away from me and he bent over and looked at me and had the most  amazing look on his face. I knew what that look meant because he and I had discussed this same thing a week or so before. So you better believe that I listened closely to what she said.

I was talking to the Lord one morning and I don't remember now what exactly I had said about him to him when he gave me Gal. 5 which I knew described the works of the flesh and the fruit of the spirit. And the Lord described himself to me. He is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance. And this is how we should describe and introduce him to our children. He is all these things, at all times. He doesn't change. He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.  

And then came the thought of having the fear of the Lord. What is the fear of the Lord? I was taught when I was younger that God is like this big angry being with a huge fly swatter that is just waiting for you to do something wrong so he can hit you with it. I was taught as many others were, that we had to be afraid of him and that this cloud of fear was always over us. How wrong all these teachings were! My poor children!! You'd better walk a straight line or else.

There are many scriptures that describe the fear of the Lord. It is the beginning of knowledge, Pro.1:7: Ps.111:10 says it's the beginning of wisdom, etc. Ps. 34:11-14 describes it beautifully. God is not mocked. What a person does will come back on him. If he does good, he will reap good. If he does evil, he will reap that same evil. God is no respecter of persons. He loves everyone the same. He has a plan for everyone that walks this planet, and he is not waiting for us to do something bad so he can punish us. 

Now, he will correct us when we're going down the wrong path, and he says that in Pro.3:12, Heb.12:6-13. He is our Heavenly Father if we have accepted his son Jesus Christ as our Savior. And we can go to him always and talk to him about whatever is on our hearts  Phil.4:6-7 and 1Pet.5:7. We can tell him anything and everything because he already knows our thoughts and feelings. He knows what we have need of before we say anything Mat.6:7-8. But he says to come and ask. Why? It's called communication and relationship! God wants a relationship with each one of us. He is a personal God. My relationship with him is not the same as someone else. Why? It's because we do not have the same personality, nor the same life as others. We are individuals. 

Now, should we fear to do wrong? Absolutely. However, there is not one person on this earth that does not sin. 1 John 1:7-10. If we think, say, do something that isn't right or have a wrong attitude, the Holy Spirit will convict us in order to turn us around. The Lord didn't come to destroy us but to save us from ourselves! We are our own worst enemy even as Paul said in Romans chapter 7. He had the same problem that we do verses 14-25. But praise the Lord for Rom.8:1-2.

God is a just God. He does everything well. However, there is another side to him. No one can approach him if they don't have his son, Jesus Christ as Savior. Over and over, the Lord warns people in his word what to do and what not to do. Ps.119:109 says our soul is in our hands. I have heard people say that since God is love, he won't send them to hell. They're right. He won't. They will send themselves according to their own works. God made us a free moral agent. He will not override our will. Jesus didn't override Judas' will. When Judas kissed Jesus, Jesus called him friend. Why? Because he loved him still. In Jos.24:15, Joshua tells the people to choose whom they will serve. Deut.30:19 tells us to choose life. The Lord sets before us a choice even today. Choose whom you will serve. 

The Lord wants no one to go to hell. Jesus came to show us the way and to bleed and die to cover our sins because God so loved the world that he sent his own begotten son John 3:16-17. God isn't willing for anyone to perish 2 Pet:3:9. I think that we sometimes have said and heard these verses said so many times that we forget the depth of their meaning. I pray that those that call themselves children of the Lord that we truly learn the meaning of the fear of the Lord and teach it to others. The real fear of the Lord allows us to come boldly before his throne  of grace Heb.4:16. 

The lady didn't use what I have said in her sermon, but she gave Ps.34:11-14 and others giving examples of the real fear of the Lord. I was so thankful to the Lord for her sermon! He has given it to two of us here, so I know others will receive the same revelation. He loves us so very much and wants us to know him intimately and not just about him! PTL!

Love, joy, and peace!

Friday, October 29, 2021

2 Tim.3:1 Know this also that in the last days perilous times shall come.

 So I'm sitting here this morning thinking about all the things that I'm seeing take place in the good old USA. It's hard to watch and hear the things that are being said and done supposedly to be for our good. I keep thinking where are these peoples brains? And then the words from an old song came to my mind. Stand For Something Or You'll Fall For Anything by Aaron Tippin. Isn't it true? How many will stand for what the USA stands for? How many will honor our Constitution and the Bill of Rights? I think not many.

How many Christians will stand against all the evil that is happening right before their eyes? James tells us that when we've done all, stand. Maybe we should ask how does God feel about abortion? It's amazing how an unborn child must pay the price for his mother's sin, selfishness or whatever may be the case. Shouldn't she have thought of the consequences, good or bad, when she made the decision to have sex? I always told my kids that if they didn't want to be a parent, they'd better not be having sex because all contraceptives don't work 100% of the time. Yeah, I know about the human nature! Of course a lot of money is being made by the killing of these innocents. And this too, was widespread in ancient Israel. They sacrificed their babies to the idol gods that they worshipped. What idols are being worshipped today?

And then we come to homosexuality. I have had family members that were homosexuals. Poor things! Are they truly happy way down deep inside? I don't think so. And they knew, don't display that stuff in front of me.  And now, I've heard that the gov. isn't putting gender on our passports. Well, that will sure help keep our enemies at bay, right? And our children? I praise God for the parents that are standing up against the filth that is being promoted by many school districts today.

I pray for those that call themselves Christians. I pray God give them strength and courage to stand for what's right. I hope that they have a personal, intimate relationship with Jesus Christ because then they will be able to stand. But it's so sad that many only have that relationship when they go to the church. And many don't read their Bibles and know what the Lord says. He's no respecter of persons. And speaking of Bibles, one of my students told me that now there is a"Queen James" Bible. How sad. Is that blasphemy?

We truly are in perilous times as Paul told Timothy. And our faith will be tested. We aren't any better than those that have gone on before us. Our hope is in the Lord Jesus Christ and what he purchased for us. And we know that all these things just brings his second coming closer. Hallelujah, Amen!

Grace and peace.

Thursday, September 30, 2021

1 Thes. 5:18 In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

 Wow! What a birthday I have had! Instead of celebrating one day, it was a whole week! I received so many emails, phone calls, and gifts. I don't think that I have had such a birthday like this one was. The Lord is so good to me. No one really takes the place of your own family members, but when you are sent away from them according to God's call on your life, he provides people to love you and to share their lives with yours. He supplies our every need always.

So I just watched a video about what is supposed to happen to us in a few years. We are not going to own anything and we will be happy. Really? Those that are proposing this are the same ones that say we will be eating fake meat. Well, let me see you do this now. You first. Show the rest of us how this is going to work in our lives. It makes me think about the movie Soylent Green that was made in the early 70"s. If we the common people don't own anything, who does own it?? I hope that the American people wake up and stand against this. And even the people that are in authority now don't obey our laws or our Constitution. And nobody seems to care. How sad. But the one ray of sunshine is that all this brings Jesus' return a little closer. Hallelujah!

A friend just brought me an individual pineapple upside down cake !! :) Woohoo! So I think that I'll go eat lunch and have a piece for dessert.

Grace and peace in our Lord Jesus Christ.

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Mat. 24:6...for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

Wow! What a day we are living in. I've never seen so much anguish and fear. I'm so glad the Lord gave us the spirit of love, power, and a sound mind, and not the spirit of fear that we see today. I'm reading a book called "They Thought They Were Free".  It's about ten everyday German friends of the author before, during,  and after Hitler's reign of  brutality and terror.  As I read it, I see parallels of what's going on in the US today. I have thought several times about the US being called the Nazi States of America instead of the United States. So much hate is being disseminated by the powers that be against people that don't think and say the same things as they. How sad and dangerous! The Creator God gave us a free will, and they are out to take it away. Even God won't go against a person's will. We are given choices and with them the consequences whether good or bad depending on our decisions. But the powers that be would like us to become human robots. I pray that the people will stand against this. It isn't a country outside the US taking us over, it's those inside that want our form a government to cease. If our government is so bad, why do so many foreigners want to come to the US?

I pray that God will have mercy on us as a country, but I fear that possibly He won't. God never turns his back on a country unless that country turns its back on him first. And before he sends judgments, he always sends warnings. And as a whole, I don't think the people in the US are paying attention. 

However, I look at what the Lord said about all the things that he says must happen before he comes. The more of it that takes place, the closer is his coming. Hallelujah! Perilous times are ahead even as the Apostle Paul said. But for those in Christ Jesus, they need not to fear. God never changes. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. He will take care of his children in whatever circumstance they find themselves. We can look in the Old and New Testaments and see the deliverances of his people either in groups or individually where he intervened for them. So even as the mother said,"All is well" when her son was lying dead in his bed, so all is well for use his kids today.

Grace and peace from our Lord Jesus Christ.

Friday, August 27, 2021

James 4:14 Whereas you know not what shall be on the morrow.

 Wow! I just keep thinking about how the Lord works to bless and provide for his children.  A few weeks ago,  a student that I had at the school was walking by my house and we started talking. I recognized her face but didn't remember her name until she told me.  In our conversation she asked me if she could come and learn more English. Well, of course. So she is now 22, married, and has a daughter who is 3 years old. So Tuesday when she came, bringing me some growing celery, I asked her if I could meet her husband. He works right down the road from where I live. She said, of course, and we started walking there. He and 3 or 4 other young guys plant and take care of different flowering plants and vegetables. His name is Carlos. Wow, I know a lot of Carlos's. He was very polite, etc. Then back home to the English lesson. So on Wednesday I have 3 sisters as students. Since their age and school levels are so different, I do each at a different time. The first  one is at two o'clock with the other two following at three and then four o'clock. Since their mother is so fearful, as most Hondurans are, she has someone walk with each girl to the top of the very small incline where I am waiting. It's so crazy because I can see them when they leave their property. In blocks, it's probably 3 or 4 blocks straight down the road. So I was walking with one girl to meet the other one on Wednesday, and when we got to my gate, I discovered I didn't have my keys. What a shock!! I  couldn't  open my gate. Now what do I do?? The wall and above fence was too tall for Isabella to climb over, and I definitely couldn't. Now what?? Ah, ha! Carlos, and the guys. Maybe one of them could help us. These Honduran guys can climb these walls/fences like nobody else I've ever seen. So off we went to see if they could help us. And when I explained the situation, they were more than happy to help. So Carlos and one other fellow came.  Up the wall and over the metal bar fence he went and opened the gate for me. Bless his heart. I offered to pay them, but they both totally rejected the offer. I asked the Lord to bless them both. Did I know that on Tuesday when I asked Nancy to meet her husband that this was going to happen the next day? Of course not! But my Heavenly Father knew it! Now I know why the thought of asking to meet him was so strong on Tuesday. And yesterday I saw the one that climbed the wall, and he just smiled at me when he went by on the motorcycle. I think that new friends are in the making.

Another blessing! Today my friend Elida came to bring me some cuajada that her mother made. When she left, I walked to the store with her because I needed a couple of things. After, we parted ways to go home. I always walk down the hill to town or the store. And depending on how much I have bought, I sometimes bring the taxi to the corner of my street. I always leave it in the hands of my Father if I'm going to take a taxi or not. Today isn't super hot, so I'm walking when this taxi pulls up and I hear the fellow say Beverly. He said hello and then said that was the only word he knew in English. I didn't recognize him due to the mask. So when we got to the corner, I handed him the money and he wouldn't take it. I asked him to move his mask and it was Dennis! He used to come to the church. I loved it when he would lead worship because he would go from one song to another without stopping to talk. You could actually keep your mind on the Lord. I haven't seen him for a long time, so it was good to see his smiling face and talk to him. And  he refused to take my money. Another blessing. Thank you, Father!!!! And of course, I invited him to come to church. I hope he does. 

Want more?? The switch for my living room light is out. I really didn't want to call my landlord again. They just had the sink drain  fixed and replaced the faucets that wouldn't stop dripping. So yesterday, I heard someone talking outside the gate, and I went to see who was there. Lo and behold, it was my landlady! So I told her about the switch, and after looking at it, she told me an electrician would be here this weekend. Thank you Lord that I didn't have to call her.

And just in the last hour, I heard a man talking at my gate. I knew the voice. It was Armando, the uncle of the young man who cuts my grass. He is a friend. Anyway, he now works for the gov. cutting weeds, etc. along the highways.  So I asked him if he could cut the limb off the tree that was touching the cables for tv, etc. outside my house. He told me yes. The next thing I know is he and another fellow are beginning to cut the limb off of the tree. And then they borrowed the ladder to cut another one. I was concerned about these because they were touching the cable, and if we had a really strong wind and storm, the cable would be down. Bless their hearts! Bless my Heavenly Father. I should know by now that when I give him my concerns, He always takes care of them in his time. And I have learned that when I put something in his hands, to just leave it alone. Just thank him for taking care of it because he will.

I feel, I don't know how to explain my feelings! It's just a big WOW! Thank you Father for everything and especially your presence in my life. 

I hope everyone that reads this has a personal relationship with our Heavenly Father who Jesus came to show us and to give us. Be blessed in His name.

Friday, August 13, 2021

Mat.28:20 ...and lo, I am with you alway, even to the end of the world.

 I have such a good pastor! He visits his people all the time, and he knows them well. He is not a prying, pushy pastor, but if you have a problem, he will be there to help you if possible. Last Saturday, a workman had come to see what needed to be done to fix my faucets and drain in the kitchen sink. While he was here, he told me that we wouldn't have electricity the following day. When I asked about the hours, he said from 6am to 5pm. So I made sure to make some extra coffee for the next day. Around 7pm that night my phone rang. It was my pastor calling to tell me that there would be no electricity the next day and to be sure to make my coffee early. He said the hours would be 7am to 5pm. Well, it turned out that the hours were from 7:15am to 4pm. And yes, I had my coffee around 6 of that morning. What a pastor! Have you ever heard of such? I had not. I wouldn't trade him for anybody. He cares about the people that God has put in front of him, and I thank the Lord and pray for him all the time.

There's not much going on here. And I'm thankful for that because a lot could be happening and maybe some things not so good. I don't like watching news at all, but I do just to have an idea of what's happening out there. Not much good that I can see. The so called vaccine. Wow, if you don't take it, you're considered worse than nothing? I think we might as well be wearing a yellow star. What's the difference? I'm not against real vaccines, but this one isn't the same as those of the past. So sad what the governments have done and are doing to its citizens. The rich are getting so much richer by all the things that are being taken away from the average person. And it really bothers me that not many are standing against it all especially when so much that is happening is against our constitution. If we let go of that very important document, we're doomed as one of the most important countries in the world. I don't remember who said that freedom without laws is anarchy but we're seeing it happen all around us. And there is so much lawlessness in the US at this time. It breaks my heart.

So I was watching some of the protests that took place around the world a few weeks ago, and one of the groups was singing the song, You'll Never Walk Alone. I had forgotten that song and was so glad to hear it. If you have hope (Jesus) in your heart, you will never walk alone. He said that he is with us even to the end of the world. We have to stand for what is right regardless of the opposition or threats. And praise the Lord that he is with us and will help us to stand for what is true and right at all times if trust and believe him

Love and peace.

Thursday, July 22, 2021

 So here we are in July and almost at the end. Wow! I haven't written for a long time.  No matter, but today I thought that I'd put on paper some thoughts that I have. 

I went home at the end of June to see my family. It would have been two years this September since I saw them last. A long time, considering going home one or two times a year before the virus hit. I had planned for my son to come visit for a week in the summer and for me to go home in the winter two years ago. Well, that didn't happen then, but this summer, yes!! He came for a week and we had such a good time. We didn't do anything spectacular other than go to Tegucigalpa one day. We just rested, enjoyed each other's company, ate out a lot, watched some movies, etc. I went back home with him, and was able to spend some time with some grandkids that I usually don't see a lot. It was great. I also was able to celebrate one of my great-granddaughters first birthday on July 4th. I didn't visit the churches that I normally visit when I go home. This was a time for family and a few close friends. Some friends I didn't get to see due to the holiday and their visiting families. Maybe next time.

The Lord is so good. Christians say that all the time, but I wonder how many actually think about what it means on the day to day basis. He has done things for me that wouldn't mean anything to anyone else. And they would be considered small, insignificant things by many. But then I think about how He came into the world. He didn't come with flashing lights, blowing trumpets, or beating drums. He came in the night, in a stable which most people would shun. His coming was announced to some very humble, looked down upon, shepherds in a field. People look for Him to do big marvelous things that everybody can see. But my Heavenly Father takes care of me in every facet of my life. When my son and I flew back to the states, our seats weren't together. He had made his return flight before I made mine. But I had asked my Father to put us together if possible. When we were seated we were not together, but the man that I sat next to asked if I would trade places with his wife who was sitting behind him. I said if the stewardess would allow it, I would definitely trade with her. Sometimes they say no. I asked her and she told me yes. Well, guess who was sitting next to her? My son! So the Lord answered my prayer. Praise his holy name. This is just one of many things that He does for me everyday. Psalms says that my times are in His hands. That doesn't just mean my birth and my death. It's everyday! And when I returned back to HN, I had three seats! I had the middle one and the ones on each side of me were empty! Now that's a first! However, there was a young lad that wanted to sit near his folks and there wasn't any seats nearby. I told the stewardess that he could use one of "mine." So that worked out perfectly.

And I thought how stupid it was that everybody had to wear a mask. What for? Everybody on that flight had to have a negative Covid test or they couldn't fly. It is so sad what we, the people, are allowing to take place in our private lives. And have you seen the advertisements that say soon we will own nothing and how happy we will be? Really? Somebody has to own whatever it is that we aren't supposed to own. People really need to wake up and start asking questions. I remember watching a movie many years ago called Soylent Green.  My daughter called one day and said, "Mom, Soylent Green, understand?" I did. So now, the big wigs, whoever they are, are talking about trans humanism. Wow? Have you seen the movie, Divergent? Maybe the gene therapy is the beginning of something of this nature. You think? Paul warned us that in the last days there would be perilous times. I believe we are in them. 

SO Christians, where do we stand? On God's word or the people that make the rules that govern our lives? If we believe what God says, we don't have to fear. Psalms 91 gives us so many promises about the Lord's protecting us from so many calamities. Do we believe Him? Or do we fear all these things that are coming our way? If our times are in His hands like He says, then why do we fear? Why do we trust Him to save our souls if we don't believe Him to protect our bodies/lives? Our God is a mighty powerful being who has control over ALL things because he created and owns them. The enemy has been given a time to do his evil with those that don't believe or trust in the only true God. So, we, the children of the most high God, must stand our ground even as those before us did. 

May the Lord bless and keep you.

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Mat.25:31-34 ...and he shall set the sheep on his right hand...

 I cannot believe that we are in the middle of April! But here we are and doing whatever we're supposed to be doing.

My heart breaks for the things that are happening in my country. I cannot believe that the people are allowing some of the things that are going on. I turned off the news last night because I'm so tired of hearing that everything that's happening is due to the color of a person's skin. I'm sick of it! It appears that there is nothing about what's right and what's wrong. There has always been and will be people that don't like a person due to the color of their skin, their religion, their political beliefs, race, etc. But for a government to feed into this kind of thinking is so totally wrong. I understand our history and where we are now. And when some of our leaders are talking about reparations, maybe they should go back to Africa and hold the tribes accountable for warring against each other and capturing and selling other tribe members to the slavers. And the US is not the only country that had slaves. You see how ridiculous all of this is? And the looting that takes place in our cities has nothing to do with the killing of certain peoples. It's all about greed and stealing what they don't want to pay for. And what is the government doing to stop it? Nothing that I can see. And many of the elected officials want to do away with the police force. I don't see them out there protecting the citizens and their businesses in these places. Are we going back to the Wild West? Everyone protecting themselves and then being hauled into court to face charges for doing so. The people in the US better wake up to what is happening. 

The first time that I heard of the new scourge, I thought bio-warfare. The world is not getting better, as sad as that is. But I think that the Lord Jesus Christ told us of these things when he was here on earth. So where is our faith? In the so-called vaccine which is not a true vaccine? Research it out. Or is it our faith in  God and his word? When the government tells you that you can't attend church or cannot sing if you do attend, what are they really doing? Christians need to wake up. They are so scared of this virus. Really? My Bible tells me that God didn't give us the spirit of fear, but love, power, and a sound mind. There are more promises in Psalms 91 than there are verses along with others. And why would people trust in this so-called vaccine when it cannot protect you from the virus and you still have to wear a mask and continue social distancing after receiving it? Something is desperately wrong here. So I asked myself if I wanted to die of probable side effects from this injection or the virus itself! I choose the virus if the Lord permits me to get it because He will either heal me here or take me home. Isn't that according to his word? 

I pray that when the Lord returns and is separating the sheep nations from the goat nations, that the US will be counted as a sheep nation. 

Love and peace.

Monday, March 15, 2021

What a day that will be!

Here we are on the Ides of March. It was not a good day for Julius Caesar many centuries ago. So how are we doing in this century? A good question, yes? Time will tell.

Last week was a very sad week for me. One of my dearest friends went home to be with our Lord and Savior. What a great day for her, but a very sad one for her family and other loved ones. But isn't it great to know that we will see our loved ones again if they are followers of the Lord Jesus Christ? Oh, what  a day that will be when my Jesus I shall see... I keep saying, Come on Lord, but I know that it isn't time yet.

Not much is going on here. I have two new students starting tomorrow night. It's my landlord and his son. His daughter speaks good English, and his son is learning. I know that he had started taking lessons somewhere in Tegucigalpa with whomever, but I don't know what happened. Maybe it was the so called pandemic like everything else. He has his own air conditioning business, and he and his wife are very good people. Good landlords! He will pray with you at the drop of a hat if need be. We need more men like him.

Pastor had a really good message on Sunday. He hit a lot of different areas, and you could feel the presence of the Holy Spirit. It was awesome. Oh, that he continue with such.

Yesterday was the primary elections. I asked why it was always on Sunday, and I was told that more people have that day off from work. 

My friend told me that you can get a Covid test here in Valle in the morning and get the results back that afternoon. That's really fast. They draw your blood, ship it by bus to Tegus to a lab, and the results come back on the bus the same day. I have to check it out! Not that I'm very excited about all this stuff.  I always wear the mask  in the stores etc., because it's mandated to do so. But when I come out of there, off it comes. Last week I was out of the store, rearranging some things in my bag, and I looked up to see the fellow that takes your temp, making a motion for me to put my mask back on.  So I asked him why I needed it. I told him that he had his on and another gentleman standing next to him had his on, too, and that  his mask protected him from me, and it protected me from him, so why did I need one? It was so funny because the next thing I saw was him and the other man taking theirs off!!! I just laughed! Of course he put his back on in order to do his job, but really people? And there is no real scientific proof that masks protect us. So crazy, all this stuff.

Well, I'd better get off of here and finish making my chicken soup. Dios le bendiga!

Grace and peace,


Monday, February 1, 2021

And we know that ALL things work together for good...

 We are now into the first week of February, 2021. I remember thinking as a young child that the year 2000 would never come. It was just impossible. What did I know? 

Wow! I can't believe the things that are taking place in the USA! Truly, we are living in perilous times. 2 Tim.3:1. The hypocrisy is totally unbelievable. So as Christians, where do we stand and what is our attitude? 

I never really understood Ps.2:1-2 until I came to Honduras. I guess in my mind that I never included the US in that category. After all, we have one of the best and longest lasting constitution in the world and we were considered to be a Christian nation. (And I know that the Lord is not a respecter of people or nations). But our nation as a whole has turned its back on the Lord. The things that we allow now were not allowed when I was a child. Even people that didn't claim to be a Christian were against the things that we allow now. Of course, there are always exceptions to the rule. Abortions of babies before and the killing after delivery, homosexuality, the nasty music, and the nakedness in videos, etc. were not accepted in the general public. Bad/dirty language was not generally accepted. And church goers were not harassed or vilified. Missionaries were sent out to other places in the world to teach Jesus regardless of the danger many times. When God called, you went. Presidents were respected whether you liked him or not. Illegal drugs were just that, illegal. I could go on and on. But it just makes me sad to see what is happening in my country.

But the other day, the Lord reminded me of Rom.8:28 when I was truly getting upset about all the things that I saw happening. It says, And we know that ALL things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. And all means all. We are told in many places in the Bible to give thanks for ALL things. One is 1 Thes.5:18. Why give thanks? Because God is truly working out his will in this world, not ours. He tells us in 2 Tim.1:7 that he didn't give us a spirit of fear. People are so fearful today even Christians. That bothers me. Where is our faith? If the Lord doesn't protect us, there isn't anything or anyone else that can do it. Not even a vaccine! 

And now? Well, I praise the Lord that the curfew to stay home except for one day a week has been lifted!!! The only curfew now is from 9 pm to 5 am. Of course you still have to wear a mask which of course does nothing to protect you according to "real" science. A friend and I go to Tegucigalpa just about every Friday morning. We hadn't been able to do that for many months. And we have to have our temps checked, use the gel, and step on a wet disinfected pad before entering the stores or restaurants. Of course we sit right next to each other on the bus. Go figure!!!

A month are so ago, we started having church at my house! Thank you, Jesus!! It's outside on my patio and in the yard. Everybody wears a mask and is socially distanced and uses the hand gel.  Yesterday we had 27 people including children. I had told my pastor before we started meeting at my house, that if Jesus could preach outside, so could he! And bless his heart, he's doing it. He plays his guitar, and we all sing along with him. It's great. And then we hear God's word.

I have another new student. She is 22. It was interesting last week when she was telling me that she was praying and telling the Lord that she wanted to learn English. I was in my house telling the Lord that I wanted more students. And bless his holy name, he put us together. Thank you, Pastor Dago. He had told her about me. Our lives truly are in God's hands.

So now, I must get ready for a student. Thank you Lord for everything that you're doing in my life and the lives of your people.

Grace and peace to you all.