Thursday, November 7, 2013

John 14:9...he that hath seen me has seen me has seen the Father...

Yeah!! Final exams are finished.  I'm tired. The kids are tired. Everybody is ready for the school year to end. That's normal. And it will be just as normal to be excited when the new school year begins in February. However, I have already started working on next year's classes. This coming Tuesday and Wednesday, Becky, me, the director, and two teachers are taking the 5 ninth graders to Pulapanzak Waterfall and to Omoa where there is an old fort which I still have to read about! But it will be a fun time. 

So it has been a busy time the last couple of months. Penny and Steve, daughter and her hubby, came for ten days in September during my week off. What a great time we had. We went to Amapala one day so they were able to swim in the Pacific Ocean and enjoy the black sand that I like so very much. And to ride in a boat taxi from the mainland to the island.  We didn't climb any mountains!!!! They rented a car at the airport, and Steve drove everywhere. He did a great job. His video game, whatever it is called, helped him drive here, he said. Haha! They really do drive crazy here. Even though there are rules of the road, they aren't adhered to much at all.  On the way back from Amapala, Penny said she knew the reason that the U.S. was in so much trouble.  Really?  Well, yes, God was in Honduras protecting everybody that was on the road.  It was funny! But you had to be there to really enjoy the humor. It was such a great week. We didn't do much except enjoy the peace and quiet in Valle and each other's company.  However, Steve enjoyed watching the rain come over the mountain towards us. And it is beautiful. But then it is beautiful where I live. So we shopped a lot, ate a lot, visited a lot, and watched movies they hadn't seen before. They also watched our Independence Day parade on Sept. 15. Our kids do so well, considering they learn everything in August and September. It was just a good time. I hated to see them go. But I have a promise that they will return. Yeah!

And speaking of the parade. Our school did it again in the 28th. It was another holiday for delivering documents to whoever, whenever. Honduras has so many holidays. Some we work, and some we don't.

So my favorite holiday is just around the corner. Thanksgiving.  And I do miss cooking the dinner and having my kids and their kids at my house. And playing hide-n-seek after dark.  This year I'll be in El Salvador with the missionary family. Family, yes, but not the same. Sorry guys.

It's amazing that another school year has come and gone. Today, I just feel free. No plans to make for tomorrow or the next week, etc. Teaching is a 24/7 job.  It's always in the back of your mind even when you aren't in class. Well, I guess I should qualify that and say it's that way for me.  I do have my students here at the house, and they are just the best. But their classes are coming to an end in the next three or four of weeks until next January.  I will miss them.

What is God doing?  Everything.  I have been thinking about that a lot lately.  We can't always see what he is doing, and that is a problem for a lot of people.  But you don't plant a seed today and reap the fruit tomorrow. When we pray about something and know that he hears us, the answer will come in his time and not ours. Sometimes we see and know something is bad and nothing seemingly is being done.  But God has a time when he will bring the bad to light and then it will definitely be taken care of.  And here I'm speaking about powerful men that seem to get away with evil.  But they really aren't getting away with anything.  God in his mercy always sends warnings before judgment comes.  I am so thankful that he is a merciful God.  Jesus told the disciples that when they saw him, they saw the Father.  We all love Jesus, but do we "see" our Father through the actions of Jesus?  Do we really think about the Father when we pray "Our father in heaven"?  Jesus only did and said what he saw his father do.  Just some food for thought.