Friday, October 29, 2021

2 Tim.3:1 Know this also that in the last days perilous times shall come.

 So I'm sitting here this morning thinking about all the things that I'm seeing take place in the good old USA. It's hard to watch and hear the things that are being said and done supposedly to be for our good. I keep thinking where are these peoples brains? And then the words from an old song came to my mind. Stand For Something Or You'll Fall For Anything by Aaron Tippin. Isn't it true? How many will stand for what the USA stands for? How many will honor our Constitution and the Bill of Rights? I think not many.

How many Christians will stand against all the evil that is happening right before their eyes? James tells us that when we've done all, stand. Maybe we should ask how does God feel about abortion? It's amazing how an unborn child must pay the price for his mother's sin, selfishness or whatever may be the case. Shouldn't she have thought of the consequences, good or bad, when she made the decision to have sex? I always told my kids that if they didn't want to be a parent, they'd better not be having sex because all contraceptives don't work 100% of the time. Yeah, I know about the human nature! Of course a lot of money is being made by the killing of these innocents. And this too, was widespread in ancient Israel. They sacrificed their babies to the idol gods that they worshipped. What idols are being worshipped today?

And then we come to homosexuality. I have had family members that were homosexuals. Poor things! Are they truly happy way down deep inside? I don't think so. And they knew, don't display that stuff in front of me.  And now, I've heard that the gov. isn't putting gender on our passports. Well, that will sure help keep our enemies at bay, right? And our children? I praise God for the parents that are standing up against the filth that is being promoted by many school districts today.

I pray for those that call themselves Christians. I pray God give them strength and courage to stand for what's right. I hope that they have a personal, intimate relationship with Jesus Christ because then they will be able to stand. But it's so sad that many only have that relationship when they go to the church. And many don't read their Bibles and know what the Lord says. He's no respecter of persons. And speaking of Bibles, one of my students told me that now there is a"Queen James" Bible. How sad. Is that blasphemy?

We truly are in perilous times as Paul told Timothy. And our faith will be tested. We aren't any better than those that have gone on before us. Our hope is in the Lord Jesus Christ and what he purchased for us. And we know that all these things just brings his second coming closer. Hallelujah, Amen!

Grace and peace.