Thursday, September 30, 2021

1 Thes. 5:18 In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

 Wow! What a birthday I have had! Instead of celebrating one day, it was a whole week! I received so many emails, phone calls, and gifts. I don't think that I have had such a birthday like this one was. The Lord is so good to me. No one really takes the place of your own family members, but when you are sent away from them according to God's call on your life, he provides people to love you and to share their lives with yours. He supplies our every need always.

So I just watched a video about what is supposed to happen to us in a few years. We are not going to own anything and we will be happy. Really? Those that are proposing this are the same ones that say we will be eating fake meat. Well, let me see you do this now. You first. Show the rest of us how this is going to work in our lives. It makes me think about the movie Soylent Green that was made in the early 70"s. If we the common people don't own anything, who does own it?? I hope that the American people wake up and stand against this. And even the people that are in authority now don't obey our laws or our Constitution. And nobody seems to care. How sad. But the one ray of sunshine is that all this brings Jesus' return a little closer. Hallelujah!

A friend just brought me an individual pineapple upside down cake !! :) Woohoo! So I think that I'll go eat lunch and have a piece for dessert.

Grace and peace in our Lord Jesus Christ.

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Mat. 24:6...for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

Wow! What a day we are living in. I've never seen so much anguish and fear. I'm so glad the Lord gave us the spirit of love, power, and a sound mind, and not the spirit of fear that we see today. I'm reading a book called "They Thought They Were Free".  It's about ten everyday German friends of the author before, during,  and after Hitler's reign of  brutality and terror.  As I read it, I see parallels of what's going on in the US today. I have thought several times about the US being called the Nazi States of America instead of the United States. So much hate is being disseminated by the powers that be against people that don't think and say the same things as they. How sad and dangerous! The Creator God gave us a free will, and they are out to take it away. Even God won't go against a person's will. We are given choices and with them the consequences whether good or bad depending on our decisions. But the powers that be would like us to become human robots. I pray that the people will stand against this. It isn't a country outside the US taking us over, it's those inside that want our form a government to cease. If our government is so bad, why do so many foreigners want to come to the US?

I pray that God will have mercy on us as a country, but I fear that possibly He won't. God never turns his back on a country unless that country turns its back on him first. And before he sends judgments, he always sends warnings. And as a whole, I don't think the people in the US are paying attention. 

However, I look at what the Lord said about all the things that he says must happen before he comes. The more of it that takes place, the closer is his coming. Hallelujah! Perilous times are ahead even as the Apostle Paul said. But for those in Christ Jesus, they need not to fear. God never changes. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. He will take care of his children in whatever circumstance they find themselves. We can look in the Old and New Testaments and see the deliverances of his people either in groups or individually where he intervened for them. So even as the mother said,"All is well" when her son was lying dead in his bed, so all is well for use his kids today.

Grace and peace from our Lord Jesus Christ.