Friday, August 24, 2018

Wow! It has been a long time since I have written on my blog. I'm really surprised. Oh, well, here I am.  My life has taken on a new course, and it is wonderful. I have learned to slow down, and enjoy this time in my life. Absolutely nothing is as pressing as it was when I was going to the school everyday.  I'm so thankful for what the Lord has done in me in the last two months.

So what has He for me at this time? I still teach the students that come to my house, and of all things, one is only seven years old.  My favorite age are those that are in junior high and high school. However, she is my next door neighbor and an excellent student.  

And a couple of weeks ago, I told my Heavenly Father that I didn't know what His plan for me was, but that I knew He had one, and I would just wait until He revealed it to me.  I knew it wasn't to return to the states at this time, so wait it was.  Well, I found out last week! When I retired in May from the school, the national director asked me if I would help our teachers with their English programs. Of course, I said yes. Not a problem. Hah! I didn't know what he had planned. Well, I found out last week at a seminar with some of our teachers.  Becky and I went to San Pedro Sula early so I could visit three of our schools. I was shocked that our English speaking teachers were speaking Spanish to the students during their English class. When I asked about it, they told me that the kids didn't understand English.  Well, of course not, they weren't being taught to speak everyday English or any English except what they parrot in their classes and learn to recognize from their workbooks. I learned a long time ago that kids could fill in the blanks with the correct word and not understand what was being said. So what does the director have planned for me? That in two to three years I will have developed an English program for our schools! He told that to the teachers  at the seminar. I had not  known that before.  Wow! Now I do. So I'm busy looking for the right curriculum. What a job. I'm not a writer, and I'm not going to re-invent the wheel. So the Lord and I have a lot of work to do. Thank you Holy Spirit.

All the teachers that teach the English classes have good spoken English. But they aren't teaching it to the kids. And the Holy Spirit told me in the middle of the night before I was to speak to the teachers the next day that we couldn't call our schools bilingual if they didn't speak two languages. Duh! What a thought! I had already told those teachers that they needed to be speaking English all day with the kids at the school during lunch, recess, etc. So my work is definitely cut out for me.

My pastor told me that he wants me to preach. It's so easy in English, but in Spanish? That's a different story because I have to write it out first. I don't write out the messages in English that the Lord gives me. I write scriptures and the points and then follow the Holy Spirit. It is He that speaks. And do you know how many times the Lord changes a few things in the message? Sometimes he adds something or doesn't say some things that you thought was to be there.  After I told this to my pastor, he told me that when the Lord gives me the message, then he would have me preach. Ok.

I love what the Lord is doing. Because with Him we can do all things that He gives us. And as Jesus said, without Him we can do nothing. Amen.