Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Ps.31:3 For thou art my rock and my fortress, therefore for thy name's sake lead me and guide me.

Only another week and a half of vacation! I'm really trying to prepare myself mentally. It isn't going so well! But I'll get there by the 25th.

So on Christmas Eve, I went to my pastor's house. It was a very peaceful and fun time. We ate roasted pork, potato salad, and diferent vegetables. For dessert we had a carrot cake that I had made. I don't know about gifts. I don't know if they had given them before I arrived, or they would do them the next morning, or if they had them at all.  I know there are many here that don't exchande gifts.  Due to money or tradition, I have no clue and didn't ask, but I love being with their family.  Pastor Dago's son and wife were also there. They are expecting their first child. I love to hear Isaac preach! However, he speaks really fast. I've asked the Lord to speed up my hearing and listening skills! I was also there for New Year's Eve. A very blessed time. I came home around 10:00 or so. And at 12:00 midnight the fireworks began. It sounded like the 4th of July in the states. The people do this also at midnight on Christmas Eve. Wow! The Hondurans love to celebrate whatever!!!

Pastor Dago and his oldest daughter speak some English.  And his youngest daughter will be taking classes for English in a couple of months. So between the English that they know, and the Spanish that I know, we do well. He told me one day that I was a Deborah. What an honor.

So before Friday, I want to go talk to the heaad person at the district office here in Valle and get some information on some very important things concerning the school and it's operation and where I stand as the Rectora for the operations inside the school. It's so sad that truth is not a prized value here. You get different information from different people that are supposed to know, I have been told that the man is honorable, and that  he also speaks English from spending some time in England. So that will help tremendously, even though I've written my questions in Spanish. If the people speak a little slower than normal,  I usually understand what is being said, but if they're talking normally, I get the concept but not the total jest of things.  It can be frustrating. And there are some at the school that will change the words when they know that I didn't understand some words that they used.  I praise the Lord for that.  He put me here, and he will help me in all areas where he puts me. He is my help at all times.

So today it is raining again! It ought not be raining so much in January, but it is.  But the Lord knows what he is doing even if we don't.

I pray that all is having a wonderful beginning of another year. God bless you all.