Monday, March 15, 2021

What a day that will be!

Here we are on the Ides of March. It was not a good day for Julius Caesar many centuries ago. So how are we doing in this century? A good question, yes? Time will tell.

Last week was a very sad week for me. One of my dearest friends went home to be with our Lord and Savior. What a great day for her, but a very sad one for her family and other loved ones. But isn't it great to know that we will see our loved ones again if they are followers of the Lord Jesus Christ? Oh, what  a day that will be when my Jesus I shall see... I keep saying, Come on Lord, but I know that it isn't time yet.

Not much is going on here. I have two new students starting tomorrow night. It's my landlord and his son. His daughter speaks good English, and his son is learning. I know that he had started taking lessons somewhere in Tegucigalpa with whomever, but I don't know what happened. Maybe it was the so called pandemic like everything else. He has his own air conditioning business, and he and his wife are very good people. Good landlords! He will pray with you at the drop of a hat if need be. We need more men like him.

Pastor had a really good message on Sunday. He hit a lot of different areas, and you could feel the presence of the Holy Spirit. It was awesome. Oh, that he continue with such.

Yesterday was the primary elections. I asked why it was always on Sunday, and I was told that more people have that day off from work. 

My friend told me that you can get a Covid test here in Valle in the morning and get the results back that afternoon. That's really fast. They draw your blood, ship it by bus to Tegus to a lab, and the results come back on the bus the same day. I have to check it out! Not that I'm very excited about all this stuff.  I always wear the mask  in the stores etc., because it's mandated to do so. But when I come out of there, off it comes. Last week I was out of the store, rearranging some things in my bag, and I looked up to see the fellow that takes your temp, making a motion for me to put my mask back on.  So I asked him why I needed it. I told him that he had his on and another gentleman standing next to him had his on, too, and that  his mask protected him from me, and it protected me from him, so why did I need one? It was so funny because the next thing I saw was him and the other man taking theirs off!!! I just laughed! Of course he put his back on in order to do his job, but really people? And there is no real scientific proof that masks protect us. So crazy, all this stuff.

Well, I'd better get off of here and finish making my chicken soup. Dios le bendiga!

Grace and peace,
