Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Hospitality Rom. 12:13

My first experience with a missions team was a learning experience. We had a team of 12 from OK come to help with the building of our high school tech rooms. I really don't know if tech is the right word. The rooms will be used to teach welding, baking, computers, and working with electricity. Of course we will need equipment, teachers, and $15,000 to buy the transformer needed to supply electricity to the classrooms. And naturally, we are believing God to supply the need because He said He would. So the team supplied a need for us. We, Becky and I, were up every morning between 4 and 5 to cook breakfast for everyone. Another need supplied! Then everyone was off to the school and building site.

I went to teach, and they went to carry cement blocks, mix cement, lay the blocks, etc. The ladies also helped paint the old desks. They sure needed a face lift. Kids here are like kids at home. They like to leave their art work and names behind for others to see! The team really enjoyed the Honduran food at lunch time. Fresh fruits and vegetables, tortillas( ours are smaller and thicker), cheese, and meat. YumYum!! We took them to Honduran restaunts for dinner. They enjoyed that, too. I should say we all enjoyed that.

We all went to CEAD for church in Tegucigalpa on Sunday and to Macuelizo for a mid-week service on Tuesday night where the associate pastor from OK spoke with Becky interpreting.

Now back to normal, whatever that is. I am in charge of devotions with the 7th graders on Friday mornings before they have their PE and then go home at noon. Well, lo and behold, the Lord has done it again. Johnny can play the guitar and has a beautiful singing voice. He is going to lead us with some worship songs during some of the time, and Eva is coming up from the Kindergarten to translate the message that I have for the students. So another prayer request is that I give what God wants them to hear. I am so amazed at everything that that the Lord has done and is doing.

The pastor's wife, from OK, and I really enjoyed talking and sharing things of the Lord. What a time of refreshing for both of us. It was so good.

Until next time, I truly thank you for all your prayers and giving. May God bless each of you.

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