Friday, May 29, 2009

My times are in thy hand...Ps. 31:15

Well, it appears that some people read my blog almost daily. I guess I'm a little behind. Sorry about that. I really do not like to write that much, although I could probably talk forever. So let me see what has been happening in my world.

Since my last writing, we celebrated Mother's Day. It was like our Father's Day celebration. The students and teachers did skits and then we cooked dinner for the mothers.

The day before Mother's Day was used for conferences with parents and handing out grades. My students are doing good. Some are really excited and want to learn the language while others could care less. Kids are kids whether here or in the states. I have been told by the nationals that my Spanish is good. Well, it will pass. I can get the message across, but when you spend several days or a couple of weeks with only English speakers, the Spanish does a nose dive.

I didn't make it to Costa Rica for my visa renewal. Instead, as some of you know, I came to the states. What a trip! It was good to see all of you. And to be in church with you on Wednesday night. It felt good to be home.

I thought I was just coming home in order to renew my visa, and of course to see my family while I was there. Well, God had some other plans, as always!! After church, I decided to drive by my house. Well, the grass was very tall and it looked like no one was living there. The next day, I called the young lady that was buying it, and sure enough she had moved. Well, that left one day to get things done. I told my daughter-in-law, that when I saw the place in the day light that I would surely sit down and cry. I kept that yard mowed and it always looked good. (We are stewards of the things God gives us). Well, I didn't cry. God has released me from the place that was home for 12 years. So now I ask that you pray with me that it will sell quickly and that the Lord will help my son with all the stuff that he will do to help me. Isn't it great to know that God knows everything and that He will take care of us, regardless of what other people do? I'm so glad that nothing takes Him by surprise.

Well, we had an earthquake yesterday morning, the 28th. My bed started rocking about 2:30 a.m. and I remember thinking, earthquake tremor. I've never been in an earthquake before, but I rolled over and went back to sleep. When I got up, I wondered if it really happened. It did. All the LACC schools are fine along with our families. One of our churches has a broken window, and things fell off the walls of one of pastor's home up north. So we are praising God that it wasn't worse. There was damage in the towns of El Progreso and San Pedro Sula where we were earlier. Most people that I know here slept through it, and didn't know anything happened. I thank all of you that heard the news for praying for us here.

Some of our English and Spanish lessons here at the house sometimes takes a back seat because the Lord is opening doors to minister. It's either praying for one of the ladies or sharing scripture and confirming what the Lord has already said through a sermon from their pastor. I am so thankful for God's grace and patience and for confirming His word to us. And speaking of His word, I never keep my Bible out with me when when I fly. I always ask for a window seat so I can look out. I see those clouds and think of the scripture referring to them as the dust of his feet, and how high He will be when He returns, and how we will be going up to meet Him. It takes my breath away. Well, this time, I kept it out and laid it in the middle seat until I could sit down. I thought I would spend some time in Psalms. When I sat down, the lady sitting in the aisle seat tapped it and smiled at me while shaking her head up and down. The only thing she could say in English was thank you. We began talking and She told me that she was going through chemo for cancer and had already had a mastectomy. She also had osteoporosis really bad. I said, nosotros oramos (we pray) and she said yes. So we did. She had tears in her eyes when we finished and the stewardess came by and asked if she was alright. I told her we were praying. She affirmed that and went on down the aisle. God knows, doesn't He? We continued to visit after praying. She was flying to the states to see her grandson graduate.

Tomorrow I am going to learn how to make pupusas and tortillas. Pupusas are tortillas that have cheese and or other things like sausage or chicken inside. They're really good.

Thank you for all your prayers. You don't know how much it means to those of us that are here to know that people at home are praying for us. We, too, remember you.


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