Friday, February 5, 2016

Num.6:24-26 The LORD bless thee and keep thee: the Lord make his face to shine upon thee...

Yay! I have been home for two weeks now, and what a great blessing.  It feels so good to be here.
This coming Monday, teachers will return to school.  I don't think I'm ready yet.  I have been staying up late, 9:30-12:30, and getting up around 7:00.  And next week, I'll be back to going to bed at 8:00, and getting up at 4:00.  I keep saying that I'm going to bed early, but it hasn't happened yet.

It was great to visit my church in KS even though there are a lot of new people that I don't know.  I was able to spend some time with Pastors Bryan, Julie,  and their two boys.  And how my heart did sing when four year old Ethan said, " Bevury, I pray for you everyday/night." I love the way he pronounces my name. Cute!  And I praise the Lord for this little guy's faithfulness.  Thank you Pastors Bryan and Julie.  And since I arrived in the states without checks, etc., I'm thankful that Pastor Bryan could use online banking to help me stay faithful with my giving. 

It was great visiting with family and friends.  After church, Barbara and I went out to eat in Hutchinson since Carriage Crossing is closed on Sundays :( We ended up in this little Mom and Pop restaurant. Well, when we looked at the menu, we thought that we had made a big mistake.  We wanted a full meal, and the menu basically was sandwiches of one kind or another. Barb suggested that maybe we could drink our coffee and leave, but we continued to sit there.  Finally we decided to eat chicken fingers, but they also had chicken planks. When I asked the waitress, who was new, what they were, she said that she didn't know, but would ask.  About that time the owner appeared above the half wall that was next to us and explained that the planks were made form the breast of the chicken whereas the fingers were made from the meat under the wings.  So we decided to get those with mashed potatoes, etc.  Well, we decided that those chicken planks were pretty good, and we were glad that we had stayed.  But let me tell you, we had some pretty good laughs about our adventure. 

It was also great to visit the Ladies of Martha Circle.  I shared the scripture that the Lord had given me from Rev.12:11 as I did at Covenant Assembly.

Well, I started this a week or so ago. I'm so bad about writing any more.  But school for the teachers started this past Monday.  Jesslyn and I didn't have to go today because of meetings with the directors and other important people.  So I've cleaned my house etc. this morning.  Now to get some songs copied and made into booklets for my students.

Instead of going to the language school around the corner, Silvia, friend and teacher, is coming to my house on Mondays anf Fridays to help Jesslyn and me to continue our Spanish.  I'm so glad to be able to do this.  So my homework has been to help me get my message ready for the church.  Pastor is always asking me when I'm going to preach.  Well, my message is going to be my testimony from this past November and December.  I never write out a message that the Lord has given me to give.  I only write the the scriptures and a few points that I'm going to talk about.  But this will be in Spanish and that's a whole different ballgame.  So it has begun.  I'm almost finished with it, but then I need to practice it orally!  I thank the Lord for his ever present Holy Spirit.

So today is Friday, the only week day that I don't have a class in the afternoon.  So it's the one night that Jess and I go out to eat dinner, and then we watch a movie after.  What a great and relaxing time.  We need a girl's night out.  And that's what we do!

So I pray the Lord's blessing on my family and friends. Until later.

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