Monday, December 31, 2018

I may be clear out of my area, but I have to say this. I have lived in Honduras since 2009, minus one year in Costa Rica. If you come here, you are given a 90 day visa. If you overstay that visit you will have to pay a fine. I don't know what will happen past that. And I'm not planning to find out. You can get a residency card, but that too, has to be updated at the proper time or once again, you pay a fine.  And the fine depends on the amount of time that you are over due. You can pay for extra time while waiting on your residency.  
So why am I talking about this? Because I'm tired of hearing all the stuff about the border of the USA.  Every country has it's borders. If you go from one Central American country to another, you better have your passport, ID card, or whatever you have to prove who you are in order to enter their country.   Every Honduran that I know has an ID card with their picture, number, and whatever else is required by the government. Becky and I decided after leaving Choluteca, Southern HN, that we would go to El Salvador just to be going. Well, we didn't have our passports and we weren't allowed to enter except for turning around to head back from where we came. So why is the US supposed to be different and let anybody come in at any time for whatever reason, and there are basically no consequences to be had?
Most Hondurans that I know believe the migrants are out of their minds. I heard that 36 people left their jobs at one of the big banks in Tegucigalpa to join the caravan.  I thought, well there's 36 jobs for somebody. And do any of these people in the caravan look like their starving or are naked? And the babies and the kids? It is not President Trump's fault that these children have died. IT'S the PARENTS fault!!! Parents are responsible for the care of their children.  Would not a parent be 
charged with endangerment or maybe even manslaughter if they did that in the US? I don't know all the legal terms or laws, but I know that a parent would be charged with something in the US. 
I can only speak about what I have experienced here and observed. And I'm speaking in general terms about some things. Most Hondurans only obey laws when they want to do so. Most don't trust police because they don't obey the laws either.  And they don't listen very well at all! So when President Trump said, Don't come! They didn't listen or pay attention. My personal opinion is that if they don't obey the laws in their own country, why would they obey ours? I learned this past year that most Hondurans don't know their constitution. One of my adult students was shocked when I told her that I had a copy of the US Constitution. 
Another problem that I have seen is that children aren't taught to think! They aren't taught to evaluate, analyze, or to think individually. Most school work is done in groups. We all know that in a group, depending on its size, only one or two people actually work and the rest copy. And most don't want to read. If you find a reader here, it's like finding a real treasure.  The same with a person that tells the truth. Lying is common and a way of life.  So why am I here?  Because the Lord sent me here, and I really do like living here. You learn who to trust for whatever and who not to trust.  Those that speak and do truth become good friends.
So this has been my Vesuvius, and I feel better!

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