Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Gen. 2: 5...and there was not a man to till the ground.

 I have heard at different times from preachers that the people in Noah's time never saw rain and especially a flood. Therefore they mocked Noah. I disagree with this teaching. In Gen. 2:5-6, it says that God had not caused it to rain upon the earth because there was not a man to till the ground and that there was a mist that came up and watered the whole face of the ground. When Adam and Eve were put out of the garden,  Gen. 3:23 says that he, Adam, was sent out of the garden to till the ground from where he had been taken. And Cain had brought as an offering to God of the fruit of the ground because he was a tiller of the ground, Gen. 4: 2-3.  Ask any farmer, and they will tell you that the things they plant has to have rain in order to grow.

When Adam and Eve left the garden, they were no more in paradise. They had to work the ground in order to grow food. Now they had to deal with thorns and thistles and sweat! Gen. 3:17-19. Their sin had consequences. Yes, they were forgiven because God killed the animal(s) for a blood sacrifice and to clothe them with the animal skins, but they still suffered the consequences of their behavior. And so do we. Did the Lord help them after they left the garden? Does he help us when we have sinned and been forgiven? Of course he does. God does not change, ever. He is the same today, yesterday, and forever.

Noah was 600 years old when he entered the ark, Gen. 7:6.  Do you really think that there was no rain in that time? I've also heard preachers say that Noah was mocked for what he was doing. However,  the Bible doesn't say that. Jesus said in Mat. 24:37-39 that the people were unaware of what was going on because they were too busy doing their own thing. And he says so it will be when he comes. Perhaps that's why he says to watch and see that you not be deceived.

We have to read what the Lord's word says, and not put our own human minds and customs to it. Not even those of the preachers. If I don't agree with something that my pastor says, I always go to him and talk with him about it. And we both come away with understanding and appreciation for God's word and each other.

Blessed be the name of the Lord!

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