Monday, February 2, 2009

New Home

Today I rented Mario and Doris' house in the Valley. It has 3 bedrooms, big living/dining room area, small kitchen, 1 1/2 baths, and a hallway. It has a porch that goes all the way around the house. They are charging me very little-a lot less than Becky allotted for in my budget. They pay for water,except my drinking water, electricity, and phone(ha ha guys, it's a land line!!). I just have to pay for long distance, but then I have that instument called a cell phone. Anyway the only thing I won't have for a while is the internet, but Doris is going to see how much it will cost to install the cable since it goes right by their house. I also have the use of the washer and dryer. And guess what else? It has a bathtub-don't laugh. Most places here have only showers. But I'll have one of those, too. The school bus/van goes right by the house! Lobo, the BIG German Shepherd also lives there. So you don't have to worry about my safety. There is a family man that also stays and takes care of the property, that of course is fenced in. It's beautiful and I can't thank God enough for supppying it. But then, He does all things well, doesn't He? I don't have to buy sheets, blankets, etc. I pray God will pour Mario and Doris out a blessing that they won't be able to contain, because that is surely what He has done for me through them. He has just worked out every little detail, and I know He isn't done, because school hasn't even started. So this is the latest.
THANK YOU for all your prayers.

(Doug, I'll work on the blog thing!)

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